Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, June 28, 2024

Despair. Roses. Rain. And More

The look on Frieda's face.....she is expressing how I felt after ten minutes of last evenings debate. I know there is a general attitude among democrats that Biden should not be criticized. Let's just say, his ego has gotten the better of us. It's not simply his age, although that is a factor. It's how he has aged. If anyone sees vitality in him could it please be pointed out to me? Confusion, that I see. Let me clarify, I will vote for him, the same reason I voted for him in the first place - Trump. Ego does get its way. 

Enough of that, if you watched, you saw.

Her majesty, the rambling rose, has been in full flourish for awhile now. I spent time cutting four feet tall catnip out of the side on the right of the screen. Catnip grows profusely here. I have another of this same rose in a garden to the left, not pictured. I spent considerable time weeding a large patch of wild violets, another plant that thrives. It does make a pretty ground cover.

It started to rain at about eight pm and continued through the night into early morning, with big wind. We lost power for three hours, but we were sleeping or in my case, dozing. No outside work on the menu today. It's soaked out there.

Lastly, yesterday I had trouble responding on some, but not all, blogs. Some I had to put my name in because it wouldn't let me sign into google, some were normal and Miss Merry's blog would not allow me to comment at all. Has anyone else had this happen? I would attribute this to a change in computer if it weren't so arbitrary.

Then we have this to ruin our lives.

Added on to post later. Heading for a NYT article:

Here’s What the Court’s Chevron Decision Could Mean in Everyday Terms

The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday to limit the broad regulatory authority of federal agencies could lead to the elimination or weakening of thousands of rules on the environment, health care, worker protection, food and drug safety, telecommunications, the financial sector and more.


BootsandBraids said...

I'm terrified about where things are heading, but for me, I'd still choose a sleepy blue life over a red death.

Sandra said...

B&B I agree with you, on both counts. The thing is, we shouldn't have to choose between a sleep blue and that horrid excuse for a human being. Yet, here we are. I am very worried.

Rita said...

That was the scariest and most shocking debate I have ever seen. (And that is saying something with several recent ones--for other orange reasons.) The most terrifying thing was that Biden himself proved Trump right! AWK! He should have stepped down like he said he would and only run for one term. Now he's put us in this terrible situation. I agree with you. This shouldn't have been our choice. I'll vote blue, regardless, but I am now extra worried. :(

Anvilcloud said...

Fearful of the outcome, I didn't watch. As a senior myself, I know that I can stumble verbally, but I understand and think well.

Sandra said...

Rita, after 10 minutes I couldn't watch it. The whole thing backfired on the geniuses who decided this was a good thing. I am so tired of voting for the lessor evil. I guess if Trump wins I won't have to worry about that anymore. I am verging on terrified.

Sandra said...

AC, we may stumble but this was worse than that. Joe couldn't get the most menial job out there, but he can run for president. I guess it's no surprise since a convicted felon is also able to be president. What a fecking mess.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Some blogs that have a reply in their comment section do not like Ipads or Iphones.. Not sure why.
Both are old men...both need to step down.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I double checked on Miss Merrys blog...yes she has the comments enabled with the reply...you can try Safari maybe that will let you comment. I don't have a problem with my Desktop only with the Ipad, again not sure why...blogger is funny sometimes:)

Lori Skoog said...

As for the debate....very sad, very scary. BUT! If these two are the candidates, I would not want Trump to be anywhere near our government. I hope you saw Biden in his next stop after the debate. The Supreme Court is trying to destroy us and I can't stand what they have been doing. They certainly are not looking out for the welfare of our country. Which Mac did you get? I love reading about all the projects you have been able to work on, now that you are feeling better. Hope that includes visiting your horses.

Ami said...

The debate didn't change my mind, I already know who to vote against. Sad and messy state of affairs.

I love the roses. They always smell so nice on the climbing kind o' roses.

And when I replaced my computer, I had the same issues you're having. Then one day they just... resolved. I don't know why. I hadn't done anything different.

Sandra said...

Far Side, it is odd. Some blogs, no problem. I installed Chrome and now, no problem. Google likes its own product I guess!

Sandra said...

Lori, I saw a clip of his rally. I will definitely vote for Biden, I wish I didn't have to. I am doing better, my balance is very poor so I cannot handle the horses but I see them.

Sandra said...

That's the way to put it, Ami. There is no choice. I have to use Chrome on this site if I want to comment on the blogs that don't let with Safari.

nick said...

I read that Jill Biden is urging her husband to carry on, and that a 90 minute ineptness will soon be forgotten about. Personally I think Biden should step down in favour of someone more capable of trouncing Trump. What luck for Frieda that all she has to worry about is getting her next meal.

Sandra said...

nick, I read that today, also. A small group of family and people close to him are encouraging him. Biden
s very large ego will not allow him to do what he should. What is wrong with those encouraging, can't they see this is a form of abuse?

Frieda showed up her November '19. She stayed in the barn for a week or so, then came to the door and actually put a paw on the glass and knocked!She came in like she owned the place. Which I guess she does.

Miss Merry said...

I'm sorry you couldn't reply. I don't know what is up with the darn thing. I had to set it to approve comments since I was getting a lot of spam, but it should unable the function.

I have had a few days. First, who is the idiot that prepped Biden? And how old was the prepper? That resting ga-ga face when Trump was talking. They should have practiced a mild laugh in your face look. Horrible. And, after thinking about it, I think some other idiot loaded him with antihistamines beforehand for that cold. He perked up at the next event and the next day. Could his team be any worse for him???????

It scares the bejesus out of me. I am so upset.

e said...

I hope Biden makes some changes in his team...Scary times ahead ahead if trump is elected...

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, I used Chrome instead of safari and was able to comment. I always used Safari before, but with the new computer some blogs won't let me.

His advisors were family and people close to him. Six days huddled at Camp David. This is about Biden and his ego, not the country. I see the early stages of dementia. There are good days and not good days with early onset dementia. He had a not good day for the debate and a good day for the rally. No business would hire him to do anything, yet he can be in the most important job possibly in the world? I will repeat, I will vote for him but I don't like it.

Sandra said...

e, Biden has the team he wants. Prepping cannot do a thing with mental ability checking out. It can't do a thing about the empty stare. I am feeling terror creep into my veins.

Pixie said...

Biden, whom I think is amazing, looked like an old man last week, slightly confused at what he was doing there with almost no expression on his face. He needs to retire poor man, although he's still better than the POS alternative.

Sandra said...

Pixie, Biden did really well the first two years. It was actually kind of amazing. I think the last two years was not so much, but no harm. I spent 10 year of my life working with geriatrics and also taking college courses paid for by my employer in geriatrics. I'm not an expert but I do have that experience. I've seen a whole lot of Joe Biden. I feel this is abuse, even if he is insisting he is just fine. He's not. Being put on a stage with that monster to be mauled by him and then face the consequences, the consequences of a whole lot of people seeing over a couple of hours what has seen in bits over time. I will still vote for him, the alternative is the destruction of an already shaky country.