Saturday, March 30, 2024
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Popping In
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Down That Lane
Monday, March 25, 2024
Snow. Rain.
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Sunshine. No Lollipops.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Let it Snow
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Rocky Racoon and Other Things
Monday, March 18, 2024
Frieda and Flowers, Again
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Pizza. Flowers. Cats.
I disappeared from the internet yesterday.

Now it's time for some porch therapy to calm herself after the invasion of the strange two-leggers. Seriously......what were we thinking?
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Soup and Cats and Vacuums
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Grumble, Grumble. Life is a Tumble
I had an appointment yesterday with Mark's primary. I saw her once before about six weeks ago. We are trying Celebrex for pain. She mentioned seeing someone in pain management. I had done that at the prior clinic and it was a joke. She assured me this would be better. We agreed to wait on the results of the new pain med. I am cautiously liking her, I don't know if she is doing the same!
The social butterfly that I am, I'll be venturing out two days in a row. I need to renew my drivers license, which is expired. I have an appointment today, an opportunity for a new mugshot. Joy to the world.
The time change has me out of sorts, more than usual. I am a proponent of staying on standard time year round. It does give us something to grumble about for at least a month (the whole time we are on DST). We are both excellent grumblers.
Sunday, March 10, 2024
I dreamt last night I was out walking my deceased dog, Howard. Somehow he got into a pasture with cattle and was not listening when I called him. Imagine that, a basset not listening. I was upset with him, he was enjoying his journey among the steers. Then I see Diamond Rose and her foal, Zing, in the same pasture. This is weird because Mama Rose died at Zing's birth, but there they were, cantering along the fence line like it was a perfectly normal thing. The dream suddenly transitioned to Jesus winning a beauty contest. Everyone was so happy. OK. Where did that come from? This was the pretty blonde, blue-eyed Jesus that's in so many paintings. It was a seemingly normal event. What happened to Howard and the horses, I do not know. If there was a celebration after the beauty contest, I must have missed it. I decided to write about this because Boud wrote about a dream she had that was right out of left field. Maybe there was something in the atmosphere last night?
Friday, March 8, 2024
Spark of Floral Color
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
After the Fall
Monday, March 4, 2024
Took a Tumble
Last evening. A hard one. Ever since the brain injury I have had poor balance. I stopped riding because it felt unsafe. I'm now older and I have been inactive for three years, making my already poor balance worse. I wear sliders, comfortable, thick soled footwear which is proving unsafe for me. The sole is about two inches thick, so I need to pick my feet up higher than is my normal, which I don't always do. I have a step-up from the living room to the kitchen, this time I didn't pick my foot up high enough and snagged the sole on the step, sending me backward in a clumsy fall. The worst part was Mark. He was a hot mess, hovering and sure I was taking my last breath. Long story short, nothing was injured, I was quite sore, but all parts worked. This morning I was fine, my back hurt just a bit more, but that was it. Lesson learned, no more sliders.