Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Soup. No Sandwich

The subzero weather is back. For today. I made a hodgepodge soup yesterday, finding I had only a small amount of lentils, I had to use beans as well. There is enough for today, which is a good thing considering the cold weather. I'm going to make stock again today. I need to get some of those bones and vegetable bits out of the packed freezer. 

You know you are getting old when your week is a series of medical appointments. PT for me on Monday, primary for Mark yesterday and the dermatologist today. Last week was his urologist. He has a couple of 'gists. We have become one of those!

May the day be a good one for us all.


Boud said...

Yes, when medical appointments overtake meeting friends for coffee!
Soup is just right now.

Sandra said...

Yes, the first sign you have crossed over to senior, Boud! We are having soup again today, with more stock simmering.

Anvilcloud said...

I am hoping to be done with urologists after this spring. It would be nice.

Rita said...

Looks like a yummy hodgepodge soup! Those are the best kind.
Beef & veggie soup in the crockpot for me today. 8 degrees! We are above zero! And yes--appointments become the norm for a lot of us. Gives us something in common, I guess. CTscans for me Friday. Fingers crossed my body lets me get there--lol!

Val Ewing said...

Tossing leftovers into a pot is a good way to make hodgepodge soup.
Soups are awesome to eat in the winter, you can have everything in one dish/bowl.

Thankfully we are not solidly booked with appts like that, but we did have our share in December. Lucky for us, most of them were actually virtual.

By Saturday we are supposed to possibly get up to 31F !!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Join us old people. We are done for the week with only four appts this week which is better than last weeks five...a downward trend is good:)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yeah some weeks are full of medical appointments

Lori Skoog said...

Join the club!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love your choice of comfort food!

nick said...

I try to avoid the doctor as doctors are totally overwhelmed right now. And if I need any treatment I might have to wait months for it.

Sandra said...

Mark now goes in twice a year. He sees the dermatologist every four months. Let's hope you will be done with it in spring.

Sandra said...

I've got my fingers crossed for you Rita. We have a few days of more temperate weather so maybe you do, too. Good luck with the scans.

Sandra said...

I make a lot of soup because I make a lot of stock!It's so convenient to have onhand. I think you've had more than your fair share of doctors. We are going to have the same weather. Yippee!

Sandra said...

I'm officially an old people, Far Side! That's a lot of appointments.

Sandra said...

Yes they are, Jo-Anne!

Sandra said...

It's exclusive, right, Lori? !

Sandra said...

Comfort food is the best, Cheerful.

Sandra said...

Mark can't avoid doctors because he has had two different cancers. Other than chronic pain I seem healthy, Nick.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, after reading about your appointment schedule and then the above comments, I was hesitant, but thankful, to admit that aside from dental, none are in our schedules.

Sandra said...

Don't be hesitant, Dorothy. That's fantastic!

DeniseinVA said...

Ah yes, I am going through my own medical appointments and PT. I like “You know you are getting old when…”. It made me smile. Very true! I hope the appointments go well. Love that comforting bowl of goodness.

Sandra said...

It's a rite of passage, eh Denise! We finished the last of the soup today.