I did pick tomatoes today and a bunch of herbs. The Roma and yellow plum tomatoes are absolutely full of fruit. I'm going to freeze much of them whole. A friend makes herbed salt and I have decided my life is not whole without that in it, so I have a bunch of herbs dehydrating as I type. I think I may have a new obsession!
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
My Tomatoes Runneth Over
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Changing Seasons
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Teenage Mutant Tomatoes?
We had some rain overnight, which precludes me from finishing the mowing. We are supposed to have more this evening. It's going to be a hot and humid weekend, which also keeps me from the lawn mowing. I never have handled heat well and my old self has had the opposite of most people as they age. I handle heat even less. I got about half done yesterday before I got too warm. I'm out in the full sun for most of the mowing and it gets to me.I have plenty and I mean PLENTY to do inside. Maybe I can convince myself it's about time.
I'm not a really early riser anymore, not like when I cared for forty horses, but I am generally up by 7:00. I slept until 8:30 this morning. It was discombobulating. I lost 1.5 hours of my morning.
I had a shoe called oofos recommended to me. I was told to use arch supports and I got good ones, but they bother my feet and back more than without them. The therapist told me to wear athletic shoes, which I have never liked, but I bought a pair, light pink. If I'm going to wear them I'm going to make a statement! I hate them. They feel heavy and cumbersome. I spent twenty-five years in farm work boots but I bet they would bother me now, too. oofos are expensive but they have a slider that was on sale. I ordered a pair and will see how they are. If I like them I will spend the money on shoes. Sliders aren't going to work in Minnesota during winter. I think back to the decades I spent in high heels!
Because I feel like rambling, I am going to shred more zucchini and some carrot and make fritters for dinner. What else, I don't know. It's been awhile since I have made them. I bought an electric griddle years ago for that particular use. I should use it again. Not to be maudlin, but depression does steal your life. On that happy note, I think I will take my leave! And say, I am doing better.
Friday, August 26, 2022
A Good Neighbor
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Long, Low and Droopy
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Apples to Apple Sauce
Monday, August 22, 2022
Sunday, August 21, 2022
A marriage between eggplants.

Saturday, August 20, 2022
Just a bit of Fluff
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Solo released his magnificent essence to the universe yesterday.
He was an elegant, gentle soul. A National Champion in halter and several time Champion in Saddleseat. He came to me as a ten-year-old. I had him started under saddle on the farm and then sent him to a longtime friend and trainer. He was already a Champion Stallion in halter, but he had so much action I thought he should give it a shot. So we did.
It's a fact when you have a lot of horses you will experience a lot of grief. Through illness, the dreaded and often deadly colic, injuries that are inevitable when you have numbers. Every time it's the end, it hurts like it's the first time. I suppose that is how we stay human.
Mr. Solo had Squamous Cell Carcinoma in his sheath. For those who don't know what this means, the sheath covers the penis. I knew he would need to be put down, but he wasn't in pain so we let him have the summer. The tumor had grown quite a bit over a week or so and Solo had become too thin, so we let him go. He's buried in our grave yard at the top of the east pasture.
He was a social fellow, he loved being a gelding. I cut him in 2010 and he thanked me everyday. He had his posse in the gelding herd, we called them the "Big Boys".
We will miss the tall, long necked boy a lot.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Frieda's Chillin'
My baby girl, Frieda.
I had planned this meal for our anniversary but the combination of a horse problem and our being slightly full from our drive-in adventure put it off until last evening. Mark couldn't get his mushrooms from our local deli, they were out, but I compensated with fresh basil pesto. He thought this was fabulous, I think he was a bit delirious. It was good, no lie, but holy cow, he was raving about the flavor! I must have done something right, I just don't know what.
I should get out to do some mowing this afternoon. We've had some rain and the weeds masquerading as lawn are growing steadily. Tomatoes are ripening, the eggplant is producing and the zucchini is still filling the refrigerator. Life is rolling along.
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Forty-one Revolutions
Today Mark and I have been married 41 years. Lots of good times, drama, irritability, sadness and contentment intertwined within those 41 years. 41 years, that's how old I was when we moved to this farm.
We went to the oldest drive-in in Minnesota for lunch to celebrate our endurance. Mark was like a little kid, excited to be going and eating what turned out to be excellent burgers. I had a root beer float, I haven't had one of those in decades and it was really good. We were both a couple of ten year old kids!
