Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

You know, no title

Let's have something lighthearted today. 

Mark had to go to the post office yesterday so he stopped at the deli for Taco Tuesday. This week's taco was made with slow cooked rump roast and spicy pickled peppers. That brings to mind Peter Piper picking pickled peppers. Has anyone figured out how many pecks he picked? Ok, I am my father's daughter. Sometimes you don't argue with genetics. Back to the program....I had a small tomato and an avocado with the really good taco.

We are in a warming period, which will end in a couple of days. It's nice to give the propane tank a break, sort of. I've been looking for my absent mojo without any luck. Maybe it will show itself today. I did make bread yesterday. And.....

....more food. I had some bay scallops I used with asparagus in a lemon garlic butter sauce. It was very good, but somehow I don't think it was low in calories! But, it did have sea food and a vegetable, that counts, right?

 Good Wednesday, everyone.


Boud said...

That looks good. Your food always looks good. Too bad you don't ship.

Val Ewing said...

I'm with Boud, but then again the other half wouldn't eat most of what is on your plates.
Good food is so comforting. Thank you for this!

Far Side of Fifty said...

My husband would never eat that much green stuff:) I have never tried scallops.

The Happy Whisk said...

All of your food looks goooooooood!

lol on the Peter Pickle Peppers.

Very cool that your air fryer lasted five years so far. That's very cool. Yeah, I'm excited to give the lid a go. Play, see how it works or doesn't work. Be a fun weekend for sure.

Sandra said...

You are funny, Boud!

Sandra said...

You perhaps got to the other half too late to train him! We do need a little non-issues in our lives, Val.

Sandra said...

Green is a favored vegetable color here. The only vegetable I can think of I don't like is corn and beets, Far Side. Are beets a vegetable. I'll eat corn before I would eat a beet.

Sandra said...

I can thank the deli for the taco, Ivy. I couldn't resist once I'written pickled peppers! My air fryer is more like a toaster oven. It has several different functions on it. It has worked well but is almost impossible to clean. Perhaps if I had started cleaning it after every use it wouldn't be so bad. But I didn't.

Miss Merry said...

I cooked scallops the night before last. Your dish is much more delicious looking. Mine were a B-. I did served twice baked potatoes and green beans with bacon with them which raised it to a high B or A-.

CheerfulMonk said...

It sounds like a great day, comfortable and relaxed.

e said...

If you did ship, I'd be a first customer.

Lori Skoog said...

Right! I love corn and pickled beets. Get that mojo workin'.

Rita said...

My mojo has snuck off somewhere, too! Your cooking delicious food mojo hasn't deserted you, though, obviously. ;)

Sandra said...

Your sides sound A+ Miss Merry. Now I will be making green beans with bacon. I have many bags of green beans from Neighbor Bill in the freezer. I've never used bacon with them.

Sandra said...

It really was, Cheerful.

Sandra said...

It makes everything healthy! I actually like corn on the cob roasted on a grill, Lori, but otherwise, not so much. Beets and I shall never mix!

Bohemian said...

Well, it LOOKS healthy enuf. *Winks* You are warming and we're getting colder, I had Frost on the Windshield this Morning and got to try out my Windshield Warmer Feature on this newer Truck and it works splendidly! Yay! I think we need uplifting Posts right now.

Sandra said...

I need to do some cleaning, but I can't seem to care enough to do it, Rita. I only cook the simple things these days. Simple can be really good.

Sandra said...

Funny, e!

Sandra said...

We get colder over the weekend, but that is winter, Dawn. Frost in Phoenix just doesn't seem right, but either does snow in Florida. I agree about posts, it's just hard.

"Tommy" said...

Looks good .. from way down here in Louisiana

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I just dropped by to say Hi

Sandra said...

I hope it's warmed down there, Tommy.

Sandra said...

Hi, Jo-Anne

DeniseinVA said...

All very yum! Fun to visit and see food pictures. Gives me ideas what to make here. Thanks for that and a happy Wednesday to you too :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy getting inspiration from my blogging friends, too, Denise. Good Sunday to you. Sandra