Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, March 21, 2025

Frieda has found a new hidey-hole.
I rarely use a tablecloth, so when I did put one on the kitchen table Frieda made it a hideout. I may never have an uncovered table again. I strangely find myself accommodating cats. On a daily basis.


Boud said...

We used to have cats doing that. You'd go to pull out a dining chair and find it strangely heavy.

Sandra said...

With Frieda it's a large bulge you see from the outside. Touch it and it's solid!

Rita said...

I have been accommodating cats...and dogs...and parrots...and rats...and skunks...and axolotls...and hamsters...and chameleons...well, all sorts of critters I have had as pets since I was about nine years old. But of all of those I probably have the biggest soft spot for accommodating cats. ;)

Far Side of Fifty said...

she looks comfy!

e said...

Yup! It is called love.

The Happy Whisk said...

That's neat that you're making the kitties feel snuggly and happy.

Sandra said...

Cats have taken the place of dogs in my life and heart, Rita. They are more exacting, that's for sure!

Sandra said...

Yes she does, Far Side!

Sandra said...

Actually, Ivy, they are making me make them feel snuggly and happy!!

Sandra said...

Yes, I guess it is, e. Frieda be my girl.

CheerfulMonk said...

That's so sweet!

Pixie said...

Cats are so funny. The other day I brought home a bag filled with things, took everything out, and then the cat hopped in. Scared the crap out of the dog who didn't see her get in:)

Anvilcloud said...

They find the places.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...


Val Ewing said...

Of course, Charlie has his own chair at the table. We put a pad on an old Hickory chair with a cane seat that was fragile and he curls up on that chair next to us every day when we are at the table.
Pets are so essential! We love them as they brighten our days.

Sandra said...

When she's sleeping, Cheerful!

Sandra said...

That's funny, Pixie! The dog will never look at a paper bay the same way again.

Sandra said...

They surely do, AC

Sandra said...


Sandra said...

They are, Val. With them constantly around it forces me to think of something other than my problems.

The Happy Whisk said...

That is wonderful that they are making you feel happy!!!!

Sandra said...

Sometimes the make me feel crazy, Ivy!

The Happy Whisk said...

lol - all part of the ride.