Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Robert Lowell


My Dolphin, you only guide me by surprise.
a captive as Racine, the man of craft,
drawn through his maze of iron composition
by the glassy bowing and scraping of my own will....
I have sat and listened to too many
words of the collaborating muse,
and plotted perhaps too freely with my life,
not avoiding injury to others,
not avoiding injury to myself....
to ask compassion.... this book, half fiction,
an eelnet made by man for the eel fighting

my eyes have seen what my hand did.


Homer and Queen said...


Sandra said...

I really liked this poem. Robert Lowell was a Poet Laureate in the early 1940's and later became a protege of Ginsberg. I thought this poem said a lot in few words.

I'm glad you are back and that WB is home.