Good Morning! It's a balmy -12F/-24 C this bright sunny day. That will get your blood flowing. Or is it freezing? I saw the physical therapist yesterday. She really worked the muscles along my spine, they had gone into full throttle protective mode after my couple of over-done days. She did point out that there was something positive about it. I felt good enough to overdo. She was right. So now, behave myself, that's the prescription.
Not Gatto. Crabby Tabby, getting some respite from the cold on Mark's lap. Is this the lap of luxury? He thinks so. I haven't any plans for the day. I would like to have some productive time, I just need to decide what this will be. I have blueberries I need to use. I thought there was a sheet of puff pastry in the freezer, but there isn't. Perhaps a simple galette. Simple is my word these days.
If you produce a delicious looking meal like that describing it as in the simple zone, I'm impressed and it looks delicious! I hope your physiotherapist worked some magic on your back. That's a really sweet picture of Crabby Tabby, looks so comfortable! Have a good one Sandra :) I hope you will share a photo of what you did with those blueberries :)
Good food, simply cooked, is gourmet eating.
Wonderfully put, Boud!!
Looks like a fine meal to me! Yes stay the temperature plummet.
It's simple enough. Just marinated pan-fried chicken, about 10 minutes of doing basically nothing with couscous and the same with the asparagus. 20 minutes and done, Denise! Crabby Tabby was one of 4 kittens born in the barn in 2015. Mama isn't around anymore but the now adult cats are. One is full-time house cat due to an injury, Tabby is part-time and Black McCool in mostly a house cat. He asks to go outside, he finds a litter box beneath his tuxedoed dignity! I think I'll make a galette. No worries about me showing food photos, it's what I've got. Other than cats.
It was good, Far Side. Also easy, but as Boud said, easy doesn't mean bland.
Your supper looks delicious! And snuggling with a kitty is a great way to stay warm this winter!
That meal looks gourmet to me! We're having the last throes of winter here. That doesn't mean we won't have more snow next month, but it will be spring, not winter. (I go by the meteorological calendar --- winter is December, January, February). Anyway, stay warm and cozy! ❤️
It will be almost as cold here tonight and we are promised a major snowstorm tomorrow.
It can be easy to over-do at times. Glad you're enjoying a rest. I just ate blueberries, homemade non-dairy yoghurt with a little local maple. Delightful. Dunno what's for supper yet. Something with the air fryer oven lid, no doubt.
Wishing you a groovy week. Already Tuesday. Where do the days go? Whoosh, I say. Whoosh.
It was not too long ago that you were not able to overdo it! Progress! Boy! I hope you don't send us your cold temperatures. Mid 20s in our neck of the woods but we will be getting more snow this week. I could eat that dinner along with everything else you make. Got some yeast and will be talking Gary into making bread....will let you know how it turns out.
The weather gurus are predicting an ice storm here. Something I had hoped we managed to evade this year.
You reminded me that I have some puff pastry in my freezer. My favorite dish to make with that isn't a dessert, though. I do some sauteed chicken breast chunks. Butter, garlic, celery, mushrooms all sauteed, scoop 'em out, toss the chicken in with a bit more butter. Squish in a brick of cream cheese and fill the pastries. I make them triangular turnover style. Okay now I'm drooling and it's your fault because I wouldn't have thought of this on my own tonight.
Stay warm!!
I can only look at all these delicious photos of food and admire them!
Maybe I will make cookies today. That could be my culinary effort!
It is that, Miss Merry.
The meteorological calendar doesn't work here, Cheerful. March is definitely winter here. April can be, too.
We haven't had a major snowstorm, AC. I haven't had to plow one this year. Yet, anyway. Hunker down and stay warm.
Non dairy yoghurt, how is this made? I did make a galette. Time is zooming by me at the speed of light.
It's a no fail recipe, Lori. The rolls I made with it turned out great. A minus in front of the 20 isn't common where you are but I bet it does happen. It doesn't happen as regularly as it did anymore. I speak to the weather gods, but they ignore me, so you may be in for some colder weather.
Let me know how they turn out when you make them this weekend, Ami!
I love cookies, Val. Which is why I rarely make them. I could eat them all as they come out of the oven!
Your simple would be super fancy for me--lol!
Yup--overdoing it when we feel better. We were just talking about that--lol! Hard not to do.
Stay warm and safe, my friend. :)
You sound happy and that plate looks lovely. Gatto has it good!
Your dinner looks amazing.
I was looking at Gatto and he remined me of a piece of candy. A vanilla cream (his white fur) then his ginger fur is the caramel. I think they were candy made the Brach candy company.
Stay Safe,
Crabby Tabby looks quite comfy in the Lap of Luxury. It turned Cold here too, after having a long run of over 80, now it's dropped into the 50-60 range again everyone is getting Sick from the fluctuation. The Weather has been fickle, glad we attended the Renaissance Festival while it was still Glorious and before the Weather turned again and decided Winter weren't over yet. Dammit.
It is hard not to, Rita. The exercises are making me sore, so I'd easy to not over-do at the moment. It's cold out there!
I have some hope, e. That means a lot.
I remember that candy, Kaye. The orange boys are sweet as candy.
I was reading your Renaissance post, Dawn, then I got a phone call and forgot to go back. Your brother took some good photos. I've been to the festival a couple of times in the 80s, not since though. We are currently -11 but no wind. That makes a huge difference.
Hi Sandra, thanks for the instructions . Lovely to know about the kitties and their history too. Enjoy your day :)
I'm trying, Denise.
Just had more non-dairy yoghurt with red raspberries. Now I'm eating just the berries. Video and/or post coming up on the how too. So yum.
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