Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Curses and Blessings

Another day, another headache. I am getting better, but it is slow. My mother cursed me with arthritic hands and messed up sinuses. We all have something, don't we. That's it for moaning about myself. For now, anyway.

We have a lovely, sunny morning. It's unseasonably warm, it feels like spring. Spring does not happen here this early, but here we are. For now anyway. 

I'm going to have company in March. In 2008, on blogger, I met an American who lived in Denmark. She was from South Dakota, long story short, she met a Dane while in the Baltics on a Fulbright. They married and her life started again in another country. In 2010 she, with her husband and eight year old daughter, came to visit on their way to visit family in SD. Another blogger from Northern MN also came with her family for the day. After this very enjoyable group meeting my friend stopped here on her way to see family on a semi-regular basis. Life changed, no family to visit anymore and daughter went to college in Arizona. 

She will be flying into the Twin Cities and will spend a day here before traveling on for a meetup with a sister and cousins to visit a remaining aunt. I think the last visit was 2019, so this is a welcome surprise. She is smart, funny and worldly. This is one of the marvels of the internet.

We've had pasta in varying forms for most of a week since I'm not feeling well. It's so quick and easy, it's my go-to. Tonight I plan to make Giada's sheet pan lasagna. It's really good and it is simple. That's the plan anyway.


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Good Morning

Groceries were bought. Bags were inspected. A good time was had.

Frieda is consistant. Even in repose she has a grumpy face. One of our commonalities.

We've had beautiful sunshine for several days, so we were due for dreary. And we got it. I haven't felt well, both physically and emotionally, for several days. My chronic sinus problem decided to flareup and my damaged brain retreated to its comfort place, not deeply, though. Just enough to lose motivation and not feeling well didn't help. Weird that it's a cloudy day and yet I am feeling better. I am like Frieda, I guess!

I did make bread and I decided after making an eggless chocolate cake, thank you, Boud, that I would make a flourless chocolate cake. That type of cake I've made often, the eggless was new to me. 

I had a nice talk with my friend who moved to the far-flung wilds of very northwestern Minnesota to work at a college. She will be returning to the Twin Cities when the term is finished in May. The job did not work for her. It will be good to have a person I see once-in-a-while around again. She's 27 years younger than I am but is still a person who prefers talking to texting. We can both talk a lot.

There's my news. I'm off to read some blogs after I refill my coffee cup.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Step away from the remote.

Did you not understand Frieda?

Possy heard the dinner bell.

Then we heard the dinner bell. 

All I have today is a bit of whimsey. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


My activist friend, Boud, asked us to repost this since it gets very little, if any, play from the media. So, I did. Anyone who does not understand this is a constitutional crisis needs to turn the scenario around. What if Harris had won and did the exact same thing. What would you think of that? We have laws, institutions and procedures. We may not always agree with how these systems work, but overall, they do. If we want change, do it the legal way. Not doing it that way is a coup, no matter who is doing it.

*Edited to say this is the ad The Washington Post pulled the plug on.

My hometown, St Paul. Keep in mind we had double digit below zero for most of the day.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Cold and Cake

Yesterday was busy for me. I didn't get the chance to visit many of you but it's back to a regular day on this cold Tuesday. -16F/ -26.7C. Brrr is the word. Boud brought up eggless chocolate cake, something I had not heard of. I've made plenty of flourless cakes but this was new to me. Yesterday I decided to give it a try. There was a recipe for chocolate sauce, which I used. My cake pan was too large so it is on the thin side, but still good. It's got a brownie-like texture. I don't know if I'll make it again, because I rarely make cakes, but I would call it a success. Thanks for the idea, Boud.

I had PT yesterday. She worked on my stubborn spine for quite awhile and gave me two new exercises. She said I may want to break them up throughout the day. I am already doing that. Today the nerves in my back are wide awake! Ouch.

I plan to make soup with a couple of smoked pork hocks this morning. We are definitely having soup weather. I'll probably take some pain medication and actually try to get something done. Dust is settling everywhere despite my four air purifiers. Where is a self-cleaning house when I need one?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Quiet Times

How to spend a cold winter night.

We got a couple of inches of snow. It's so much nicer to see the white ground instead of the dreary brown. We had a visit with Neighbor Bill yesterday. He comes here to talk about the state of our Union. As I have said, we live in a very RED community, leaving very few options for the other-minded. Anger is brewing. 

The stray orange kitty is still here. I saw him go through the small opening I had cut into the hayloft door years ago for cats. The cat is fed and sheltered. I hoped he was living in there and it seems he is. Gatto and Frieda stare at him through the glass kitchen door as he eats, entranced. 

It's about time for me to get moving. I'll see what mischief I can get into. 

Enjoy your Saturday.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Take Comfort Where You Find It.

It's cold. It will remain so through next week, double digit  subzero overnight temperatures most days. I made chicken and dumpling soup yesterday. I'd made the blueberry galette the day before and it is our after lunch treat. This is definitely comfort food weather.


Frieda had her own coup, taking over my chair in the kitchen. I had to move to a different spot at the table, as Frieda normally gets what Frieda wants. They are coddled, why not? They cannot think of a reason why they should not be and either can I. 

I wanted to make a quick appearance before I settle into my day. I'm feeling out of sorts. Many of us are. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025



Good Morning! It's a balmy -12F/-24 C this bright sunny day. That will get your blood flowing. Or is it freezing? I saw the physical therapist yesterday. She really worked the muscles along my spine, they had gone into full throttle protective mode after my couple of over-done days. She did point out that there was something positive about it. I felt good enough to overdo. She was right. So now, behave myself, that's the prescription.

