Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Shopping, Whimsey, Food, Thinking

My friend, Boud, has a weekly delivery from Misfits Market. I started ordering from there several years ago, but I am an on-and-off purchaser. Usually when I want fennel, it's very well priced on Misfits. I am following Boud's example and posting the order I got on Friday. BelGioiso ricotta has no additives like most others and is creamy, so I buy it rather than make it.  I will be making fennel frond pesto with the pistachios I also bought. I don't often use the service but when I do, I am never disappointed.

Remember the day of retail therapy that was mostly made up of food? This is the non-food part of that day. I gathered these photos off the internet, I don't know where, over a couple of years. They were not copyrighted. I like whimsey and these are certainly that. I don't want to give too much away, but that cat reminds me just a bit too much of my younger self!

And then there is food. I made a sauce from some of the roma tomatoes I froze whole and added meatballs I made with leftover meatloaf mixture and froze. The meatballs weren't my usual but they did actually work just fine.

I thought today about blogging. How many of us will occasionally write about, or perhaps simply think about, how there is nothing of much interest to say. I know in my restricted world this is true. Then I thought how this is actually how we come to "know" the people we interact with. What, at least some of the day-to-day looks like. What is of interest, what food someone likes. Do they have children, grandchildren? A spouse or a significant? A cat person? A dog person...or both? So many things that seem immaterial but actually say much. This thought made me realize my days don't need to be exciting, they are just my days, the parts of a day I share some of with the world of blogging. I feel so much better!


Boud said...

I find the most interesting blogs are about the everyday small change of the writer's life and thinking. I'm profoundly bored with the ones about endless travel, meetings, etc, the curated life.

When I first started blogging about food and later about my misfits deliveries I thought people would drift away. No! They told me they love seeing the stages of delivery, and plans for the items. Definitely small change.

I'm old, live alone, not a lot appears to happen, but people do like to read it.

Sandra said...

I like to see the changes over time you have made with spices you use, different types of food you explore and of course you art. Where else would I find someone weaving plastic sandwich bags, Boud!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Dog person here! I like to visit people through blogs all across the United States, it gets me out of the house in my mind!

Sandra said...

It does that, Far Side. Back in the earlier days I actually personally met a blogger from Denmark and we became friends irl. My preference was dogs but now that I don't have any I have got to know more about cats than I gave the time to learn before. They are interesting critters.

Bohemian said...

I think we all enjoy the authentic Blogs that are like visiting a Friend and just hanging out, doing what ever we're doing with no pretenses, no matter how pedestrian it may be or seem. Being a full time Caregiver I can't say we're always Living The Dream to where whatever is Blogged about is particularly interesting or profound, but, it is an ordinary Life like most people have and can related to. I don't know that it would be so relatable if it were nothing most of us could have a point of reference with? I used to follow one Blog of someone whose Life was literally like an endless vacay and had the most outstanding Fantasyscape Photography her Husband took. They were World Travelers and so 'perfect', that, tho' I enjoyed the visuals, I simply could not relate and had zero point of reference to their Life or Lifestyle. It was Fun to follow for a Minute, and then, I just found I preferred the Blogs that were more True to Real Life situations the majority of us have.

Anvilcloud said...

The heart of our kind of blogging is things that pop up in our daily lives. I don't usually read book review blogs or recipe blogs because I know that I won't do either. I don't mind seeing your dishes, however, because that is different. And from you, I might accept the occasional recipe. 😊

Sandra said...

You nailed it, Dawn. Back in the old days of blogging I followed some people with amazing lives. There was a place for that in my day but I could not relate. I cannot say part of me didn't want to be there though!!

Sandra said...

I rarely work off recipes but anytime you want to know something go ahead and ask, AC. 😉 I have random thoughts during the day. This was a random enlightened thought I had yesterday.

DeniseinVA said...

I thoroughly enjoy and am very interested in what people buy on their shopping list. (Your pasta dish looks yummy.) You and Boud have inspired me to do the same for my next one. Your dog and cat is such a welcoming sight, and as I used to smoke back in the day, I can relate to your cat too. I used to like to travel when I could, road tripping here was a lot of fun, but as I am having a harder time getting around these days, I am very content to visit all around the globe when blogging, and to see what blogging friends do in their everyday lives. Thanks for visiting me. I enjoy coming here.

Lori Skoog said...

I want your pasta dinner! We grow those San Marzano tomatoes that came with your recent order and they are the best. I love all the comments about blogging and except for 2 days, have kept my http://skoogfarm.blogspot.com (journal) going for 17 years. I have so many friends that I know, but will never meet....from all over the world. Love checking in on you and Val. Always have been amazed that anyone cares about what I do everyday and currently have 2, 350,000 hits. Isn't it interesting....how we get connected? Thank you for sharing your days.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love those pictures! The expression on the cat's face makes me laugh. Thank you.

nick said...

I also prefer reading down-to-earth blogs about people's everyday lives rather than the more pretentious ones. I especially like reading about American lives, as I live in Belfast but I've been to the States several times and the American culture is very different.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You have it exactly right, Sandra, blogging is about our daily lives, the good, the bad and everything in between. Sometimes, a specific post may be of more or less interest to others than another and that's to be expected. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions, beliefs and thoughts. The types of posts I do not read or comment on are those that include AI material, including images or that contain political rants.

Val Ewing said...

I can say I prefer the every day stuff that goes on in people's lives and enjoy slowly expanding my blogger-verse.
I can't relate to the curated blogs of perfection and travel since I am a Caregiver and unable to go places. Life is not perfect, our lives can be boring, full of joy, sorrow, and whatever comes along each day.

I jump all over with my stuff. From normal boring stuff to creativity. I indeed enjoy reading what others are doing.

Sandra said...

That cat photo makes me laugh, Denise! I travelled as a young person with my parents and then as a young adult quite a bit. Since we bought this farm and started my obsession with horses I have not travelled much, really only to horse shows. I, too, enjoy travelling the country and world via blogs. Thank you for stopping in here.

Sandra said...

I probably met you online 16-17 years ago, Lori. I remembered you and was happy when I came back to blogger that you were keeping on! I think I came upon Val at your blog. I feel I know you.

Sandra said...

Me, too, Cheerful. I just had to have them printed on canvas.

Sandra said...

You blog is always thoughtful, nick. I enjoy that, I usually need to pause before commenting. Culture in the US varies from region to region and state to state.Travelling here is often like going to another country!

Sandra said...

It really is how you get to know a person, whether in real life or online. Who that person is comes through the mundanities of life, Dorothy. There is also learning from their travels, such as yours (you are a fountain of information). I enjoy the interaction.

Sandra said...

Your everyday life, Val, is an adventure! I am not a person who would go hiking through the woods, climb slippery rock formations and just spend so much time in the wild. With you, I get little snippets of how beautiful and raw your environment is.

Marlane said...

Your words about blogging have inspired me to keep on blogging. Thank you !

Sandra said...

You are welcome, Marlane.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I have an average run of the mill life, nothing exciting going on here, which is why I started doing informative posts about different things and now I really enjoy these posts I like learning about different things and animals and places as there is so much I do not know

Sandra said...

I enjoy the interaction and just getting to know all sorts of different people in, yes, a limited way, but still it is nice, Jo-Anne.

Pixie said...

I like knowing the day to day stuff. My life is not exciting either, walk the dogs, vacuum the floor, make supper, repeat. Sigh.
I wish we had that misfits market here but sadly we do not.

Sandra said...

Don't forget raising a five year old, Pixie!

"Tommy" said...

That red sauce and meatballs... I think Im headed to Vernoa's tomorrow for supper..