Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, March 23, 2025

A friend called yesterday afternoon. We had ninety minutes of ranting and raging at the mess exploding around us all, whether we wanted it or not. Some people still use the phone. That my Gen X friend does is unusual.

We have a dreary day but the forecasted rain/snow mix is now un-forecasted. We do need moisture. I was watching two of the geldings playing the head game this morning. The head game is truly a gelding thing. Mares would not lower themselves to such ridiculous behavior. It consists of standing still, moving the neck back and forth, up and down with mouth open, both doing this at the same time. And a few hops and foot stomps add to their amusement. Old boys never do stop playing. Old mares are the same as when they were young mares. They tend to business, thank very much.

Other than appliance breakdowns and flat tires, life is trudging along pretty much as usual. Meaning I bake bread, sandwich rolls and make dinner. A modified shrimp scampi. Modified because I wanted a one dish meal so I added asparagus to it. Gotta get those greens in. 

Mark is busy with tax work but not busy like it used to be. His last corporate client sold the business last year. Now he has no more audits, just his few longtime clients who owned the businesses. He enjoys having some work, it keeps his mind active and he has interaction with people he's known longer than he's known me. Hard to imagine, but true.

So, off to it I go. Whatever it is. 



The Happy Whisk said...

Glad he's enjoying the some work. That's cool. Shrimp looks good. Broken down house tools, less good. Hope you have a groovy day. We're headed out soon (I believe), on the hunt for photography props. Cheers and boogie boogie.

Val Ewing said...

Well I had gelding mules and the young ones were rather feisty and did more than the head game. They literally wrestled and were fun to watch. Amazingly enough, they never injured each other.
My Grand daughter, Ariel, still uses her phone! We talk about once a week for an hour. My son also calls once a week and that is so nice.

The state of things now makes me want to bury my head in the mud. Really, it does.

CheerfulMonk said...


nick said...

Left-wing Brits are just as flabbergasted by the antics of the White House blunderer as your own citizens. But it's good to see there's plenty of pushback going on.

Rita said...

I can wake up in the morning from a nice dream and realize that the real nightmare is still happening. Disheartening, to say the least.
We got a little bit of snow last night. Almost enough to cover the grass. ;)

Sandra said...

Hopefully you found what you were looking for, Ivy.

Sandra said...

Young male horses are like young boys, aren't they, Val. Constantly active. My son does not like to talk on the phone. It's really nice for you to have them to talk to.

Sandra said...

And I am about at the end of my wits with what is happening here. None of it is legal. None of it is constitutional, and yet....here we are. They could easily dismantled the country by using the GOP held Congress but instead it was decided to go roque and it seems to have worked.

Sandra said...

It is simply mind blowing to I would say, most of us. I say most of us because deeply red states and congressional distracts are having a lot of angry people showing up at the few downhill meeting being held, nick.

Sandra said...

I know what you are saying, Rita. Doom and gloom hang over my head. I still cannot fully fathom what is happening or why there are people who still support these actions. My husband is an auditor. Musk and his teeny boppers are not auditing these agencies and wouldn't know what they were doing if they actually tried.

Miss Merry said...

I know I am so depressed with the state of the country today. I hope I feel more positive tomorrow.

Boud said...

Funny about the horses' horseplay! Silly fellers.
I'm keeping anger and depression at bay with resistance. More or less.

DeniseinVA said...

I smiled at the images of horseplay. Such a nice scene compared to what we're all having to deal with lately. I willingly keep your horses in my head instead :) Your scampi dish looks delicious! I hope everything runs smoothly for you this coming week.

Lori Skoog said...

A 90 minute rant sounds about right. We will have to talk soon. For some reason, Rebel and Buddy do not mess around with each other very much. I'm happy that they have each other and get along.

Sandra said...

Every day it's something more, Miss Merry.

Sandra said...

Geldings are eternal 10 year old boys, Boud! I was really angry the day I was speaking with my friend, Boud. It just poured out of me.

Sandra said...

Another thing they like to do Denise is the "look out, I'm going to kick you. I am. Better move." Thy are fun to watch.

Sandra said...

I could have easily gone on for another 90 minutes. All the tromping over the Constitution along could take that long, Lori. You need an imp or two in the herd to get the horseplay going. Scamper is my imp. He is hilarious and so cute! Buddy and Rebel are close to one another. That is good.

Anvilcloud said...

I guess there is always a bit of the boy in boys.

e said...

I hope today is better for you. Keeping you in good thoughts.

peppylady (Dora) said...

It been a while since I had shrimp.