We've had a long run, my washer/dryer and I. They are 17 years old and the dryer, on the right, has given up on me. I'm keeping the washing machine to put in the basement to use on items like rugs. It has given me no trouble thus far, but I bought another because we never know. Buying was not a highlight of my life as everything seems expensive to me, but a dryer is a necessity in our climate. Another Electrolux, as I have had good luck with them. My gas stove is 22 years old, my refrigerator and dishwasher made it 19 years and these are 17 years. That's pretty good, although I do know they just aren't making them like they used to, so who knows. I bought from a local, longtime-in-business appliance store, which feels better to me. I am hoping, wishfully, that the stands will work with the new set. They are $300 bucks each. I may be stand-less. I didn't order them, prices were already a shock.
I spent all of yesterday afternoon online looking at appliances. Comparing, reading stats on reliability, so forth. I settled on what I bought and feel good about it. Except I would have preferred not needing to. I have been in no mood for cooking. Fast and simple has been the word this week. We will survive. At least I hope so!
Sunny and mild today. This is always welcome, although moisture is really needed and would be welcomed. Perhaps I will soon be able to work in my flower beds.
I hope the stands will work for the new ones and that you love the new appliances. I know it will take me a while to learn how to use mine when I move--lol! Smart to keep the old washer for rugs and such. Great idea! Have a wonderful day. :)
I hope it all works out. Once my fancier big machine dies, I'm going back to the old top load with an agitator. I don't like how this new machine [10 yrs old] washes. Eventually I'll replace the dryer to with a compact dryer. Those are the machines we had for 20 yrs and they were so much better than the ones I have now.
I feel silly doing tiny loads in such monster machines.
I sure hope the new ones work out perfectly. I'm going to see if I can put in a couple of posts this summer and have another closeline!
Good luck with your new washer/dryer. You do seem to do rather well with the lifetime of your appliances. Our washer is only six years old and has already developed a slight leak.
Drat on the need to replace the machines. Of course, living in a rental apt with no washer/dryer we do not have that issue but then we do have to pay to use the shared laundry room on the floor which in the long run is way ore costly than owning our own appliances.
We've replaced most of our appliances in the past three years. Refrigerator, Dryer, Freezer, Dishwasher. The washer is an old fashioned Speed Queen with the manual dial (I HATE electronic timers) that is like 7? years old. I hate having to replace the stuff, it's so goddamn expensive. Hope your new stuff fits on the old platforms and works well!!
A couple of my appliances gave up last year after 30+ years of use. I'll be interested in seeing how long the new ones last.
I hope so, too. I'm used to having the appliances at eye level.You'll learn, although I don't know what bells and whistles the new ones will have. I can't see the washer being trashed when it still works well.
On doing some research certain brands were said to be hard on clothes, maybe what you have is one of those, Val. I like the front load. I'm short and although I can reach into the drum of the top load it's a stretch and my back would complain. I hope they work out, too. I know obsolescence is built into them, unfortunately
The bar/pop fridge (just pop for me) in my den is just about 20. However, it won't be all that huge of an expense when it give up the ghost.
The newer they are the sooner they seem to fail, nick. We had to replace a furnace that was only 10 years old. The one had replace was installed in 1984 and lasted until 2010.
One way or another, it all costs, Dorothy. It's not so bad if they last but the newer ones don't seem to.
It seems once the breakdown starts it mushrooms, Ami. I seriously want them to wok out!
I remember that, Boud. I think one was in HS home. You had an expensive year, I remember that.
I bought a used small mini fridge a couple of years ago and put it in the laundry room. Mark uses it for his beer and I use it for my fermented pickles. I paid $100 for it and it's been doing just fine.
I am hoping my stacked Maytag lasts a long time yet! I don't think Maytag makes them anymore. Sticker shock is a reality...I know my new oven/stove was expensive last year but no problems with it so far. Hope you like the new washer and dryer!!
I'd say you got your money's worth out of those machines. We bought a new washing machine several years ago, a big top loader with no agitator in the middle.....got it home and realized that I could not reach the bottom. I'm short too and use a wooden spaghetti fork to get things out of the bottom. We are in for a cold slum, but was grateful for it being 77 yesterday tying with the record for that date. We have flowers peaking up in some of the gardens.
Good luck and hopefully these appliances last longer than the 6-8 years I've read about.
I hope they work out well. Shopping for appliances is such a pain.
It seems they are made to fail after just a few years, Far Side. It's a disposable society. I hope so, too. The current ones have been reliable. I'm not sure brand matters anymore.
I can't complain, Lori. Well, I could, I can always complain! It's a real problem. I have a chest freezer and can't reach to the bottom. I think you are shorter than I am. We had a day in the upper 70's, too. Very weird.
It's such a ripoff. Spending thousands every few years, e.
And paying for them is a bigger pain, Cheerful!
We bought our Speed Queens locally as well. Here's to your new toys.
Expensive toys, Ivy!!
Hey, sometimes the best ones are. Other times we get deals. I tell you what, when it comes to tea, I find in my area anyway, the tea that costs more also tastes better. And I've tried many, many, MANY kinds of tea.
Sometimes "you get what you pay for" is very true, Ivy.
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