Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Reporting In

Just a quick howdy-do. I saw the NP yesterday and she referred me to physical therapy for dry needling. She told me at least twice that my labs are great. She said if anyone looked at the reports without seeing my age they'd assume I was young. I responded what a surprise they would get! If only my lab reports would report to my body......

Nothing going on at the moment. Bill has finally diagnosed the problem with the wood pellet stove. I need another part delivered and then, hopefully, it will work. It's cold, which is no surprise for January, and until I get an appointment for the needling, I don't have anywhere I need to be.

That's all there is for now. Stay warm.


Anvilcloud said...

It is very cold here and windy too. This too shall pass.

Rita said...

I know the feeling. I'm free till the 17th--ahhh! Maybe I can finally, eventually do Christmas--LOL! ;)

Boud said...

I'm glad the labs are good. So why aren't you doing handprings? Maybe after the dry needling. That sounds like standup.

Sandra said...

I hear Richie Havens in my head sing 'Freedom", Rita!!

Sandra said...

It does! Somehow my labs and my body are operating on different frequencies, Boud.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I feel the same way...but I have two blood tests that are off...which may have something to do with my fatigue...or not. Stay warm! We got to 14 F today...almost felt warm:)

Sandra said...

I am waiting for you to tell us they finally have an answer and help is on the way, Far Side. We are downright balmy....20 F

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Sounds like things are pretty ok at this time, hope things stay pretty ok for a while

Val Ewing said...

Nice. Wanna do my labs next time???
Seriously, that is fantastic.
One little step at a time for everything else.

Lori Skoog said...

I'm jealous! So glad your labs are great!!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Yes, we all need to stay warm.

CheerfulMonk said...

It's cold here too. Andy got up at 8, looked at the thermometer, about 17 degrees, and went back to bed for another hour. The sun did come out and it warmed up to almost 40 during the heat of the day. Stay warm!

nick said...

Good to know you have such a youthful body. I doubt if any such tests would be so flattering in my case!

Sandra said...

Oh, me, too, Jo-Anne!

Sandra said...

Sure, Let me know when you are scheduled, Val!

Sandra said...

I may have good lab test results, Lori, but you have Little Wonder!

Sandra said...

We sure do, Dora. It's winter where it isn't usually winter.

Sandra said...

Andy is smart, Cheerful. A warm bed beats a cold morning.

Sandra said...

The inside may be youthful, nick. The outside....not so much.

Sandra said...

Blogger likes putting you in spam jail, AC. Where we live it gets cold in winter, doesn't it.

Pixie said...

Your blood needs to tell the rest of you, that it's young:) If only.

e said...

Great for you, I hope the needling helps. 39 here and 68 inside. The wonky front door lets in cold air and the walls are cold. Bundled up. Stay warm!

Sandra said...

If only is right, Pixie!

Sandra said...

That's darn cold for down there! It would be wonderful if it does, e.