Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, March 10, 2024

I dreamt last night I was out walking my deceased dog, Howard. Somehow he got into a pasture with cattle and was not listening when I called him. Imagine that, a basset not listening. I was upset with him, he was enjoying his journey among the steers. Then I see Diamond Rose and her foal, Zing, in the same pasture. This is weird because Mama Rose died at Zing's birth, but there they were, cantering along the fence line like it was a perfectly normal thing. The dream suddenly transitioned to Jesus winning a beauty contest. Everyone was so happy. OK. Where did that come from? This was the pretty blonde, blue-eyed Jesus that's in so many paintings. It was a seemingly normal event. What happened to Howard and the horses, I do not know. If there was a celebration after the beauty contest, I must have missed it. I decided to write about this because Boud wrote about a dream she had that was right out of left field. Maybe there was something in the atmosphere last night?

Howard B. Hound


Boud said...

You didn't have anyone on ice? Hmmm, something missing..

Sandi said...

Jesus is coming soon? That's what I think it means. The animals live on like humans do after death. Maybe that's what that part means. Where did it come from? There is definitely something in air.

Sandra said...

Boud, I know. I feel sorta short changed. Ghandi tap dancing on ice?

Sandra said...

Sandi, perhaps you are right on all of it. There is something in the air, Boud had tap dancers on ice. Like that is normal!

e said...

Wow...and Howard B. Hound is so cute! I rarely remember dreams these days.

Lori Skoog said...

Very interesting. I have also been having some weird dreams.

Val Ewing said...

I had a weird one too! But mine included flying a helicopter and then jumping out of it to drive an ambulance where I couldn't reach the pedals.

It was such a vivid dream and like yours, made absolutely no sense!

Sandra said...

e, Howard was one in a million. He died in May 2017 and it broke my heart. He was a real character! I rarely remember a dream, if I do dream?

Sandra said...

Lori, some strange force in the atmosphere!

Sandra said...

Val, of course that would be something you would dream!! Action all the way.

Anvilcloud said...

Sue has dreams about getting lost and then not being able to use the phone to get help. After decades, I still have dream about being back in the classroom, totally unprepared for what, where and whom I should be teaching.

Sandra said...

AC, those are dreams that cause anxiety!