Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, October 18, 2024

Happy Friday

We are back to above average temperatures again for at least a week. I'll get back outside to work on that jumble. The son sent me a text asking if we would like him to come with lunch on Saturday. Of course! A visit with food is always welcome.

Speaking, figuratively, of food, I really knocked out the culinary skills yesterday with dinner. Oven baked wings and a salad, what an accomplishment! Simple is an understatement, good is not an overstatement. I buy beef and pork through Butcher Box, an online seller of organic meat and chicken, as well as fish and seafood. I've done this for several years, long before the pandemic. I get free wings for life. Or as long as I keep buying and they keep selling.

I placed an order for 11 bottles of non-alcohol wine last week from an online business started by a couple of young Italian men. It came Wednesday. There is no real comparison to, say a chardonnay, but it is pleasant enough and I can feel like I am drinking my one-time favorite beverage. Well, wine and gin. My son wrote a poem, a class assignment, when he was in second grade. "My mother is so very thin, that's cuz she drinks a lot of gin." What his teacher must have thought!! Ah, life.


Boud said...

I always hope teachers know better than to believe half of kids stories!

Rita said...

Brings to mind old-time TV...do you remember Kids Say the Darndest Things--lol! Was that on Art Linkletter?
You must be going to be a little warmer south of us. We only expect a couple of days in the low 70s on Sunday and Monday. We could use some rain and it shows rain on the radar today but, so far, I haven't seen a drop. Just thick grey cloudy sky.

Sandra said...

I do and it was Art Linkletter. Very funny! We have no rain forecast for as far out as the app goes. We need it.

Sandra said...

Boud, I met her later at a parent/teacher conference. She didn't seem to think ill of me, but she may have been good at covering her thoughts!

Miss Merry said...

I think we hear the same stories about teachers. I shared with my grandson's pre-k teacher that we hear everything she says to the class in the same tone of voice that she says it (we know he is quoting her when it is that voice, lol).
Your dinner looks FABULOUS!!!

e said...

Well, she probably had a sense of humor. Your dinner looks lovely.

nick said...

I might have mentioned before that Jenny and I have given up alcohol. We decided it wasn't doing anything for us so why keep forking out such large sums? And we haven't relapsed yet!

Sandra said...

That's funny, Miss Merry! Kids are creative, even when they don't know it.

Sandra said...

She did, e. I remember I liked her. Matthew liked her.

Sandra said...

I like wine, nick and can't really remember not having a wine glass in my hand at dinner as an adult. Even as a kid we were allowed a little bit of wine on holidays. I'm on 2 medications with a strong warning against alcohol and because they help me so much, I stopped drinking a year ago this month. Some zero alcohol fills the space a bit. It's not inexpensive!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I don't like much in the way of wine and rarely drink it, a visit with food is always good

Lori Skoog said...

Your son's poem was a gas! Of course I would be very happy to have that exact dinner. Milder here too and a good opportunity for getting things together outside. Enjoy lunch with your son!

peppylady (Dora) said...

At one time my culinary skills was pretty good. Now I wonder.

Anvilcloud said...

I've never tried the non-alcohol stuff, but I seldom drink wine or alcohol anyway.

CheerfulMonk said...

When Kaitlin was in first grade her teacher told us parents. "I promise not to believe everything they say about you, if you promise not to believe everything they say about me."