Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, February 25, 2012

If it's Saturday......

....it means spending the day in here.
It's not all fun and games. These dear beasts lead to a lot of
Crap happens and on the farm it happens in spades, or at least by the manure fork full.

Yes, I really do live on a farm.


Ganeida said...

lol Love the pics. But gosh! That is one big barn. I didn't realise it was so big. Guess I was thinking somethig Farville size. ☺

Lori Skoog said...

That is what I call a spectacular Stable!

Sandra said...

It is a big barn, it's an old dairy barn which we turned into a horse barn. It's wonderful and why we bought this place!

Thank you Lori. Lots of stalls to clean.....

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

What a beautiful place, but wow, what a lot of work! Still, I imagine it's work that brings you so close to the horses, to the earth.

Denise Emanuel Clemen said...

I love the photo of your horse barn!

Sandra said...

Marion, That silly boy jumping for joy brings me close to the horses. : ) His name, by the way, is Bounce!

Denise, thank you. I turned the dairy barn into a horse barn, with the help of a great carpenter.

Unknown said...

I alway romanticize about owning a farm or rural property and I'm sure you could quickly set me straight. But still.....

Sandra said...

I could, deb. It has its rewards, but the big drawback because of the horses is, I can't travel. Even being gone for the day must be planned. It limits my life. On the other hand, it's not a bad place to live if your life is going to be limited!