Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, January 19, 2025

It's January

Cold frigid morning.
Currently -14 F / -26 C in the frozen tundra otherwise known as Minnesota.

I baked bread on Friday and then panini yesterday. The panini dough needs to rest 24 hours before baking. We got the pellet stove working just in time for this cold snap. Bill got the new auger motor installed Friday afternoon and so far, so good. It makes such a difference in the living room.

This little guy/gal shows up just about everyday for a little cat chow. The orange stray I actually put the food out for is still around so I keep putting out food. 

Gatto has wiped his mind free of his time as a stray cat outside in a Minnesota winter. 

The irony of the inauguration being held inside the Capitol tomorrow is not lost on me. How eerily fitting that the person who encouraged overrunning the building is now, once again, being sworn in as President of the United States and it's happening in the very building people with Confederate and swastika flags swarmed with intent to hang Mike Pence and do only-they-knew-what to Nancy Pelosi. 


Anonymous said...

It is also Martin Luther King Day....I will not watch, I will not listen, I will be sick at heart and cry.
I am so glad you look after animals. I put out food, too.
Take Care,

Boud said...

Thank you for feeding the possum. He needs the fuel. I wonder if he shelters in the stable where there's straw.
I'm thinking tomorrow about doing the knitting ministry and whatever else I can, to honor MLK.

nick said...

The political irony is immense, as you say. I see security is going to be draconian to avoid another assassination attempt. I don't believe the ceremony was brought indoors simply because of the cold.

Val Ewing said...

I'm going to tune into puppies and kittens. Or actually not tune in at all.
I will however follow the news perhaps with the sound off and I can read what goes on without hearing 'his' voice the next day.
We could be in for a ride.

Rita said...

That's a lot of bread! Yum!
Don't forget some of them pooped in there, too, and smeared it on the walls. Oh, the irony.

Anvilcloud said...

. . . and I expect that they will be pardoned shortly.

Lori Skoog said...

Lucky for all these critters to have someone who cares to feed them....and it's SO cold there! As for tomorrow....I'm not watching. I too think it is ironic that the inauguration is being held there. Several people participating in the swarming, (who were in jail) are going to attend. He'll probably recognize them....maybe they will sit next to Melania. There is so much I would like to say, but T would put me in jail. As a country, we do not deserve this.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Stay warm! Looks like we will have cold for several days:) I am hoping for the best with our new President!

Pixie said...

I want those panini rolls, oh my goodness, they look so good.
I'm sorry about the orange POS. We'll end up having an election here this year and there is a conservative POS, or Monsieur PeePee, I call him, who wants to run our country into the ground. Fuckers!

Sandra said...

I won't watch or listen, either, Kaye. What a disaster.

Sandra said...

I hope the possum stays out of the barn, they carry a bacteria that can spread to horses if their feces in in the hay. It feels like an insult to MLK, Boud.

Sandra said...

The brave man probably wilts in the cold, nick. He was worried about the cold keeping people away and the crowd scene would not be up to standard.

Sandra said...

No could about it, Val.The buffoon says he will sign 200 executive order on day one.

Sandra said...

It goes in the freezer, Rita to stay fresh.
How his followers can disbelieve what we all saw is beyond me.

Sandra said...

No doubt, AC. Not because he cares one whit about them but because it plays well.

Sandra said...

Half of us don't deserve it, Lori. I have given thought to what would happen to those who express an opinion he doesn't like. There plenty of past and current examples of what happens.

Sandra said...

It's cold outside, Far Side! -20 tonight. -14 right now. I know it's worse up there.

Sandra said...

You express my feelings so well, Pixie. The panini is very easy to make, it just has a lot of proofing time. I hope Canadians do better that we did in your election.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Good on you for putting food out, that panini looks nice

Sandra said...

The panini is pretty good, Jo-Anne.