Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, October 14, 2024

From Stray to Hittin' the Hay

Synchronized Sleeping Beauties

Synchronized Waking Beauties 

Last night went down to one degree above freezing. Tonight is supposed to be one degree below freezing. I brought in a bunch of green tomatoes and several eggplant of various sizes yesterday. I think dinner will be Pasta alla Norma, otherwise known as eggplant in a garlicky tomato sauce. Procrastinator Mark has been working late every evening to get tax extensions done and he doesn't want to eat until he is finished for the night. We are eating late, later than our normal late. Anything I can prep ahead of time is welcome.

I did make focaccia yesterday and zucchini/carrot fritters. I have now used the last of the zucchini Bill gave me. Today is laundry and lunch from the deli day. Twice a week I get a break from making lunch. I think it warms up on Wednesday, which will put me back outside. I want to accomplish as much as possible while I can. I don't like mess and outside got out of hand after three years of doing only the minimum. Wednesday will be the day Mark is free from his office. At least for a day. We can both work outside.


Pixie said...

You must feel like you have a new lease on life and you sound happy. I'm so glad.

nick said...

I never have an elaborate lunch. My lunch is a peanut better sandwich and cucumber slices. Maybe a banana. Simplicity itself.

Rita said...

No matter how quietly you try to sneak up on a sleeping cat it is difficult to get a picture...before seeing pic number two--lol! Getting the sleeping photo of not only one cat but two--congrats!

Boud said...

I've been making lunch the main meal for years. It works for me, since I don't feel like cooking in the evening. You always have such interesting food.

Sandra said...

nick, your lunch is my breakfast. Toast with peanut butter. Lunch is never elaborate but we have to have something and I get tired of making it. Such a tough life!

Sandra said...

Rita, I tiptoed to the bed and didn't mess around, just took the photo. Then you see what happened next!

Sandra said...

Boud, I sometimes think I need to broaden my horizon, but I don't. I love Chinese and Vietnamese food, but I leave that to those who are good at making it. I tried making a Thai meal and found I absolutely do not like coconut milk, so that ended that. I do periodically make tacos. I make my own tortillas! Otherwise, standard American and Italian/American is the primary diet. Sometimes a French influence from my cooking my way through Le Cordon Bleu at Home many, many years ago. Mostly too fussy for me now.

Sandra said...

You were sent spam to, Pixie. I am better. I am still more painful than I want and it does make things more difficult. But.....I'm not confined to a chair and a short walk from one room to another, so only a small complaint. Tiny.

e said...

You sound content. That is nice to hear. I hope you get to be outside and stay warm indoors.

Val Ewing said...

This sounds so good. Your continued improvement is so wonderful to follow.
Oh. I'm a PB&J person myself.
I stink at wonderful lunches.

CheerfulMonk said...

It's sounds as if you are recovering from something, but I couldn't find more details when I went looking. At any rate, I'm glad things are going well! I have my (hopefully) final hip x-ray Thursday and hopefully they will say the break has healed. I'm still doing PT to get back my range of motion, but that's just a matter of persistence and patience, presumably. ❤️

Far Side of Fifty said...

30 F here now, a hard freeze may happen. We didn't get anything done outside today....maybe tomorrow:)

Sandra said...

I turned the furnace on for the first time on Monday, e. It was a little nippy. It warms up tomorrow and stays that way for at least a week.

Sandra said...

I'm no Val, but I'm better! Mark like PB&J, me, not so much. Lunch gets boring.

Sandra said...

Cheerful, I have had debilitating pain in my back and legs since the end of 2020. I had limited mobility and was housebound, except for dr and PT appointments. I finally went to the clinic Mark uses and have been seeing his NP. Still no answer but she has listened to me. The simple addition of Celebrex has helped a lot. Less pain and inflammation has allowed me more movement which then helps with strength and flexibility. I was an active person upto the time this all started. You have recovered well and quickly.

Sandra said...

It was 31 F when I got up, Far Side. A bit brisk. I'm doing inside stuff while it's chilly, since we will have a warm up.

Anvilcloud said...

Pussy cats bring peace and tranquility, at least past a certain age. 😊

Temperatures will go up after tomorrow, which means we can continue resisting the need to turn on the furnace.

Sandra said...

I understand the certain age, I'm still waiting for Gatto to reach it AC! I will be turning it off after today, the heat that is.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Sounds cold, I have simply meals

peppylady (Dora) said...

Haven't done fritters for a while.