Saturday, December 31, 2022
Merriment My Way
Friday, December 30, 2022
Complaints. Resolution.
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Frieda has reclaimed her ottoman and throw.
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Friday, December 23, 2022
Let Me In
....this little guy was in the screen porch yowling like his life depended on it. Which it very well may have. He had trouble walking, his feet were frozen, and he was shivering. I brought him in and held him until he was warm. Keetah got a chance to sniff him like he might be carrying drug paraphernalia. When he wanted down, I let him. Keetah followed him and he didn't care. This is the most nonreactive cat I've met. My cats gave him evil eyes and a few warning hisses, which meant nothing to him. He explored the house, met the litter boxes and yowled some. He is young and intact. I don't think he's at the spraying stage yet.
This morning he is not to be found. He has to be somewhere unless he has magical powers. Mark is worried. If a cat wants to hide, they will hide. Or, he's a demon. I think he's a cat.
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Time in Chime
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Snug. As a Bug.
It is my favorite room in the house, especially in winter. It has two names; spring/summer it is the sunroom. Autumn/winter it is the snug. I borrowed this word from the English. I will admit watching waaaaaaay too many episodes of Escape to the Country, where I was introduced to it. I cannot think of a more appropriate word for this close, warm spot.
It was -11 F this morning. It's not supposed to break 0 today. Snow is expected all day with high wind blowing in Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I think I need to tell the son we won't make it on Sunday. We won't plow out until the wind and snow stop. That will be Sunday. The horses will be in the barn for those days, which means more work when they do get out. It's simply a reality when you live a rural life and have livestock. They must be tended to and the snow must be plowed before we can leave. I, nor Mark, need drama. We will visit another day. New Years if they are available.
We have plenty of everything and just incase we don't I placed an Aldi order which Mark will pick up after his medical appointment this morning. Unlike Val, I did not have the propane tank filled, last week it was at 45% which will be enough until after the weekend. Pellets for the stove, wood for the fireplace (no Bat Cave fire this Christmas), food, wine, coffee.....all I can want in life!
So, a tour through the snug, a list of weather related issues and a glimpse of life in the slow lane. I think I will leave it at that.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Snow. Wind. Snow.
Mark is trudging to the barn for chores. We'd just had five more round bales delivered so we have plenty of hay to get us through this cold week, although I don't think the horses will be outside for a couple of those days. I think a storm is blowing in tomorrow.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
My mother died in May, 2020. My father died ten years prior. He was also ten years older than she was. They lived in the house I grew up in for over sixty years and they weren't people who disposed of things. It took me eight months to get the house cleared out and ready to sell. I spent most of that year in St. Paul, in the neighborhood I grew up in, where no one I knew from those long ago days remained. This radio had been in the basement since we lived there. If I ever knew anything about it, I have forgotten. I know it used to work. Decades of unmanaged dampness took its toll on the veneer. I have no idea how old it is, if it belonged to my father before my mother or had they bought it? I decided to bring it home, clean it up but not try to fix it. It''s got damage from moisture in the top and along the bottom. It's sort of a metaphor for life, if I think about it. In this case it ended up with a more difficult situation, survived and is able to spend the rest of its time displaying my Howard. A resurrection of sorts.

I bought the poster I call Psychedelic Howard online several years ago. It's uncanny how much it looks like Howie. Even down to the woeful, the world-is-too-heavy-for-my-shoulders expression. The old radio fit right into the spot in the corner. I brought home a craftsman rocker from the house, it was stuck in the back of my father's huge shed. I need to put new fabric on the seat, otherwise it managed to survive in good condition. I may put it in the spot where the plant is.
