Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

It is Fleeting

Stop and smell the roses. 

Mark got some bad news last evening. Mark comes from a family of ten siblings. One called, the second oldest, a brother, to tell him the third oldest had a heart attack and died instantly at 6:00 pm that day. This brother was three years older than Mark and the first of his siblings to die. I have not been a part of Mark's family so any sadness I feel is for Mark. He has been handling it well, but I am certain there will be an emotional break at sometime. The call prompted Mark to bring up my mantra on life as aged people: smell the flowers, enjoy the moment, drink the wine. He said this drove that home for him. 

May you all follow a similar way, living life for all it is worth.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Yard Care

What we have been doing the past two days.

Mark finished this flower bed yesterday. It was overgrown with phlox, which he pulled out, leaving just a few. Now I can move some more iris in there and manage the phlox. I got a largish iris bed weeded and also cut all the saplings out of it. This place so wants to be a forest. We have four more flower beds to go, also foundation planting. Whew! 

We had a light overnight rain, just enough to make everything wet. More on the maintenance front, we concurred that cutting saplings out of the fence lines is a hopeless project. Something about the change in our climate has put the growth of these pesky softwoods on overdrive. There is no controlling them. I figure a solid wall of trees is also a barrier and we don't need the hot wire anymore. The elderly beasties aren't looking to go through a fence. In two years a forest has sprouted in the south end of Zing's paddock. They were saplings last year, now they are trees.

It feels good to be working outside again. I have to take breaks and my back finally does give out, but I am doing it. That's what matters, I am out and pulling weeds! I need to finish the Monday washing today. I did a load and then went outside and that was that. Oh, news......Neighbor Bill has fixed my mower! He is going to get a new battery and then I will be riding the home range once more. Yippee. I was pretty sure we were going to need to buy another.

 Isn't she pretty.