Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Hard Headed Woman

I have tinnitus, very annoying, but you get used to it. If you didn't it would drive you mad. I also hear songs, ear worms I guess they are called. One will stick around for awhile and then be replaced by another. I have had this song in my head for way too long. I like the song. Cat Steven was one of my favorites and still is, even though he became a fundamentalist Muslim and stopped his music for decades. That made me sad and probably a little angry. I guess he was searching for something and that's where he landed. He's back to music again. Better late than never, I suppose. Anyway.....last night I was thinking about this so this morning it becomes a blog post. I would like a new tune running through my muddled brain. Maybe this is payback for likely being a hard headed woman myself. Mea culpa, now go away! BTW, Tea for the Tillerman, imo, is a flawless album. I'm sure not everyone would agree, but I am a hard headed woman.


Anvilcloud said...

I also endure tinnitus. You're right about needing to adapt to it. When to say earworm, do you hear the music as if it were real, or do you just have the tune in your head? Some people do experience the former. I came across that on a podcast one day.

Lori Skoog said...

Loved the video, thanks for posting this. Here's to all of the hard headed women I know!!!!

Sandra said...

AC, mostly it's the tune, but sometimes I do hear music. I read awhile ago that this is a thing and I'm not having episodes of delusion!

Sandra said...

Lori, people can probably tell the era I came of age in by the music I like! 1960s- early '70s, baby! Hard headed but warm hearted. :)

The Happy Whisk said...

I don't know much about tinnitus, it doesn't sound fun. I like your outlook though because we do often have to live with stuff or we'd go mad.

Sometimes songs get stuck in my head too!

Right now I'm at Barnes and I hope the song they have on doesn't get stuck. It's no words and a really odd sound to it.

Happy Weekend! Cheers, Ivy.

Bohemian said...

I easily get Songs looping in my Head, usually tho', and it's odd, it will be the Songs that I do not like at all... which just seems strange. I think a good many people are Searching and end up Landing somewhere, not always in a good place... especially when it comes to their Spiritual Journey. Tinnitus sounds like a difficult thing to get used to and adapt to hearing all the time.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh I love Cat Stevens:)

Sandra said...

Ivy, good luck keeping that song out of your head! It's good to see you again.

Sandra said...

Far Side, we are about the same age! I still have the album, I bought it when it was released. No turn table, though.

Sandra said...

Dawn, I have been on a few of those journeys myself and not all of them were where I should have been. It would be awful to have a song you dislike playing over and over in your head. It gets bad enough when you like the song.

Boud said...

I have tinnitus, a loud hissing sound. I don't notice it all the time, but there's no silence in my life!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to be known as a Hard Headed Woman..I still do, come to think of it.
Thank you for bringing back good memories. I think of Cat Stevens quite a bit why..? Because, I always acknowledge moon shadows..
Take Care,

Val Ewing said...

Cat was the cat, he was one of the best with lyrics of that age.

I grew up in a household where dad played classical music, mom listened only to Country and Western...and my brother listened only to rock.

I listen to all sorts of music and turn to the good ol' rock when I need it.

Father and Son ....
it always made me so sad...

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

My husband also has tinnitus acquired from his service days in the U.S. Navy and he told me it was from hearing jet planes land on an aircraft carrier. Apparently, the veterans administration agrees that it’s a disability and he now receives benefits. I wondered when and how others came, like yourself, to have this condition.

Sandra said...

Boud, I have a loud buzzing sound. Sometimes it shifts to the sound a tuning fork makes. I was sort of frantic when it first started. It is rather amazing that we get used to it, but you have to.

Sandra said...

Kaye, are you being followed by a moon shadow, moon shadow? You may be a hard headed woman without realizing it.

Sandra said...

Val, my father loved opera, my mother Herb Alpert. I grew up right at the time of the explosion of musical magic, starting with folk and moving forward. I've always been drawn to the balladeer. But I was also a crazy teen who loved the Monkees, saw them in concert, Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc. But the Cat Stevens, Shawn Phillips, Gordon Lightfoot, etc has always been the light for me.

......find a job, settle down, if you want you can marry. Look at me , I am old but I'm happy...........

Sandra said...

Beatrice, I can't say for certain that a medication started it, but it did coincide with the tinnitus starting. I went off the med, but I got to keep the ringing in my head.

Pixie said...

I love Cat Stevens as well. I heard a song of his the other day, didn't know it but I recognized it. It was "Father and Son".

peppylady (Dora) said...

I have humming in my ears. Mine comes and goes.

e said...

Great album. sorry about the tinnitus. did your son come y or is that next week?

Sandra said...

Pixie, I know the lyrics to that song. I think I know the lyrics to all of them, probably!

Sandra said...

Dora, mine never goes away, but it is louder sometimes than other times.

Sandra said...

e, they are coming this next weekend. Tinnitus is something you get used to.