Anyone else affected by a change in barometric pressure. When it goes down, my whole body inflames. Yesterday was one of those days. I ended up loading the dishwasher and making dinner. In between I did nothing. So much for plans. I told Mark a few minutes ago that I'm not sure this is a good thing, but I realized as I'm frittering away the morning I have no guilt at all. That ingrained yankee work ethic is melting away. Not that I've worked all that hard the past couple of years, but I've spent many hours feeling guilty about not doing so. This morning, another cup of coffee, read another blog, repeat. Mark said not feeling guilty is good. He doesn't practice what he preaches.
I think I've covered whatever popped up in my brain for now. I'm going to mix some bread dough. I got my flour order yesterday, I may as well put some of it to use. Oh, it's cold outside, it was around 0 F this morning. Not getting out of single digits. I am happy Bill fixed the pellet stove!
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Books. Cats.
Friday, December 16, 2022
The Staff of Life
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Rain. Sleet. Snow.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Gloomy Day
What makes lentils even better? Shredded cheese!
Monday, December 12, 2022
Reading. Listening.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Therapy Session
My name is Sandra and I am a food hoarder.
I have a food insecurity or perhaps more accurately, I use food, not the eating, but the keeping, as a security. I have not understood it until recently, when a friend who is a psychiatric nurse, told me it's not about the food. It's about control.
I came from a financially stable home. That was the only thing stable about that home. I understand my need for order, but why every cupboard, pantry space, shelf has to full with dry goods? Freezer packed to the breaking point and no empty spaces in the refrigerator? I never knew a hungry moment in my life. When my friend said this to me, I started to understand this very strange need.
As children we are at the whim of the adults around us. Depending on who or what those adults are, coping mechanisms are formed. I formed several and control has always been at the forefront. Overstocking food was never about deprivation of food.
It's so deeply ingrained in my psyche I will never change and that's ok. It's not the worst trait. I don't hoard food in that I don't use it. Hoard is the wrong word. I cannot have empty spaces, so what has been removed must be replaced. And everything must be placed front forward! Yep. That's me.
The conversations about food preservation, finding ways to avoid waste, both food and other things, brought this to my mind. I don't mind opening a curtain into my life, showing some of the oddities. That I can be obsessive I think is evidenced by my horse collection! That I cared for myself.
I had something entirely different I was going to write about, I sat down and this is what passed through my fingers. Another thing about me, I do things like that. Plan, work something out and then do a thing not even close to what I had planned. People are odd beings, I think. If you ever visit my house, walk through the pantry, see every can facing forward, all items in a row and think "at least she isn't hurting anyone"!
Saturday, December 10, 2022
A Good Day
Friday, December 9, 2022
Such a Good Girl
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Down the Rabbit Hole
I had the video appointment with the doctor today. It became apparent to me that I had not really been taken seriously. I will take part of the blame because I do stiff-upper lip things. Right from the start she asked how I am and I said the same and then some as I have been all the other times you asked. I was on the verge of tears throughout. I told her I'm going to be in a wheelchair before long and it's not right I don't know why. She did have the decency to apologize for how long it's been without answers.
I'll have lab work next week. I asked if she had the full thyroid panel ordered and it was just the TSH. I asked for the full and she ordered it but said endocrinology won't take me if the TSH is within normal. What? I was on thyroid medication for five years until that doctor retired. After that I couldn't get the meds, I was told I didn't need it. Five years later, sixty pounds heavier, what appears to be symptoms of longterm thyroid disease and I'm told this? She said I should see a dermatologist for my hair loss. I'm at a loss.
I will get the lab work done, see what comes of it. I could go off like a rocket right now, but that doesn't help matters. I stayed civil with her although my voice was shaking. I don't know if it was tears wanting to flow or rage wanting, well, to rage. Why do I believe if I were male this wouldn't be happening to me? I told her I wanted to interact with my horses again, that I still have 14. She said that's a lot of horses and I replied I had a whole lot more. I did tell her it was annoying, if also amusing, when I have been told to get more exercise to lose weight. Do you know how much work taking care of 30-40 horses is? She didn't have a response. Why so difficult? Since my early forties I gained weight that I couldn't lose and would add more in blocks every couple of years. Finally I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lost a lot of weight. Off the meds, back with the weight. It also seems a body that's breaking down.
