Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Whatta Guy 

It's comforting to know he believes empathy is good while also believing it is destroying western civilization. He's a deep thinker, this guy is. 


CheerfulMonk said...

The Atlantic has an article What Ketamine Does to the Human Brain---Excessive use of the drug can make anyone feel like they rule the world.

CheerfulMonk said...

That explains a lot, since Musk takes it to combat depression. And Trump has said he believes there are two kinds of people: predators and prey.

Rita said...

Which of the deep thinkers is this?
I haven't seen any news today. ;)

Sandra said...

I feel sad and angry about the admiration given to such obviously disgusting people, Cheerful.

Sandra said...

Musk, Rita. It's a clickable link of an interview with Joe Rogan.

Sandra said...

I looked ketamine up. I couldn't read the article. This explains some of it.

Rita said...

Oh, I didn't realize it was a link. OMG! Empathy bug released on us unsuspecting people!! AWK!!!!

Sandra said...

Such a nice guy!

Anonymous said...

Musk and his ketamine and RFK Jr. and his brain worm, what a nightmare. RFK Jr. is very strange looking, very strange. Something else is going on with him, besides the obvious, that we know about. There something wrong with the whole bunch besides their incompetence.

Val Ewing said...

So Ketamine does help with severe depression but it isn't used lightly by doctors. For example my husband was offered it for his MDD. He would have to spend up to 4 hours after each treatment being watched by doctors.

I have a feeling that with 'that' guy's $$, he does what he wants as far as treatment. It is freakin' crazy.

Lori Skoog said...

Empathy, my butt! So much of his bluster and signature signing has been reversed because he and his goon squad don't know what they are doing. Now he is backing off on the tariffs and Mexico and Canada are not putting up with his BS. Now, what is he going to do about my social security??????

Anvilcloud said...

He speaks like a juvenile.

Miss Merry said...

I just saw a press conference video where they asked the orange why he was taking away TPS from Ukrainians. He said GPS? They said no TPS. His aide told him TPS stands for temporary protected status. He said, Oh, we don't want anyone to get hurt. BUT he already is signing papers to take away TPS from them!
He is senile and has dementia. It is terrifying.

Sandra said...

There something wrong with this country, Kaye. That any of this is allowed, even wanted and applauded. It makes me sad.

Sandra said...

Yes, Val. He doesn't have any rules that apply to him.

Sandra said...

You, me and millions more are worried about that question. Musk calling it the biggest Ponzi scheme ever. Ha! You know what that is, the biggest Ponzi scheme.....cryptocurrency. What a joke.

Sandra said...

You are right, AC. He seems to behave like one, too.

Sandra said...

Terrifying is the word. It's terrifying so many of our citizens worship him. What he is is right in front of us, which is what's upsetting about his followers. They approve.

DeniseinVA said...

I just heard someone say so succinctly, "These guys aint right in the head." It's a scary thought isn't it? It's all smoking mirrors and we're continuously wondering what horror is coming next.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I think he is a strange person and I just don't like the guy

Sandra said...

That is an accurate statement. It is scary, Denise. They are not only immoral, they are incompetent.

Sandra said...

I think you just put a lot of our feelings in one short sentence, Jo-Anne.