Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday Morning

We had a nice time with the son yesterday. He brought fried chicken and an assortment of salads. He had last week off, so he, his wife and Yorkie went camping in Northern Minnesota. I don't know where it comes from, but he loves the wilderness. It must be a recessive gene.

Neighbor Bill has already shown up to start cutting up the fallen trees. He hasn't fixed Mark's chainsaw and Mark won't buy a new one because, you know, Bill with fix the one he has. Somehow, I am not holding my breath. I just want huge trees laying about the yard removed, however they manage it. I also need firewood. Problems problems.

The Prince of his Castle

Gatto is quite social and has overtaken Frieda in the photo department. Frieda has become more interested in naps and gladly hands her crown to Gatto. On the task front, other than the trees, I plan to spend some time continuing my work on the outside of the house. It's going to be on the hot side today and tomorrow, 80s F, so I'll want to do whatever I do in the shade. 

Yesterday was the birthday of my recently reconnected friend from 40 years ago. Facebook told me. I sent a text with virtual flowers wishing her a happy birthday. She called and we briefly talked. She was on her way to meet a friend for breakfast. They plan to visit sometime next month. Sometimes you just need to take that step.


Boud said...

Your social life is looking up. Good. I do like visitors who bring food, too.

Rita said...

Gatto does take a nice picture. ;)
So glad now you will reconnect with another friend! Whoohoo!! :)

Sandra said...

We were good friends at one time, Boud. We met through the man I was engaged to and continued our friendship after that relationship ended. She was my witness when Mark and I married. I'm so glad I made the move to reach out.

Sandra said...

He does, Rita He is a pretty cat and a pretty naughty cat! I've now reconnected with two friends. The other said she will call this afternoon. She now lives in Crookston and works at the university. She's much younger but I've known her for about 15 yrs. We had a tift and needed a break.

Miss Merry said...

I reconnected with a high school friend when we ran into each other at a restaurant following her mother's funeral. Now she and I and another high school friend are meeting for lunch once a month. It's nice to rediscover an old friend.

Val Ewing said...

We left burning wood behind because of having a poor chimney ... the previous owner had had a chimney fire and since it takes forever for the volunteer FD to show up, we opted out of wood.
But we have a tiny house too.

One neighbor purchased wood for their winter, one neighbor cuts wood for their stoves. Go figure.

Gatto looks pretty pleased with himself.