Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Cold and Cake

Yesterday was busy for me. I didn't get the chance to visit many of you but it's back to a regular day on this cold Tuesday. -16F/ -26.7C. Brrr is the word. Boud brought up eggless chocolate cake, something I had not heard of. I've made plenty of flourless cakes but this was new to me. Yesterday I decided to give it a try. There was a recipe for chocolate sauce, which I used. My cake pan was too large so it is on the thin side, but still good. It's got a brownie-like texture. I don't know if I'll make it again, because I rarely make cakes, but I would call it a success. Thanks for the idea, Boud.

I had PT yesterday. She worked on my stubborn spine for quite awhile and gave me two new exercises. She said I may want to break them up throughout the day. I am already doing that. Today the nerves in my back are wide awake! Ouch.

I plan to make soup with a couple of smoked pork hocks this morning. We are definitely having soup weather. I'll probably take some pain medication and actually try to get something done. Dust is settling everywhere despite my four air purifiers. Where is a self-cleaning house when I need one?


The Happy Whisk said...

So sorry that your nerves are WIDE awake. That's not fun for sure. As for eggs .... I never bake with them in desserts. Or waffles. Or pancakes. As for soup, I'm making that today too! Well, I'm making strong veggie broth to be used in soups later. In the 8qt instapot so really, aside from chopping and herbs, I don't do much of the work. The pressure cooker does it all. Hope you feel better soon. Here's to a rockin' good week.

Pixie said...

I would love to have a self cleaning house as well, even though cleaning does bring me satisfaction. I wonder if I would actually give it up.
Stay warm my friend.

Boud said...

A self cleaning house, yes. But then my lovely cleaning family would be unemployed! I'm glad you tried the cake. It's my go to, usually well received.

Lori Skoog said...

Yum and yum! Keep moving. Has heat been suggested for your back? I use a big heating pad on mine every morning before going out to the barn.

e said...

Any heat from blankets to jackets to socks is a good idea. Ouch on the nerves and back. I have the same .I hope your day is a good one. Yes, a self cleaning house is a good idea, great fantasy.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sign me up for the self cleaning house although here at Jens I just dust and clean bathrooms she does the rest:)

Miss Merry said...

Your cake looks so delicious as does your dinner! I am here for those food pictures! I hope the new exercises help you.

Barwitzki said...

We also have soup weather, but today I made pancakes with buckwheat flour, eggs, kefir and raisins... your chocolate cake looks delicious too... just like the spaghetti with the meat.
Kind regards from Viola.
All good wishes for you.

Sandra said...

Vegans need to be creative in their cooking, Ivy. My DIL is a vegan and my son helped a friend for awhile with his vegan cafe when he needed a chef, so he learned a lot about cooking without all of that. The nerves waking up is a good sign but not a good feel!

Sandra said...

There's the question, Pixie. I am perhaps too controlling to let it clean itself. I'd rather live with the dust than turn over the job!!

Sandra said...

You sort of have that in your cleaning family, Boud. I like the cake and I tally you mention it. Learning new things is good for me.

Sandra said...

She feel ice would be better, Lori, so I use both. Because I like a heating pad.

Sandra said...

It's not any fun at all, is it, e. Or maybe the Jetson's Rosie the Robot.😉

Sandra said...

Well, you are 3/4s of the way there, Far Side.

Sandra said...

We can thank Boud for the cake, Miss Merry. As long as I'm breathing there will probably be food photos. We have to eat, which means I simply must take photos!

Sandra said...

Thank you, Viola. I need to take the time to make pancakes. It's been years since I have done. Around here, when in doubt the pasta comes out!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh boy, I would be a real wimp in those temperatures! Your flourless cake looks delicious and if it has chocolate anywhere, sign me up 😊 Sorry that your back is still giving you problems, and hope the PT helps. The food you shared looks scrumptious and thanks for telling me before how you made another dish. I love getting these ideas. Enjoy the rest of your week with hopefully lots of relief.

Val Ewing said...

I'm thinking of collecting some of that dust to make into something. Kidding. So dry here everything is turning to dust. I have a humidifier and a air purifier running.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm sorry about the pain, but that food is making me hungry! Stay warm and safe.

The Happy Whisk said...

I tell you. I'm a food writer and baker who doesn't use eggs or cow milk and it is actually quite easy. I also don't use refined oils or white sugar ( I just don't fancy that stuff in my baking). Or vegan butter substitutes. None of that is really needed if someone doesn't want to use them. Hope you feel all the way better soon.

Anvilcloud said...

With my nose issue, I might have been able to use a purifier yesterday. But probably not. It was likely just one of those things.

Rita said...

That does remind me of brownies, but it sure looks good!
When the county suggested a cleaning girl to me--at first I thought I couldn't handle some stranger in my house doing what I wanted to still be doing (but couldn't). Once I got used to it, I wish they could stay longer and do more--lol! ;) I became more adaptable than I ever expected. Not that any of them clean as thoroughly as I always did...but since I can no longer do it all myself...can't complain. ;)

Sandra said...

Hi, Denise. The cake is eggless, not flourless. It's surprisingly good. Minnesota has warmed over the past 15 years or so. This used to be the norm, now it's an event! My back has been a problem for 4 years. The good news is it is improving!

Sandra said...

Now there is an idea, Val!

Sandra said...

Sometimes pain indicates healing. That's what I'm going with anyway, Cheerful!

Sandra said...

That requires a lot of creativity, Ivy.

Sandra said...

I need them, AC. It makes a huge difference for me, although I'm certain they add a lot to the electric bill.

Sandra said...

Mark has a phrase that often drives me mad, but sometimes is appropriate...good enough. What they do is good enough, Rita!