Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, March 22, 2024

Let it Snow

It snowed!

There is more to come. We had a snowless winter so I have to say I don't mind this at all. Snow, when there was a normal, was always a given in March. Usually a lot of it. We badly need the moisture.

I made chicken stock a couple of days ago so I think I'll make soup today in honor of snow. I made headway yesterday on the Great Office Cleanup, never fear, there is much more to do. I am so much more mobile since I started taking Celebrex it's hard to believe. I am struggling with the question, why? Why wasn't this mentioned to me three years ago? Two years ago? One year ago? Last month? Why did I have to ask about a prescription pain medicine? Something is very wrong with our medical system. As if I and many others did not already know this. I'm not one to easily forgive, but I do need to just accept it is done and I must move forward.

Anyway, life in the slow lane has improved, fingers crossed.


Boud said...

Doctors are scared to prescribe pain meds because of the opoid crisis. So people who could benefit don't get them. One of my local friends, whose rx was limited to way below her needs, said she was ready to buy on the street. She literally could have done that in her city neighborhood. Upside down world.

Pixie said...

I'm so glad the celebrex is helping. I often ask myself this same question, "Why did it take so long?", so frustrating.

Right now I'm busy yelling at my dogs for digging in the garden. In a year or two, I'll figure something out and then wonder why I didn't think of it earlier. Bah!

I was reading about raccoons the other day, not sure why. They can get up to 57 lbs which surprised me and live up to 20 years. Most of them die before 3 years of age, either shot or run over.

Sandra said...

I understand that. When I brought it up I asked about a non-opioid pain reliever. I don't want an opioid. Celebrex is an prescription strength NSAID. 3 years I lived with this when it very likely could have been dealt with earlier. If I couldn't get a diagnosis pain relief would have been nice. My father was on opioids. He was dying so he may as well have been comfortable. They did make him paranoid, though. What did your friend do?

Sandra said...

Pixie, I need my moment of upset over the lost 3 years of my life. Then I need to move on. But right now, it is cathartic to be kind of angry about it. Anger is a valid emotion if it doesn't consume. I'm not pain free and probably never will be, but I am so much more mobile and can see myself venturing out into the world again.

I won't even tell you the things I have wondered 'why did it take me so long?". Why did I not bring up pain meds before? Maybe because I was so rattled by what seemed to happen overnight.

Rocky is huge. He has made a home here so it is quite possible for him to have a long life. Oh, boy.

Anvilcloud said...

It's nice that the Celebrex is helping you to enjoy life and the snow, which I know that you want. I don't want any, but we may get some overnight.

Lori Skoog said...

You have definately sent us some snow and tonight there is a possibility for some accumulation. The good news....you have found something that works for you and it has to be a major upper. Keep o n moving!

Boud said...

Her sister stepped in, forced another doctor to Rx more meds for her relief.

Sandra said...

AC, as one chronic pain person to another, it is certainly a relief. We need precipitation and snow is ok with me. You've had snow all along, I can see you don't want anymore.

Sandra said...

Lori, I think MN has been sending you our weather most of the winter! It's not perfect, but I am better. Hurrah!

Sandra said...

Boud, good for her.

Sandi said...

Oh, that is beautiful. We never did get snow this year.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You have more snow than we have, maybe in a few day we will get more. It is okay to be angry...after that you will move forward:)

Sandra said...

Sandi, it's mostly gone but more is on the way.

Sandra said...

Far Side, most of it is melted but we are supposed to get more. We'll see. Yes, I've need to complain about the system for a bit, get it out of my system.

The Happy Whisk said...
