Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, January 31, 2025

Sunshine Makes Me Smile

This morning as I was readying my coffee I looked out into the living room and saw this ray of sunshine and needed to take a snap. We can certainly use a ray of sunshine in our lives. So here it is.

 A sunny Friday to you all.


Boud said...

Thank you from a rainy nj!

Sandra said...

I glad I could bring a little sunshine into your day!

Val Ewing said...

Yes we can! That's why I named a mule Sunshine. I have sunshine in my pasture all the time! ;)

nick said...

I like the rocking horse.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We have sunshine too! Blue sky is so pretty!

CheerfulMonk said...

It's sunny here too. 😊

Sandra said...

Great name, Val!!

Sandra said...

That was made by a friend of husband #1 when son was a baby, nick.

Sandra said...

Isn't it a wonderful thing to see, Far Side.

Sandra said...

I'm happy you have a little sunshine in your life, Cheerful.

Lori Skoog said...

No sunshine here. We had rain! I love good light....it recharges my brain.

Anonymous said...

Cloudy and snow on the way....Cats please! Yummy food please!
Take Care,

Anvilcloud said...

When it pours into the house on a cold winter day ... 👍

Sandra said...

No sunshine today, Lori. Wind and clouds.

Sandra said...

It's cloudy today, Kaye with a small chance of snow.

Sandra said...

So right, AC!!

Rita said...

Glad to borrow yours. ;)

The Happy Whisk said...

I'm reading blogs at the kitchen table and there is a flooooooood of sunshine coming through. I just love it. Happy Weekend and boogie boogie.

DeniseinVA said...

It's a beautiful photo and very true :) Thank you!

Sandra said...

Alas, Rita, it's gone. today is cloudy and blustery.

Sandra said...

And we have clouds, Ivy. Woogie Woogie!

Sandra said...

You are welcome, Denise.

Pixie said...

That room always makes me feel happy.

Sandra said...

I'm glad, Pixie!

e said...

Sunlight makes all the difference!

Sandra said...

It certainly does, e.