Good frigid morning
We reached a low of -20 F during the night. Later in the day it will start to warm and we will leave this behind for awhile. I purposely stayed off my computer and phone yesterday. I decided it was best for my mental health to do so. I had a consult in the morning with a physical therapist. She was impressed with how stiff my back and neck are. I tell you what, when I do something I do it! I was given exercise to do at home and I will see her once a week for however long it takes. I do have some hope, she was very good. Otherwise, we spent the day inside, other than the horsecare. Mark ventured out for that.
As we know, cats know what to do when it's cold. Or when it's anything. They have it down.The two girls stay on the bed all morning and often all afternoon.
This guy knows where the real warmth is and he tends to stay there. The two outside fellows are inside kitties until further notice.
It's also been a few days of comfort food. My favorite kind of food. I braised a couple of beef country style ribs. I really, really like braised food. I made some pork stock a couple of days ago and think soup will be in order. I also think I'll turn some leftover salmon into a creamy pasta sauce for this evening's dinner. I know I've been stressed because I have ordered groceries from everyplace I have an account, which is many. Food, I have understood, is a way I find or feel control. That means I have no freezer space left and the pantry, which is large, is overflowing. No matter what, we will eat. For a few months anyway.
Good day to you all and stay warm.
I can see how food feels like safety and control, yes. I hope the pt helps.
I stayed away from social media yesterday, and I am scrolling by a lot of stuff really quickly today. Glad you're doing well physically ... and the cats too.
A friend who is a physiatric nurse told me several years ago that he thought perhaps my need for hoarding food was way for me to feel control, as I had never had a hungry day in my life, Boud. Thinking about him, I felt he was right. I did improve once I realized why I was doing it, but this thing that has happened to our country kicked it in action again. At least I have an understanding of why.
I think the pt will help. Hopeful, anyway.
Other than coming here I have not looked at anything. I need time to adjust. As much as is possible/
We got cold cold last night too. I found a lot of other things to do yesterday and played music too.
I did make some purchases though it was not too exciting.
I walked up to get the mail on the ridge dressed like I was in the Artic. But that worked and I stayed warm.
Tomorrow looks to be a touch nicer.
Glad you are staying warm too!
You spent the day doing your fun things, Val! You cannot beat that. We do know how to dress for it, don't we!
look how I spelled psychiatric!
You just explained my much smaller pantry and freezer. I cooked, read, napped and played cat games. Early to bed and staying in layers.
Your PT should help.
The state of affairs definately has had an impact on me too, but you have been much more ambitious in the cooking department. My stomach just is not that interested. It's good that all the cats have a place to stay warm. Here too. Your winter temperatures have been even worse than ours....and I thought it was going to be a mild winter, Ha!
I hope the PT helps. I’m still doing mine and I like having something I can do even if it takes a long time.
I hope the PT helps a lot.
Was super cold here, too (-22).
I think I am in shock and disbelief that this is really happening.
I'm lost in Agatha Christie episodes. Soothes my soul to see the criminals get caught every time. ;)
There is a feeling of security in having ample food onhand, e. Your routine sounds like my routine.
I think so, e.
The joke is on us, eh Lori! Cooking is a way for me to release tension. Some people craft, do puzzles, paint, etc. I cook. Cooking and music make my day a little brighter. We have a drive-in hay loft. I had a small opening cut into one of the doors decades ago for the cats, stray and mine, to be able to get out of the weather and stay warm. It's probably saves a few kitty lives.
You are a determined individual, Cheerful. Your recovery was amazingly fast! I feel good about this therapist. She was very thorough.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in that world where justice is served every episode, Rita. I hope you are getting a reprieve from the cold, too.
We all need comfort food in the Winter~
Avoiding social media and even social contact isn't a terrible plan, but meal prep and planning is a better one. This weekend, I spent most of Sunday in the kitchen and listened to an audio book and it was a great diversion from the world.
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