Tuesday, January 31, 2023
I'm a Medical Mystery Tour
Monday, January 30, 2023
Be Like Frieda
Sunday, January 29, 2023
The Orange Ones
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Friday, January 27, 2023
Frieda Monster
Thursday, January 26, 2023
My son sent me a text yesterday saying he's on PTO this week and would like to bring lunch today. So that is happening. Mark says, and I agree, he is worried about my condition.
I was able to find a NP yesterday that I could make a video appointment with on the 30th. In the notes I wrote I want to change my primary. I need to let the neurologist know so he can give her whatever information he thinks relevant.
So, that's the medical front. I need to spend some time cleaning up a little. Keetah just keeps dropping hair with no consideration for my waning condition. With only two of us, nothing gets particularly messy, but it sure gets dusty and dog-hairy.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Monday, January 23, 2023
Why Not?
I spent two hours of my morning mindlessly watching a Randolph Scott western on Grit TV. It seems it's Randy's birthday today and he is featured all day. The question is, what has happened to my life?
So, at 11:00 central time I got away from the tv and started the laundry. Again, what has happened to my life? I guess I shouldn't complain, but what the heck, it's a Monday and why not? In reality, if the pain were removed it would be a rather good life, having the luxury of frittering away two hours watching an old western, nothing tugging at me, nothing needing doing that cannot wait. Ok, never mind!
It had been foggy yesterday and then went into the low single digits overnight, giving us beautiful hoar frost this morning. That is a silver lining accompanying the cold. We are in for a couple of weeks of cold temperatures if the extended forecast is correct. It's been an easy winter, for the most part. No complaints.
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Sunday Morning
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Yes, It Comes Down to Fennel
After a long dry spell Misfits Market finally had fennel in stock. They have the best price by a lot, so I've been hoping to see it on the site. I ended up spending more money than I intended so I could have fennel. I had to go to the cold pack to get enough for them to ship. My friend, Boud, knows what I'm talking about. It's ok, everything I got I may not have needed but will certainly use. A chicken roasted with fennel is in my future.
I think I'll light a fire in the snug, settle in with my book and forget about all the work piled up waiting for my attention. I'm the only one who notices. Mark, Keetah, Jiggy, Frieda and now Gatto, do not care. As long as they all get food, they are happy. Not a bad way to be. Ciao
Friday, January 20, 2023
Those Were the Days
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Tri-Pod Kitty in Light
We have been eating a lot of pasta lately. I plan on one thing, lose my oomph, and we end up with pasta. At least it's not frozen pizza. I have my video doctor appointment this afternoon. I plan to ask him if he would be interested in some background info on me. Instead of jumping right into symptoms. We know impressions are formed within seconds, which lead to a bias of one form or another. I think it's important they have some understanding of the person they are supposed to be helping through diagnosis. I've never had a doctor ask me anything about myself, other than why I am there. What's he going to say, no? If so then I know it's a waste of time and just do the perfunctory.
I wonder, when you read the after visit notes do they include whether or not you appeared well-groomed, could speak clearly, seemed aware of your environment, etc. The first time I saw that it seemed condescending. I suppose it's age, but still.....maybe I should write after visit summaries as well.
Okie-dokie. I'm going into grumbleland. I believe one more cup of coffee is in order, then make sure I'm fit for public viewing. I will try to visit later today. Ciao
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Golden Deliciousness
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Monday, January 16, 2023
It seems Gatto has a twin. Yesterday afternoon I saw a cat looking in the French doors and got confused. How did he get outside? Then I see Gatto laying in the chair he has claimed as his own. I looked from him to this other cat, mirror images. The cat jumped off the veranda and left. I felt a pang as he did. These two DO NOT want another one disturbing their ordered lives
Sunday, January 15, 2023
I have mostly made the crust with einkorn flour, a mix of the whole grain and white, which makes a more rustic crust. This time I used 50/50 white whole wheat and all purpose. A much more flakey, delicate crust. No complaints! I rarely make a dessert. I must say, we enjoyed it.
Saturday, January 14, 2023
Kitty Cats
Friday, January 13, 2023
Bones. Bits. Coffee.
I made stock with the duck bones and vegetable bits.
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Not Title Worthy
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Good Time
I have placed the book you recommended, Pixie, on hold at the library. I sent the pedigrees again, Marlane. I wasn't intending to listen to Bob Woodward's audiobook, The Trump Tapes, but I saw someone's opinion on it and decided to give it a try. Woodward starts by saying these interviews were for the last book, Rage. He listened to them again after the book came out and realized the printed word isn't enough, you need to hear this guy. OMG. I will never fully understand the draw. Hate and fear are a powerful drug.
Anyway....we had sleet overnight. Yippee. The horses need to stay in the barn as it's so slippery. Mark rescheduled for later this afternoon with radiology. Hopefully the roads will improve by then. I'm going to use the remaining half duck breast for a pasta dish tonight, keeping it easy. Let's keep on keeping on.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Cats. Dogs. Birthday.
Monday, January 9, 2023
This is a Romertopf, what I call a clay cooker. The pot I was given is stamped Made in East Germany, so it's been around awhile.

Sunday, January 8, 2023
Hay. Snow. Soup.
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Bill's brother, Jim, is here with his big tractor putting round bales into the paddocks for the horses. This needs to be done every couple of weeks. He gets to use my now unused indoor arena as a machine shed in return. Works out for both of us.
Gatto Report
Friday, January 6, 2023
I have two separate deliveries coming today; Costco and Chewy. There shouldn't be any trouble. I do most shopping online. I order from Aldi and then pick it up. Mark will be getting the Aldi order today after radiation. He drives past the store on the way to the clinic. It's a great service, especially for people like me with limited mobility.
That's the weather and food report. No cats or dogs today.
Thursday, January 5, 2023
Stuck Truck
I buy bedding for the stalls in bulk. I had postponed yesterday's delivery to today so we could plow. The driver slid to the side of the driveway that slopes. Stuck. Bill's nephew lives down the hill from us and owns an excavating business. He is here right now working on getting the truck unstuck. Mark was just leaving for his radiation when this happened, he postponed it to later today. The horses aren't out yet, that will be a rodeo! Yep, the joys of country living.
Okay, forty-five minutes later from when I started writing this, the truck unloaded the bedding and has pulled out. I am so happy to know Bill and his family. Someone(s) deserves a fruit basket. It's been a long time since anyone has been stuck.
Back to the mundane. I made stock yesterday with a ham bone. I have a pot of sausage and garbanzo bean soup simmering. Mark will need something hot when he finally gets inside. He's getting snow cleared from in front of the barn so he can get the horses out. It's almost 11:00 and they are still in the barn. Yes, we had a lot of snow and it's heavy and packed. It is beautiful. I don't think Mark is seeing any beauty at the moment. It is frustrating that I cannot help.
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Snow. Bourbon.
Another sustenance of our lives have been dogs. We had, for the first several years here, seven large dogs. Three moved with us, two were left by the prior owner and two others were dogs needing a home that I could give them. Snow puppy is perhaps the last we will have. Unless something happens which lands another one with us.
Of course, the one thing that is universal: food! I haven't felt like cooking lately. Every meal has been quick and simple. They don't need to look that way to be that. Steaming fish in olive oil and butter is so simple. I put the fennel frond pesto on the fish, put the asparagus in with the fish and pop it in the oven for twenty minutes. Viola! Frozen ravioli and some cheese and it's dinner. Under thirty minutes, no fuss, no muss.