Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rain, Ice, Wind......... The Wonders Of Home

It is a very ugly day in the land of the dark and frozen.

Considering it looks and feels like a misery outside, I thought I would remind myself of better days with a lovely floral photo. Ah, only a few months away.

I hope wherever you are it is better than here. If not, let the iris bring you to better days, if only for a moment and if only in your mind.


Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

It worked! Thanks.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Yes, it helped! Greatly appreciated :) -Tammy

Girl Tornado said...

Ah, how beautiful! It is not so bad a day here -- 53 and partly cloudy/sunny. Big, big clouds out there... I should probably get my butt outside and get some pics, huh.

I bought some fresh flowers a few weeks ago, and they are still going pretty strong. Some in a vase of water, and some gerbera daisies in a pot. Always adds a bright spot of cheerfulness to the kitchen. :)

Ganeida said...

35C [95F] in the shade here before 11am. I don't go outside after that to check. Beautiful pic; gorgeous colours.

Elizabeth said...

There's a beautiful poem by Wallace Stevens called "In the Carolinas." The last line is "the white iris beautifies me."

I love your photo...

Sandra said...

Glad to help Bonnie & Tammy!

Oz Girl, we won't see 53 any time soon. This coming week is going back into the deep freeze.

Ganeida, 95 is no pleasure for me. But now we are going to deal with ICE again.

Elizabeth, Welcome! Lilies and Iris are my favorite flower.

Unknown said...

I keep popping over here, and realize I want to spend time reading back and around.
thanks for visiting my space,and I look forward to getting to"know " you.
I long for gardening season to pick up again as well.
I haven't posted for awhile on my Green Acres blog, what a good idea to just share some pics of hope:)

Sandra said...

deb, I'm glad you come back!