My medical mystery tour continues. I get the latest Covid booster and flu shot tomorrow. I also have a prescription for prednisone to pick up. It's an attempt to cool down some of the fire in my body being caused by inflammation. I've had prednisone before. When I told Mark about the prescription his response was you'll being going wild. Even he remembers what it has done to me in the past. I am on a high buzz. It's still worth a shot.
I could continue venting but I think I've made my point. Now it's wait and see.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Frieda's Got This
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
I couldn't get an office visit with the doctor until 1/8. I made the appointment and then this morning I checked for video appointments and I made one for Thursday. I guess they prefer video to in-person. I have kept the office appointment incase I need a follow up. This is all I can do for now. She's getting tired of me, I think. The feeling is mutual.
I made chicken stock a couple of days ago and brought the vegetables I'd roasted and froze for eggplant soup up to thaw. It will be eggplant soup for lunch! It is soooo good. I got my Aldi order picked up yesterday so the refrigerator is full. I bought apples, as I'd told Mark I would make him an apple galette in lieu of a pie. It's easier and I'm all about easier right now.
Mark has an appointment on Friday for a procedure to prepare for radiation. He's anxious, well more anxious than usual. This has become the old person medical problems news letter. How did this happen? 🤷
Because it cannot be all about the troubles, a winterscape from a few years ago. Those are mares in the background. Val, I used to wander about taking photos. Not trekking through woods, but out in the snow! I like photographing winter.
Now, time to tally-ho and away I go to do the laundry I forgot about yesterday. Toodles.
Monday, December 5, 2022
I received this email from the Mayo Clinic on November 18th. It upset me and put me into a depressive nosedive for a couple of weeks. I have finally pulled out of it, but I am not pleased with Mayo. It feels dismissive. I have made an appointment with Park Nicollet's neurology department and followed the advice given to me here to go on the cancellation list. My appointment is at the end of April. We get our booster and flu shots on Friday. I'm making an appointment to see my primary in person the following week. I'm going to give her one more shot at listening to me. About two weeks ago my hair started falling out. In a weeks time my scalp became visible, and I had a lot of hair. This isn't right. I'm weak and terribly fatigued. It's as if I don't matter. I will ask for a referral to an endocrinologist, which will probably be available in August. I was on thyroid medication for several years. The doctor retired and no doctor would prescribe it because they felt I didn't need it. But.....I was prescribed Ozempic, a diabetes medication, for weight loss. Doesn't that lower blood sugar and can't that be dangerous? Rhetorical question. I didn't get the medication because insurance wouldn't pay for it and it costs, wait for it, $1007/mo. I wasn't comfortable about using it anyway. I found that Medicare will not pay for any weight loss medication or any eating disorder treatment. They'd rather pay for the resulting consequences.
So, remember the song by Crosby, Stills & Nash with the line I almost cut my hair ? I did cut my hair, about 11". Long, stringy grey hair is not lovely. Good thing I don't have any attachment to how long my hair is, but going bald hasn't been on my bucket list.
I'll end this not-on-the-bright-side tale with the observation that we have a very messed up system of care and delivery of healthcare services. Yet, Mark is getting proper care. He says it's because what is wrong with me doesn't have an obvious reason, like cancer that can be detected. It's easier to just set me aside. I know he's right.
We appreciate the confidence you have expressed in Mayo Clinic and thank you for your recent request.
The Division of General Internal Medicine, Minnesota has received your information. Unfortunately, demand for our health care services exceeds our capacity. We have thoroughly reviewed your provided materials to determine if we can add further value or treatment options to your care. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you an appointment at this time. Please know decisions like this are not easy, Mayo Clinic strives to provide the best care possible to all of those in need.
This e-mail was automatically generated from a non-response mailbox. Please do not reply to this email.
