Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, January 3, 2025


What the leftover duck became.

AC, I thought you may enjoy my plaid pants. They are really pajama bottoms but I wear them as pants. Rockin' style!

I was doing well at dismantling Christmas when a friend called. Since we are both talkers I never did get the job done. So, on the list for today. It's cold, but then it is January. Below zero overnight and low double digit highs. We do need snow. Otherwise, life is its usual quiet. No complaints here on that. We have soup to warm us and I'll have bread in the oven. Not bad.


Pixie said...

I need to up my exercise and stretching too, if I want to keep up with Jack, and my own expectations. I want to be able to ride my bike, bend over easily and sit on the toilet without falling onto it:)

Boud said...

I always assume plaid pants are pajamas, maybe some aren't. So long since I had duck, the bird that's so fatty it's practically impossible to overcook!

Miss Merry said...

Love the pink pj pants! Soup sounds good too.

Sandra said...

I think AC has some actual plaid pants, Boud. I got a large amount of fat from this duck. I've already roasted some potatoes in it.

Sandra said...

They are warm and comfortable, Miss Merry. What more do I need!

Rita said...

I've had pajama pants in navy that I could wear anywhere--lol! They are the most comfortable! ;)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Cool pants! I am in the mood for soup also...must be the sub zero weather. Got all the ingredients this morning...settling in for the cold spell.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I often wear pj pants during the day around the house as they are often so comfy

Sandra said...

They are. There are days I don't get out of my pajamas. Don't tell anyone, Rita!

Sandra said...

Funny have good soup sounds in sub zero weather, Far Side!

Sandra said...

They are. Also they are warm, Jo-Anne.

Lori Skoog said...

I wear my barn clothes all day long...1 step up from pajamas. Your cold temperatures are starting to hit us. Yuck!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Soup to warm you and bread in the oven. What a heavenly way to deal with the cold. ❤️

e said...

Love the pants! Soup sounds like a good idea.

Anvilcloud said...

Plaid can brighten a mood.

Anvilcloud said...

Did this post twice?

Val Ewing said...

Flannel pants and sweatshirt weather. Put on the coveralls and hats/mittens/scarf and go out for chores....Yes, it is cold. Love my insulated coveralls and boots!

Sandra said...

Because of the number of horses and stalls I had to muck, my barn clothes were often a little aromatic, Lori! I remember going to the post office and the person asked me if I had horses!

Sandra said...

It is, Cheerful. Then leave the oven door open when the bread is done.

Sandra said...

I have one more lunch left from the soup I recently made, e. It's cold outside!

Sandra said...

I used to wear those for several years when we first moved out here, Val. It got colder then and the cold when on much longer. They are warm.

Sandra said...

You went to spam jail, AC. Yes, plaid can brighten a mood.

Sandra said...

Nope, simply went to spam.

Anonymous said...

How did I miss your comment, Pixie? You have a whole other reason to stay fit. An active 5 year-old! Sandra

peppylady (Dora) said...

I think last time I had duck was in my single days.

Sandra said...

I think you deserve to have duck again. Dora.