Not Gatto. Crabby Tabby, getting some respite from the cold on Mark's lap. Is this the lap of luxury? He thinks so. I haven't any plans for the day. I would like to have some productive time, I just need to decide what this will be. I have blueberries I need to use. I thought there was a sheet of puff pastry in the freezer, but there isn't. Perhaps a simple galette. Simple is my word these days. 

Chicken, couscous and roasted asparagus. Staying in the simple zone.

Stay warm and eat something good. We deserve it.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Kitchen Day #2

Yesterday was another day spent in the kitchen. Spending the day in the kitchen is relaxing when it's where you want to be. I cleaned up my impressive mess from the prior day, I am not a tidy clean-as-you-go person, after I added to it by making pesto with the fennel fronds. I used pistachios, which are perhaps my favorite, with cashews a very close second. I ate more than I put in the food processor. I did. I reasoned nuts are good for you. We had a couple of inches of fluffy snow in the morning, not enough to plow, which is how I thought my morning would be spent. It's pleasant to see the ground covered in white instead of the dull, depressing brown it has been.


I braised a couple of beef ribs in tomato sauce after lunch, making dinner a snap. Baking and cooking have been effective stress relievers for me. My freezers are stuffed with bread, which is not a bad thing. I semi-plan a blueberry tart today, having one sheet of puff pastry in my overstuffed refrigerator freezer.

Along with the welcome snow we have much appreciated sunshine today. It's currently zero F with a high of 19 F. Very doable. PT tomorrow. On a bright note, I am walking better for short periods of time. Standing too long in the kitchen has caused some problems, I need to take advice and rest before it becomes difficult. I have that "just work through it" mindset, which is not going so well for me.

So...that's the story, not fascinating but whatta ya gonna do? Carry on, that's what we do.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Kneading Bread Relieves Tension

I spent yesterday in the kitchen baking. Baking breads to be exact. There are sandwich rolls placed in the freezer and....

.....a couple of loaves, now sliced and most placed in the freezer. I haven't got around to the gelato I want to make. Perhaps today? It's snowing, doesn't everyone want gelato along with the snow?

If you are ever looking for a very, I mean very simple meal when you are hungry but don't fancy cooking, look no further. Cacio e pepe, cheese and pepper. Olive oil, butter, parmesan and pecorino, or just one of the two. I add garlic, because I always add garlic. I didn't make this as cheesy as it normally is, I wanted something lighter. Still good as far as I was concerned.

Now, Debbie Downer here. Someone, who has no business doing any of what he is doing, has taken control of the Kennedy Center and made himself chairman of the board. The board he fired. What will it take for this to stop? This, my friends, is the definition of authoritarianism. Those applauding, stop for just one moment and think about what you are cheering on. Just a brief thought. Let the full magnitude of it sink in, if just for a minute. Use some critical thinking, come out of the fog.

Happy Saturday.

Thursday, February 6, 2025


Marlane asked if I had any Arabian Horse Times from when I was showing Zing (also I have showing others). These are a few of Zing.


Zing's dam, my foundation mare, LF Diamond Rose. She died foaling Zing. Her first foal and mine, Tempered Steele (Babe, now 30 years old) and Babe's daughter, WF Sirius Grace.

Another of Mama Rose's daughters, WF Al Malika. This one went on to a successful halter career, purchased by a trainer.

This is Malika at Scottsdale.

I have more photos from the Times plus from horse shows that I will post from time-to-time. Lots of fond memories, taking me back some decades. I enjoyed it for years, until I did not. The show world can be wonderful and it can be brutal. I did continue to enjoy dressage, but not the showing aspect of it. I lost the drive somewhere along the years.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Oh, Canada

My Canadian Friends....WF Last of Roses (Zing) has been to Canada. Regina, Saskatchewan, when Canadian Nationals (Arabian) were still held there. This was 2004. Zing was three and he was Top Ten in the Arabian Stallion Halter Futurity. That was a big deal for a small player like me. The Arabian world is littered with BIG money people. I enjoyed my time in Regina, though I must say I have never seem such a flat landscape! Obviously, I have not spent time in the American plains area. The Canadian people were extremely welcoming. I used to go to Canada often in my younger years, the first time I was maybe twelve, my Girl Scout troop took a train to Winnipeg. I have lots of photos from that time. 2004 was my last trip there. Zing is with his trainer, Dianne.


This was a pleasant trip down memory lane. Speaking of Canada, we are still a first cousin, our weather proves it. -2 F/-19 C at the moment. 

I had PT yesterday and I really like the therapist. I have real hope that I'm on the road to improvement. She told me when there is pain, the muscle jumps in to protect the spine. The muscle around my spine and neck are TIGHT! She has been working the muscle when I go in and I have several exercises to help that I do at home. Some of the places she hits almost puts me airborne. 

Hope is a powerful thing.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Nothing Much

I wanted to video Zing, aka Mr. Wonderful, at his hay, but as soon as he spotted me....he left. Talk about disrespect. And I was his human mama. Ingrate.

The eternal two-year-old is twenty-four. It seems like last week I was raising this orphaned foal.

It was in the 30s F yesterday, but blustery winds override temperature every time. Turn the volume on to hear the wind chime. I made Italian flat bread yesterday and we shared one at dinner with the tomato sauce I made during the day and some egg noodles. It was a good day to spend in the kitchen.

Today will be another quiet one. I'll make some bread, oven roast ribs and listen to my latest book. It's what I do to relieve the stress many of us are feeling. May you all have your own way of decompressing.