Sunday, May 31, 2009
Foliage, Flowers & Dirt Under The Fingernails
Friday, May 29, 2009
Bearded Iris & Sundry Items
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Wild Horses
Monday, May 25, 2009
Festive Gala At Reflection Farm
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Life's Final Sunset
I received word this morning that an old adversary from an internet forum died at age 58. This man and I did not get along, to the point of my leaving that forum as a member. Strange how one can feel such dislike of a person never met.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
is the ultimate result of all ambition.
Samuel Johnson
I am not a hugger. It's odd I'm not a hugger because I am certainly a bleeding heart liberal. But I am not a hugger.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Letter to My Sister
It is dangerous for a woman to defy the gods;
To taunt them with the tongue's thin tip,
Or strut in the weakness of mere humanity,
Or draw a line daring them to cross;
The gods own the searing lightning,
The drowning waters, tormenting fears
And anger of red sins.
Oh, but worse still if you mince timidly--
Dodge this way or that, or kneel or pray,
Be kind, or sweat agony drops
Or lay your quick body over your feeble young;
If you have beauty or none, if celibate
Or vowed--the gods are Juggernaut,
Passing over . . . over . . .
This you may do:
Lock your heart, then, quietly,
And lest they peer within,
Light no lamp when dark comes down
Raise no shade for sun;
Breathless must your breath come through
If you'd die and dare deny
The gods their god-like fun.
Anne Spencer ~ 1882 - 1975
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Bon Jour
- Edwin Way Teale
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A Box Just For Wishes Or Dreams That Will Never Come True

Remember that old Jim Croce song. It's been playing in my head lately. If I had a box just for wishes and dreams that would never come true, what would it be filled with?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I've been chasing my thoughts around all morning, as if they are sent fluttering in the wind we are experiencing. I have so much on my mind, but I think for now many of my thoughts need to remain out to pasture. They need time to formulate, percolate, animate.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Robert Bly was born in Minnesota and continues to reside here.
The Indigo Bunting
I go to the door often.
Night and summer. Crickets
lift their cries.
I know you are out.
You are driving
late through the summer night.
I do not know what will happen.
I have no claim on you.
I am one star
you have as guide; others
love you, the night
so dark over the Azores.
You have been working outdoors,
gone all week. I feel you
in this lamp lit
so late. As I reach for it
I feel myself
driving through the night.
I love a firmness in you
that disdains the trivial
and regains the difficult.
You become part then
of the firmness of night,
the granite holding up walls.
There were women in Egypt who
supported with their firmness the stars
as they revolved,
hardly aware
of the passage from night
to day and back to night.
I love you where you go
through the night, not swerving,
clear as the indigo
bunting in her flight,
passing over two
thousand miles of ocean.
Robert Bly
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Beginning
Monday, May 11, 2009
Busy Bee

I have a very busy day ahead, but I thought I'd take a moment to announce, it arrived. The book which will help launch me into my new title of Beekeeper.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
End Of An Era
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Life In The Slow Lane, Or Why I'm Not Let Out Much
~Shelley Winters

So, I went to the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis on Monday evening for dinner and a concert. I spend my life on a farm, in a barn so the wardrobe is limited. And that is being charitable. Being the prepared individual that I am I decided Monday morning that I should try on my 'good clothes' because somehow 25 lbs found me this winter. If someone out there lost them, I found them and you may have them back. OK, back to point. No way, think stuffing a sausage.
Friday, May 8, 2009
If I Could Put Time In A Bottle, Or Get Off Your Butt And Do Something
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Too Much Adventure at Brandywine!
I sit here now with sore 'Popeye muscles'! We trailered over to Brandywine for a lesson with Zing. Firstly, Zing has decided he doesn't load into a trailer anymore. So we couldn't get him in. Ashley, this is for you. Zing is a scent horse, he can't sniff enough horse dung, so I went and picked some up. He got interested and made it half way in before he power backed. The manure lost its interest. I have at least one mare that is in heat, reference my prior post, so I went to her stall and got some soaked bedding for him. He liked that and got in. We didn't have time to play with him, so do what works. Uneventful trip over there.