Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Blog is Called This & That Afterall

Good Friday Morning!

I think it's been awhile since I graced you with Frieda. Gatto has taken her limelight. She is finally a fully adult cat, in other words, she sleeps a lot. Yesterday and today we are warmer, tomorrow we drop into the freezer again. I actually got out and about yesterday. A trip to the clinic for a blood draw does count as out and about, right?

I have felt gloomy, I know it's because of our political scene. I know I've been down because yesterday I impulsed shopped and I never do this. I accidently, or subconsciously, clicked on the Martie app instead of gmail. By the time I'd finished scrolling through I had managed to buy sixty bucks worth of things I can use but didn't need nor had any intention of looking for. Then I saw an Aldi ad for nice kitchen glassware at a good price. Yep, bought that plus another sixty bucks worth of groceries I wasn't looking for. Then.....I ordered three canvas prints. Now those I had been thinking about so that was no spur of the moment purchasing. I can see how impulse shopping is what a lot of people do when they feel down or helpless. I did feel a little lighter, or perhaps it was my bank account that felt lighter.

I have been in a cooking mood. Wednesday I made pizza.

Last evening it was a white bean casserole. I think I've posted this before. It's so simple it should be illegal and it is good. I spruce it up some with onion, bacon and this time, roasted brussels sprouts. Also Herbes de Provence, a go-to-herb for me. Lots of cheese, this time Gruyere.

Today I've designated bread day. Bread and ciabatta rolls are on the roster. Sometimes I think this should be a food blog but then where would loose horses in the dark and an old boy cast in his stall fit in? So, a hodgepodge it is.

Happy Day to you all. 


Boud said...

Yes please keep the horses and cats and chandeliers!

Anvilcloud said...

Yeah, I think all-in-one blogs are the way to go.

Far Side of Fifty said...

It is your blog and you can write what ever you want. Very strong winds here today.

Sandra said...

Don't worry, Boud. It's kinda a guarantee I will!

Sandra said...

I can only hand an all-in-one, AC.

Sandra said...

Oh, I will and do Far Side! The wind really picked up about an hour ago. Blustery!

Rita said...

Never limit the content of your blog!
I've begun to wonder if my bad health bout might be related to the election and all the rest. Looking back it started sometime shortly after the election news. Wouldn't surprise me. He does make my stomach turn--lol! ;)
Very windy and light snow here. Almost white-out at times. Stay warm! :)

Sandra said...

Stress, tension, the unknown...they all impact health. It is actually likely it's connected, Rita. I know my headaches and sadness are from my deep concern.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

The other night when I couldn't sleep I was scrolling through wish and ordered stuff that I liked but didn't need I really shouldn't scroll through such apps when tired.

nick said...

"She is finally a fully adult cat, in other words, she sleeps a lot." I like it. I've never been an impulse buyer, I buy what I need and that's it. Mainly because I hate shopping and do as little of it as possible.

Bohemian said...

Retail Therapy is still cheaper than Real Therapy. *Winks* I think many of us feel the doom and gloom upon us, it's understandable. That Fur Baby, what a beautiful Photo! And now you've also made me hungry with your Food Porn. *LOL*

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm brushing up on my stress management skills (I actually taught classes and led groups in it years ago), and I agree, retail therapy can help. I've been doing it too.

e said...

She has a gorgeous coat, and your food looks lovely, too, Stay warm.

Anonymous said...

Yes, going to medical appointment/labs counts as being out and about. It also counts as "socializing" you talk, you smile in other words you interact with another person (s).
I feel very gloomy and scared. I also am horrified..
I hope you show some of your purchases.
Take Care,

Anonymous said...

P.S. I love the content of your blog. It is interesting, informative and I love seeing your pets. Kaye

peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm NOT looking for the Trump regime.

Lori Skoog said...

I love it! Retail therapy! Normally, I am not much of a shopper but I sure understand what you have been doing. Trying to watch less and less news as I absolutely feel that it is putting non-trumpers in a funk. And I agree...your blog is always interesting and includes great photos!

Val Ewing said...

Beautiful cat. I had a wild one as a kid I tried to tame that looked like her. I called her Rusty.

Bread day here today also! Not mine, but Olive was making bread like you make and it is DE--licious!

Sandra said...

You were having some retail therapy too, Jo-Anne!

Sandra said...

Thaut of a day! It's the way of a cat, nick. All energy and craziness and then, sleep 23 hours out of 24. I don't normally do this, either. But then, things aren't normal.

Sandra said...

Half of the country is still in a state of shock, Dawn. Frieda is my little stray kitten who knocked on the door wanting the life of a house kitty!

Sandra said...

I'm not surprised you taught stress management skills, Cheerful. It did make me feel a little better.

Sandra said...

Frieda has a smooth, shiney coat, e. She sheds very little. I can't say that for the others!

Sandra said...

Thanks, Kaye. That's nice of you.

Sandra said...

I didn't get to interact with anyone other than the technician. People have their heads buried in their phones, Kaye. But yes, it is getting out and being around people. And their phones!! I never thought we would be in such a place as we are. The really hard thing to understand is the support behind this. They don't see what is before their eyes.

Sandra said...

No. Disaster, Dora.

Sandra said...

I don't do retail shopping, either, Lori. But I did. At least it was mostly food. Food I didn't need but will use. I have been more interested in cooking. I think it's a way to feel some control as the world turns upside down.

Sandra said...

Torties are strange kitties, Val. She is overly opinionated, even for a cat.
I made a loaf yesterday and made dough for paninis that needed to sit for 24 hours. That will be made today.

Val Ewing said...

Funny thing. There is a channel on YouTube that is offering cute puppies and kittens for happiness and calmness during the inauguration. I may have to watch that to be cheerful!

Anonymous said...

That’s not a bad idea, Val! Sandra