The weather is beautiful, mild and sunny. I think the universe decided to smile on us. Of course it is all for us. 👫
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Thank You, Professor Google
Neighbor Bill brought me another large container of pickling cucumbers. He said if I didn't want them he was going to throw them away. I took them. Then thought "what am I going to do with these"? I don't have room for more in the refrigerator. I don't want to store them in the basement like I have before, and I sure didn't want to can them.
So....like any modern person, I went to Google and asked about freezing pickles. Guess what? Pickles freeze well. Who knew? Not me. A game changer.
I stopped canning several years ago. I freeze instead. Now I can ferment pickles and put them in the freezer. I decided to try something different, putting the cukes in bowls with the accoutrements, cover with brine and let them ferment in the bowls. I have squash we don't like, the flavorless one. I sliced one up and put in in a jar with brine. I'll see if I like it and if I do I'll do that with the rest. I needed to do this right away because, as we know, I am the reigning queen of procrastination.
Bill told me they aren't doing anything with their tomatoes this year. What they don't eat he's bringing to me. I think I will be overflowing with tomatoes. He brought three today. Along with some beans.
Thursday, August 11, 2022
Frieda knocked on that door and walked in almost three years ago. She is a large personality and I wouldn't give her up for anything. I've been told torties are unusual and if she is any indication, yes they are! Keetah has been with us a little over two years. She came with her companion, Emma, who was sixteen at the time. Emma did live with us for six months before she went to the bridge. Frieda has filled the gaping hole Emma left for Keetah.
Keetah is still deaf and I don't think her hearing will return. She has adapted surprisingly well. The problem, which hasn't been too bad, is getting her attention outside. She has never been let out unattended. For the first year she was brought out on a leash, then we started letting her off and she was good. But she does have a chase instinct. She spent her life in a fenced yard. Emma adapted very quickly, but the intensity of a German Shepherd is a different story.
Mark had to go into town so he is bringing fried chicken home from the deli. No making dinner tonight for me. Yay.
I took a short break to watch Merrick Garland speak about the search at Mar-a-Largo. Not much he could say. Nothing will quell the noise from the radical right. If we haven't learned that by now, we haven't learned much.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Wear It
Willfully ignorant. Entirely different from being ignorant. One insists they are not ignorant in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The other isn't informed, so is ignorant of the facts. I don't believe there are any ignorant citizens to be found anymore. Unfortunately there are large numbers of the willful brand. If they have stayed in the camp up to now, they are never leaving it. Or so I believe.
DJT took the 5th today in regard to his shady business shenanigans in NYC. He said in 2018 that only the mob takes the 5th. If the shoe fits, buddy.
I don't know if there will be a reckoning. If there isn't I think we will be rolling up the carpet on these un-united states in the not too distant future.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
How to Spend a Day and Not Have Fun
A quick check-in. I had my appointment with a PA in Physical Medicine today. She is the FASTEST talker I have ever met! I couldn't keep up. What I got is I need to get a back & neck X-ray and she'll decide later if I need another MRI. She wants me to go to a more intensive physical therapy at least a couple of times to learn more about what I should be doing. I am flexible (HA) and still have strength. She says so anyway. Losing weight would be helpful. I never knew. She thinks I have carpel tunnel. She gave me things I'm supposed to do for that.
I'm to start taking Advil instead of Naproxin and to use a topical pain cream. She says the MRI shows a vertebrae, the second from the bottom, that could be causing trouble. It's not real bad but it's one that could be causing my trouble. So, that's it. A video followup with her in 6-8 weeks.
I must add, I'm feeling a little lighter after seeing the FBI had a warrant to search Mar-a-Lago.
Monday, August 8, 2022
Basil Here, Basil There
We had rain! Glorious, fabulous, welcome rain. Hallelujah! It started around seven last night and was still going strong and steady when I went to bed at eleven. I felt almost giddy. Everything feels just a little better today. Even the temperature, currently 64 F with low humidity.
I got two small jars of pesto made yesterday by giving two basil plants a trim. I have two more to snip but I had enough basil scent and taste for the day. I like basil but in large amounts it is overbearing.
*I made the rest of the pesto, got three more small jars, these made with walnuts instead of pignoli.
