Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, July 17, 2023

Three Days Work


To a normal person it looks like a room, the way a room should look. To me, it is an accomplishment which took me three days to achieve. Mark told me I'm going to have a stiff neck from constantly turning my head around to view my work! I got every nook and cranny dusted, washed, vacuumed and polished. I'm going to rejoice in this, as it was not easy. If we are to stay here, I need to adapt. 

I nearly got the living room finished. I had burning pain in the upper back from working the days before. The PT told me to stop when that happens. Carrying on only makes it worse. So I took even more breaks. Even with breaks, I am amazed I am accomplishing what I set out to do. Hurrah!

Enough of that. It's 62F at the moment. My kind of weather. There's a breeze, which makes it perfect weather for the equines. The cats have begun to settle down after the loss of Keetah, they are not as needy. We both still forget she isn't here. Almost every evening at 5:00 I think about feeding her. It takes time.

BTW, be prepared for progress photos. I must show my fulfillment of a plan!


Boud said...

This room looks wonderful! I'd move in right away. As long as you remember when to stop.

It takes ages to put down the habits around a departed pet. After years I still make room beside me for a couple of cats.

Sandra said...

Boud, this is my favorite room in the house. It photographs larger than it is. It's a small room. My body won't let me forget when to stop. There is no pushing on when it says we are done.

I saw my afghan hound laying on her loveseat at least for 6 months after she died. It was not eerie to me, but a comfort.

Pixie said...

The room is amazing, especially all the windows but I think my favorite is the floor. I love those wide floorboards. It looks beautiful and restful.

Sandra said...

Pixie, they are pine planking. They have many years of evidence of dog toenails! I like the windows, not so much when we had to replace 16 of them 5 years ago! One room. Yikes.

Pixie said...

I think that's part of the reason I love the floors, they're not perfect.

Ami said...

I'm working on a purge myself.
That room looks beautiful!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Such a pretty room! One day at a time!

Val Ewing said...

What a beautiful room. My cottage would probably fit inside of that.

I'll bet it is a wonderful room to sit and watch out the windows!

Lori Skoog said...

You have to know I would head straight for that chair....and then I would have to go play the piano. Love your taste buds and am very impressed that you accomplished so much!

Sandra said...

Pixie, you won't find any perfection in this house!

Sandra said...

Ami, I'm purging dog hair and dust. I need to do a good purge of stuff, too.

Sandra said...

Far Side, one thing I'm not doing that you do, on hands and knees scrubbing. You'd never get me off the floor!

Sandra said...

Val, the camera perspective makes it look large. It's not, it's a small, cozy space with lots of windows. It's really good for looking at a beautiful winter with a fire crackling.

Sandra said...

Lori, I call those chairs the thrones. The cats love the piano, it's a perfect perch for bird watching. My last basset would sing along when I played the piano!

e said...

A lovely room! Enjoy those mild temperatures too.

Sandra said...

Thanks, e. We are heating up again.

Anonymous said...

Bravo!!! I need to get my house in order too... Dawn the Bohemian

Sandra said...

You are getting there, Dawn. Small steps.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, the windows in this room are fabulous, except maybe when they need to be cleaned. Do you or Mark play the piano? If you have mentioned this before, please excuse the question as I am a recent blog reader.

Sandra said...

😂Beatrice. No, I didn't wash windows! What you are seeing is mostly hazy air because of the fires from Canada, which is much better now. That said, I stopped keeping those windows squeaky clean because a large number of windows and birds are not a good mix. I had a beautiful bird die last week on impact. They are always striking the windows.

I used to play the piano, self-taught, so mediocre. I have bad arthritis in my hands so the most I do with it is make some noice. My basset, Murphy used to love to sing along.