Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, December 25, 2009

Caritas, Gaudium, Pax

From the farm to the world, we wish you charity, hope and peace.


Ganeida said...

Great photos! Love the one of Howard barrelling through the snow. Classic!

Have a Blessed Christmas.

Memories Of Mine said...

Gosh look at all that snow. I hope you and your family had a very merry Christmas.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Charity, hope and peace - what wonderful offerings - Thank you. That last photo is just lovely.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Good wishes for the world, Sandra! the pictures in today's post certainly carry the message with joy!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

And the same to you! We're currently in a blizzard...all that is coming your way. MORE snow! No one was able to make it out today. Now what will I ever do with all this food for 20 people..LOL!

Love you view!

Deb said...

Beautiful, beautiful snowy pictures. Charity, Hope, and Peace to you too Sandra.

EveryoneThinksThey'reGoodDrivers said...

Merry Christmas Sandra!

Just Jules said...

Lovely. What can be captured in a moment

Lori Skoog said...

A great message and beautiful photos! The soup below looks good too!

Judy said...

I love the pictures! The barn is so beautiful and it even looks as though the horses are enjoying the snow, but maybe not as much as the dogs. Hope you had a nice relaxing day.

Sandra said...

To everyone: I hope your day was a good one, even if one of you does have food for twenty people!

The dogs loved the snow, especially Grace. She had so much fun, which was great to see, as she was sick for so long. This is Howard's first big snow, he is two and we haven''t had much snow the past couple of years. He is entranced by the new smells. : )