Friday, September 30, 2022
Life is Good
Thursday, September 29, 2022
The Trickle of Time

Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Have I Mentioned Tomatoes?
I have had a lousy few days of sinus issues. It's truly amazing how that can knock the wind right out of a person. My time has been in bed or in my over-stuffed chair I have humbled named the throne chair. I have been plowing through audiobooks, my extreme gratitude to the public library system.
I had a burst (ha!) of energy and decided to dry some more tomatoes and I will bring some of the whole ones to the freezer after lunch. I'm dehydrating some yellow plum tomatoes and will make Pesto Giallo. I have no idea if there is a pesto called that but it's pesto and it's yellow! Maybe Pesto Oro? We had a light frost overnight so Mark covered the two heavy producing tomato plants with sheets. I don't recall ever doing that before. By this time the plants are mostly done for the season.
A positive for me is Mark needs to go to the post office, which means he will pick up fried chicken from the deli. Cooks night off!
He and his brother, Tabs Hunter, were part-time house cats until Keetah moved in. They were too skittish to be inside with her. When he was born I mis-identified him as female. Mark kept telling me he had to be male because all he did was whine. He was right!
Monday, September 26, 2022
Down. Not Yet Out
I have been under the weather. I was out of bed two hours in the morning and three hours in the evening yesterday. Mark has had to fend for himself where food is concerned. I have to pull it together today before the stew meat I took from the freezer spoils. Needless to say, there was no bread baking or clafoutis making.
I felt better this morning but it was short. I haven't had sinus problems like this for several years, it's probably the dust accumulation I have in the house. My back has made keeping up difficult. It's so unlike me.
We are having lovely autumn weather, although we sure need rain.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Carpe Diem
Friday, September 23, 2022
Rain Tomatoes and French
We had a beautiful autumn day yesterday. Today it is 53 F and raining lightly, rain is welcome. Hopeful for rain all day, we need it.
Yesterday I picked.....40 lbs of Roma and yellow plum tomatoes! It's like these two plants are on steroids, I have never had so many tomatoes on one plant, ever. There's at least half that amount that will be ready to pick tomorrow. Both plants are simply loaded but most that are still green won't have a chance to ripen. I've been freezing them whole, now I'm going to start drying them. I think I will be able to keep the son in tomatoes this winter, if he wants them. I have offered pickles, we will not use 18 qts. I have Neighbor Bill to thank for those cucumbers. Yesterday I roasted all the tomatoes he recently gave me. It's about over now. This is around the corner.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Tomatoes Hay Propane
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Not All Forms Fit the Mold
He left his firm after it was acquired by a regional firm based in Wisconsin. They had a completely different corporate culture which was not in alignment with his own. So, he packed up his large client base and became a sole practitioner.
Over these years his clients aged, as did Mark. They sold their business, in some instances they died. It says a lot about Mark that he retained clients throughout his long career. Those remaining go back with him over forty-five years.
I was prompted to write this by a question I am asked; when is he going to retire. He is semi-retired and spends much of his day doing what had been my work. He likes it. He grew up on a dairy farm and likes animals and physical work. He is also a man of intelligence and well-honed skill. He enjoys what he is doing, his work of his long career and his work with what were my horses, now our horses.
There seems to be a box one is supposed to go into after a certain age. What if you have no interest in that box? There is no interest in living in a condo. Nor going to Florida or Arizona for the winter, god help me. I have thought about living in Grand Marais, which is far northern Minnesota! I guess that explains the "no thanks" to Florida and Arizona.
Preconceived notions.
Well, then. It's a cool, partly cloudy day. At the moment this old thing has a little energy and may actually do something productive with it. The aforementioned old man has taken Keetah for a long walk, turned fourteen horses out to pasture, fed Keetah, fed himself, cleaned the barn and now retreated to his office. I think he's got this.
Monday, September 19, 2022
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Friday, September 16, 2022
A Moment of Memory and Lament
These items are all from my great-grandparents on my father's side, the Hurds. I managed to acquire things belonging to his family from the grandmother before she died and then from my parents home after Kate died. My mother's personality disorder caused alienation on both sides of the family, which makes the fact she ended up with so much of his family's possessions strange. I guess my grandmother had affection for my father despite my mother.
