Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Tell Me He Isn't Cool

While much of the US and Canada have been under a heat dome, this was us last evening. McCool knows how it's done.

Rain. On top of rain. Did I mention Rain? After three years of drought I am hesitant to complain, but, man, is it possible to get a couple days off? Asking for a friend. Southern Minnesota and Northwestern Iowa had 17 inches of rain, according to this mornings local news. My friend in that part of Iowa texted last evening saying they'd had 12 inches and one to three inches an hour more was predicted that night. There is flooding down there. It seems the new normal is feast or famine.

It's too wet to work in the yard, water is standing everywhere. We live at the top of a hill, yet we still have ponds and streams. The sump pump didn't need to work for three years and now it's on overtime. Am I complaining? Not fully, just kvetching. On a positive note, the muscle relaxer has helped my back. It's still tight but not as tight, allowing me to do more stretching exercises. I may actually be able to operate at 75% capacity if I work at it. This is a win. 

I'll leave on a positive. Make it a good one.


Far Side of Fifty said...

We have had 7 plus inches of rain in the past four days and more coming today. Stay cool!

Sandra said...

I don't know our total but it's a lot, Far Side. Temp isn't high but humidity is. Someday I will get the annuals in the pots!

Anvilcloud said...

I could probably use your muscle relaxer for my spasms. But it is getting a little better. Sorry about the deluge. We are having more than normal precip with the occasional dry, heat wave to break the pattern up.

Boud said...

That's a ton of rain. We're definitely living extremes these days. I'm creeping out in the early morning to water my flowers, lest they dry up and perish.

Very good news about your back.

Val Ewing said...

Ugh. I'm not going to complain, but I am...we are soggy now. We live in ridges and valleys. The fields above the ridges have ponds that are seeping down into the valleys.

At least I have water in my creek. The yard goes gush gush when I walk on it.
I'm glad the muscle relaxers will help you stretch.

We are staying cool and watching the rain gauge fill up.

Rita said...

We've got flooding up here on the Red River, too. Yes, drought or flooding aren't great choices.
Glad the meds are helping! :)

Sandra said...

AC, it's taken a couple of weeks for it to be noticeable but it's suddenly much better. Remember them for next time your back acts up. I think when it finally stops rain it's going to be miserable.

Sandra said...

Boud, we are. I fear it's only going to get worse. It doesn't take long for plants to wilt in the kind of heat you have had.

It feels so different to be so reduced in the stiffness.

Sandra said...

Val, it's raining again. We squish on the greats and sink in the mud. Water in your creek is the benefit.

Sandra said...

The Red River is prone to flooding if my memory is correct, Rita. We have the Crow River but we are far enough away from it. You know MN, there are lakes, rivers and streams within a stones throw no matter where you are. I glad to be at the top of a hill!

e said...

Sweating because AC is on the blink. Humid. hot. wet here. I am glad you are doing well[.

Lori Skoog said...

The rain keeps missing us but we may get some tomorrow. 17 inches! That is outrageous. Getting to 75% could not be more fantastic....you are on such a roll.

Sandra said...

oh, no e. I hope you have some fans. Not the time for that to happen, but always seems to when it's the worst timing.

Sandra said...

Lori, my friend sent me photos. It's terrible. His sump pump has worked so far, but he has horses that he has to move around because of the water.

I need to be more consistent with my exercise. I have never been good at doing it. That's why the work I did was a benefit. I exercised all day! Fingers crossed it rains where you are.