Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ice Age

This is the result of a 40 degree day on Friday. Melting snow turning to ice when the inevitable happens.........temperature drop. Now we are covered in this mess. I didn't get horses out yesterday because huge areas of their turnout look like this. All areas around gates look like this. Smooth hooves and ice don't mix well. We had snow in the forecast for yesterday, but it didn't happen, so I get to spend the day laying down as much deicer as I can. Yesterday I had to put down footing from the indoor arena all over the area of one of the sheds that has two mares in it. They couldn't get out of the shed or to their water. I put calcium chloride in the arena footing so it adds grit and melt when I spread it on ice. This is just one more reason for rejoicing that you don't live here!


Ganeida said...

That looks incredibly dangerous! I nearly lost Dearest off the Jungfrou [Switzerland] when he stepped on a patch of ice.

EveryoneThinksThey'reGoodDrivers said...

I hate ice.

Sandra, how do you make crab cakes???

Ashley Dumas said...

That looks just awful...ok so i am glad that I don't live there at this moment, but your Autumn shots were sooooo....beautiful. I suppose everything has to balance out in the end. Hope every one stays safe on all that ice.


hmmm...do you know how to make crab cakes???

Sandra said...

It is dangerous. I have spent the day making paths with deicer and chaff. Until we get a decent snow cover I will be stuck with really limited turnout. I'm still waiting for the skidloader to come home. It's been with the mechanic way too long and my life is awful without it.

I do know how to make crab cakes. I imagine I can be coaxed into sharing. : )

EveryoneThinksThey'reGoodDrivers said...

Puh-lease post your crabcake recipe!

Be careful on the ice and let me know if you need any help. I'll be available Tuesday mid-afternoon.