Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Fennel, Avocado and Clutter

I got an order from Misfits today that included my favorite, fennel, and avocados which are new to me. Ettinger, or fuente. They were the most popular avocado, according to wikipedia, until the 1950s. They are supposed to have a mild flavor and a yellowish tinge. They aren't ripe so I will need to wait to experience this new, to me, flavor of avocado. This is my first Misfits order in at least eight months. After the merger with Imperfect Foods it didn't really work for me. I do better overall locally, but there were a couple of specialty items I wanted so I added these as well as some chard. They do generally have good fennel, I'll give them that.

We, like just about everyone else, are having very strange weather. It was 3F this morning with a high of 20F today. Tomorrow will be 50F and then it climbs from there. I think this may become the norm and I don't like it. I know it doesn't matter what I like, but there it is.

I listened to a program on MPR this morning about decluttering, something I seem to be doing often over many years. I haven't been a shopper in any significant way for years, but from the looks of things, I sure was. Considering how much I have already donated and what is still here unused, I had a habit. A habit I seem to have shifted toward horses about forty years ago. That's economical! I do think about it after spending eight months at my mother's house after she died. I think the son probably thinks about all those horses and cats if we went toes up right now. I don't blame him for that. The things one doesn't consider when younger. So....today I plan to clean up my office, which has become a dumping ground for things I just haven't been motivated to put away. Wish me luck.


Boud said...

The horses would be significant, how to rehome them. Cats a bit easier, but I'd consider plans for the horses, yes. Even more than decluttering the house.
My experience with misfits since they bought out Imperfect has been better, more choices, deliveries by imperfect much better. What was the issue for you?

Pixie said...

Good luck. I declutter on a regular basis and enjoy it immensely. My favorite is getting rid of my husband's shit that the hasn't looked at in eight years. I'm in a mood.

Sandra said...

Boud, the realistic plan for the horses is euthanasia. They are all elderly and have lived here all of their lives. They've been handled by three people, me, Mark and Deb, who used to work here. They are used to a consistent routine and some of them are more particular than others. They would absolutely freak out if they were moved from here. The cost of keeping horses is becoming prohibitive so it's unrealistic to think anyone wants old, sometimes difficult horses to support. Hopefully we live long enough to be the ones dealing with their death by natural causes. There will be a few in the not to distant future, the oldest is 29, the youngest 19. Most are mid to late 20s.

Misfits delivery became more expensive, it's Fedex here. For the most part I can get the same items locally for the same or often lower prices. I'm not unhappy about what I get when I do order.

Sandra said...

Pixie, I'm always in a mood, welcome! Around here I am the one with the stuff. Mark isn't a keeper of things, but I am. I even kept him!

Sandi said...

Looks good.

Anvilcloud said...

We've had some wonderfully warm days, but our temperature has dropped by 10C in the past two hours. We also had some thunder and lightning -- in February!

Sandra said...

Sandi, it does!

Sandra said...

AC, Todays weather would be considered normal. What's coming the warm to very warm weather is pretty much unheard of. Thunderstorms in February in Canada, not your average weather!

Lori Skoog said...

Hmmmm. We are having crazy weather too. 73 yesterday and a high of 66 today crashing down to 20 with wild winds and some snow. 30 tomorrow then 7 days in the 50s! I love avocados...especially on toast.

Fortunately, I only have 1 horse of my own left and he is 25. Hopefully our daughter would make sure he has a good life if something happens to us. I hope we outlive him. Not so fun to think about it.

I need to get in a decluttering groove.

Anonymous said...

I do wish you success in getting rid of stuff! I always have plans but little follow through. Most of the stuff I wish to unload belong to my dead
relatives, I have a lot stuff. As time passes I am getting less sentimental.
I do hope you outlive your dear horses. It would be hard, well you know what I mean.
Take Care,

Val Ewing said...

I agree with you on the equine. I have 2 mules over 25 and an older one. I have an ancient pony that is a yard trimmer. It's cold hard fact that if you don't have a relative to care for them, selling to god knows who...is not an option.

Funny that you talked about decluttering. That is what I did upstairs yesterday. I took out 3 kitchen bags of stuff. Old blankets and other items that we haven't used in ages. The blankets were washed and I'll drop them off in town at a place where people can shop good used items for free.

De-cluttering is a top priority for me. I pick at it here and there whenever I get the bug. I think about it a lot.

Hope it went well.

Sandra said...

Lori, I have absolutely no doubt your daughter would take care of him. Like me, you have a lot of furniture, your house is HUGE, and you have all of your art. Those things I don't worry about, it's the stuff that just seems to accumulate. I don't want the son to think his mother was a secret packrat!

Sandra said...

Kaye, family things can be hard to let go. It helps when sentimentality lessens.

We should be able to outlive most of them. I hope so.

Sandra said...

Val, people who aren't involved with them don't know how quickly they lose their value to others. It's difficult to understand they are better off dead, even if healthy, when they are aged. It's difficult enough trusting people when the horses are your. Which is why I have so many. I came to a point where I couldn't sell them, my trust in the people was not good. For a reason. So I quit breeding and became a horse keeper.

I used to go through things once a year or so. It's been awhile, time to get to it. I actually got distracted and did something else, but at least I did something!

Anonymous said...

Clutter takes on a life of it's own. I battle it constantly and fall to be editorial enough. My Heirs are going to be dealing with it and I don't envy that... Dawn the Bohemian

Sandra said...

You are a collector, Dawn. Your family knows this and accepts it.