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Sunny Sunday
The sun is shining and we will reach the low 30s F today. The horses have hay, we have an almost unlimited supply of wood and one ton of wood pellets. The freezers are full and I have a grocery order to pick up tomorrow. The roof is still over our heads and Frieda is still getting into trouble. This is to say; I am looking on the bright side. A place I do have trouble visiting. I am poking my head in just a bit.
That all said, and perhaps this is on the bright side, Mark brought up Christmas last evening. Poor guy, he's been worrying about this. He mentioned, hesitantly, that he didn't think I'd be able to host. I told him he is absolutely right. The relief on his face was monumental. He was certain I would resist. I keep telling him I have a practical side that keeps me from stubbornly doing things, or attempting to do those things, which I cannot. I wear out running a bead of caulk along a window. How am I going to do Christmas? I'm not. I will text the son today and ask him if he is willing. If not, we can skip it. Christmas was never a religious holiday in my family. Christmas has always been a time of stress, a panicky feeling. My mother really went on a rage during that time. There are not joyous, warm and cozy memories for us, including my son. He spent his life with it, too. The bright side? Being ok with it all.
Mark has made his siblings aware of his cancer, so there are lots of calls from them. He comes from a family of ten children and all are still living. So he gets lots of caring coming his way. I can hear him in his office laughing while talking to one of them. I am grateful he has so much support.
We are a month behind on getting the Covid booster and our flu shot. Too many things have been happening at once. We are scheduled for Friday.
And just because. Frieda doing laundry.
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Bill came over yesterday to help get round bales out to the equines. This is my Jeep, or was my Jeep. We gave it to Bill earlier this year and he's finally driving it. It needed a new radiator and a couple of other things I don't remember. Bill is a mechanic so he was able to do the work himself. He does so much for us. His SUV was falling apart, we had a vehicle we did not need which he could use, so we gave it to him. He resisted at first but realized we were thanking him for being him. I rarely saw it clean. It looks nice
I'm going to attempt to finish winterizing, since it is obviously winter, folks. Mark just came in with the weather report for the barn. 37 degrees and all the outside water tanks are fine. All is well.
I guess that's it from this patch of earth. I need to get those pellets ordered so he has something to pick up or he could become a mite upset.
Friday, December 2, 2022
The Old Grey Mare

A couple of horse photos, Lori. They aren't current but it's the best I can do right now. I have hundreds of photos of the horses but they aren't all digital. I need to take the time to do that some day.
I am not one to look back. That personality trait was helpful when I was in the business. Breeding is all about the next one, all about the future. Of course there's the present, but looking ahead is what you do. Going through some of this is making me look back at all the years and realizing how much time has passed. I haven't had a foal here in over a decade. I stopped, not only because the market went in the toilet, but also because I started having almost a panic when someone was interested in buying a horse. Being in the business allows you to get a close look at the underbelly and it's rancid. Humans have a high propensity for cruelty and they do like to use it on animals. They really like to use it on large animals. Fear plays a role in this, but not exclusively. Let's just say I soured.
Not on the beasties, nope. Horses are complex characters. They adore routine, so we got along fine. Madame Routine here! They form relationships with one another. Topper and two of his boys are always together. They play their head games together, eat at the bales together and crab at one another. His other boy learned to hang out with the "big guys" I think because he is a skittish guy and for some reason they give him cover. His name is Bright, aka Frighty Brighty.
I do not have a patient nature, which is potentially deadly with horses. They taught me to behave like a grown up and use the supposedly large brain we are said to have. They taught me to hold my temper and think before acting. It's said our personalities don't change and I think that is probably true, but I am proof that we can modify who we are. If we have the proper motivation. Like 1000 pounds of sentient being on four legs telling you to knock it off!
I guess that's enough horse talk for now. We are having a one day warm up before we nosedive tonight. I have some winterizing to do, as I see it is winter. Happy trails.