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Autumn is in the air. I'm picking tomatoes in large amounts daily, but even so, it's autumn. Don't you love this time of year? Nice, temperate days, cool crisp evenings. Soon to be lighting a fire. I so enjoy the slow, cozy feel of this time and the winter to come. Part of my DNA may come from the hot and arid Sicily, but one wouldn't know it. I surely must be from the fjords of Norway. Yet, I'm a non-Northern European Minnesotan. In the lingo of my land, go figure.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Harry Chapin: When in Doubt, Do Something
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Best Fellow
Monday, September 12, 2022
I came of age in my teen years during the late 1960s. A time of turbulence, wonder, amazing music and culture change/shock. I was a nerdy kid, a bookworm, a square peg in the round hole of my surroundings. I had my rebellious period in the second half of my senior year. I had acquired enough credits to graduate. I really didn't need to behave. I would get a diploma anyway. I didn't behave. I got my diploma.
The summer following graduation I and two friends rented an upper floor apartment in a four-plex in an iffy area of St. Paul. We were in full teenage zeal. I can't call those the halcyon days exactly, they weren't actually peaceful, quiet times, but we experienced freedom of a sort new to us and we embraced it. Along the way, a friend asked a favor. Would we provide a place for her cousin to stay? The sixteen-year-old boy was from Chicago and had run away. Of course we would. How exciting! He was a quiet, nice boy and we took to him like eighteen-year-old mother hens. We found in conversation that our guest was from a family that was perhaps a little deeper than any of us could comprehend fully, which made it even more interesting. His father was a boss in the Chicago mafia. No joke. There had always been rumors about our friend's family being connected, but it was just something floating around, not sitting in your living room.
The boy got a phone call not too long after moving in with us. It was a one-sided conversation, with one syllable answers from him. His father had someone coming to pick him up and would be there in minutes. He hadn't been given notice, I imagine so he couldn't rabbit. A black sedan, either a Lincoln or Caddy, pulled in front of the building and two men got out. There was a knock on the door, I answered. Two men in dark suits and fedoras, Fedoras!, asked for the boy. He went into the hall, came back to get his things, ashen faced, and they left. That was it. We were a combination of terrified and thrilled, as only teenage girls can be.
With all the crazy things we did that summer, all the unleashed freedom we had, the memory that is etched in my brain is this one. A sweet young man, a large black sedan, two imposing, well-dressed men in fedoras. A cliche if ever there was one. Yet, not. As real as everyone in that space. I hope that boy did not grow into a Michael Corleone, but rather took a different path to a gentler life.
Friday, September 9, 2022
Life in My Lane
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Summer End, Bounty Continues
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
More of the Same
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Monday, September 5, 2022
If It's Monday....
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Lovely Day. Lovely Day. It's a Lovely Day
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Lovely Day
I'm feeling better, not there yet, but better. Well enough that I plan to do some much needed mowing this afternoon. Today and tomorrow will be moderate without the tropical humidity we've been cursed with. It's been a weird summer, for me. I feel like it's just floated past me somehow.
My son called yesterday. I don't hear from him regularly and I have accepted this as reality and no longer feel bad about it. It's who he is and that's that. It's very nice when I do talk to him. It was a fairly short but pleasant conversation. He and his wife are doing well. He was going to look at a truck he found on Craig's List. They want something to turn into a camping vehicle. I have a one ton diesel dually he's eyed for a long time. It's not up for grabs!
Yesterday the Republican candidate for Governor spoke to MPR at the State Fair. He owned the medical clinic I used, until he entered state politics several years ago. I don't like him at all and it wasn't his lousy politics but his lousy personality. Anyway, he stated that we should consider eliminating public education because it does such a poor job with the students. This has been a Republican wet dream for a long time, but they never came right out and said it. They worked on policy to erode the school systems, while acting like it's not them doing it. He said it out loud. Odin help us.
On another note; I'm putting these pretty little things on the ancient baking tray into the freezer and once frozen, into freezer bags. If frozen like this they don't stick together in the bags. The skin peels off easily when they are frozen and the tomatoes make great sauce. I like choices. I'm going to make pasta with roasted Romas and sautéed eggplant tonight. I'm beginning to be overrun by eggplant.
Friday, September 2, 2022
Too Hot. Isn't it September?
Boud, this is how to make herbed salt. Herbs of your choice. julochka, who put me onto it, also used edible flowers, which makes it prettier than mine without. Dry them, dehydrator or low oven. When dry, crush them and mix with sea salt. Easy-peasy.