Today is Monday which means laundry day, the only schedule I stick to. I try to setup scheduled days for other tasks but they don't stick, for some reason Monday laundry does. It's something, isn't it. I've had the laundry room on the main floor for twenty years and still appreciate it every week. It doesn't feel like a chore.
Before I close out I want to say how glad I am the Dems got the bill through the Senate. It is far from perfect, thanks to a couple of "democrats", but it is still worth a lot. We must deal with the quickly changing climate. We must remain diligent.
Sunday, August 7, 2022
If I Wait......
Will it go away
I just did something ironic and realized I had as I was walking to my office to sit down at the computer to write something here. I had just come upon an article on procrastination, how it impacts depression and techniques to overcome it. I closed my laptop, still on the article, left it on the kitchen table and walked to my office, thinking I'll read that later.
I have become the queen of procrastinating. I hold reign over it, or rather it holds reign over me. I was never one to put things off, I came into it late in life and decided to excel. Day after day goes by, what I tell myself I'm going to do, I don't. Occasionally I shock myself, like making pickles, but usually it comes down to just the basics. I'm back on medication but it isn't helping me. I think I should read the article.
We had some rain yesterday, probably only one half inch, but we sure needed it. And more. I'm going to make pesto, no procrastination. My basil plants need to be cut back. I'll freeze most of what I make, I still have basil cubes from last year which is what I do at the end of the season when I strip the plants. August already, that went fast.
Friday, August 5, 2022
Pucker Up
Neighbor Bill stopped by yesterday with a boatload of pickling cucumbers and some fresh dill.
I've made six quarts of fermented pickles. I have at least one quart worth left and plan to make refrigerator pickles with those.
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Stuff and Such
We had a lollapalooza of a lightening/thunder storm around midnight. Huge boomers and lightening strikes. The power went out and didn't come back on for three hours. We are wired for the generator but it's not one of those that look something like an a/c unit up against the house. It's a regular generator we have to plug into the wired outlet in the garage. There's also some switches that need turning off on the box at the electrical pole, so it's not something you do in the middle of the night in an electrical storm. Yesterday was hot and brutally humid. No power for three hours was miserably hot. Then my Mac wouldn't turn on this morning. I thought oh, no. I lost one to lightning years ago, even though it was plugged into a supposed grounding strip. This one did it's job, the light where it has grounded written is orange. I had to plug into a different strip. I don't know if I can reset it or not. I hope so, it's a good one.
I have my virtual followup dr visit tomorrow. I'm hoping I don't mess it up. I'm grateful for these virtual visits, gas is still expensive. I have some further issues to ask about. I did spiff up my office, dusted book shelves and just generally tidied up. I am inviting the dr into my room after all. She'll see that treadmill behind me and maybe think I actually use it. Mark has an MRI tomorrow morning. We do sound broken. Next week I get to drive two hours round trip for my initial meeting with pain management and rehab. I am clueless as to what to expect. I'd love a miracle!
I finally figured out I have two extra stand fans and that I can actually put one in my office. Duh. One of the questions asked on my check-in for the appointment is if I notice or does anyone else notice cognitive problems. I said no. We won't talk about an entire summer not thinking about bringing a fan into the warm room.
I think I'll leave it at that......
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
WF Last of Roses
I've been asked to show photos of the horses. It's difficult for me to get photos right now, but I have lots of photos, some fairly recent, others not.
Zing had a career in the show ring starting as a yearling in halter. He accumulated several Class A Championship titles, Region X titles and a Canadian National Top Ten Sweepstakes Top 5 and Open Top 10. Very good for a stallion handled by a relatively unknown trainer, owned by someone not a millionaire. Other than racing thoroughbreds the Arabian Show World (caps give it emphasis they are sure is warranted) has the most wealth involved.
Full body of the super model.
This was Zing's last trainer, Kristina. She and I had a lot of fun together and she was a perfect match for Naughty Pants, although the first couple of times he met her he tried to mount her. He was serious. She came back. We found out it was a body lotion she was using, he interpreted it as a mare in heat. He was raised by a human, so maybe he has some species issues. That never happened again. Phew.
He spent five years with Kristina. We were both sad when she had to move on, but other things came up in her life that made it necessary. She was my last young person, out of a list of quite a few, who worked on the farm. It made such a difference having young, enthusiastic women around me. They kept me young.