I disappeared from the internet yesterday.
We had a good afternoon with Matthew and Kelly. It was really enjoyable. They brought pepperoni pizza, vegan pizza, a fantastic salad and ice cream! Gatto made a nuisance of himself, Frieda and Jiggs stayed incognito. And.....they brought me flowers! We had a fun and happy time. Also a very good lunch.
Frieda decided to taste test the leaves of the flowers. When I attempted to get better photographic evidence of her crime, she jumped off the table. Brat Cat.

As soon as the invaders vacated the premises Miss Priss came out of the bedroom she was considering a jail cell. Wide eyes scanning the scene before clearly establishing it was all clear.
Now it's time for some porch therapy to calm herself after the invasion of the strange two-leggers. Seriously......what were we thinking?
It's been a long time since we have had company. Mostly, I would say this is due to the problems I've had the past three years. Also a change in social dynamics. I never had a lot of people in my life and as time goes on it dwindles. Mark has a LARGE family, but I was considered unacceptable by his mother, being divorced with a child, urban and NOT CATHOLIC. The behavior was unacceptable, so that is his world, not mine. It is not a sore spot, not any longer. We do need to make more of an effort to see my only relation and his wife more often. It was a pleasant day, indeed.
Good for you! Sounds like such a happy get together with great food. There is something to be said for family.
Lori, or about family! It really was a good day.
I'm so glad everything worked out and you were able to have a wonderful visit!
I'm glad you had a happy day. Also that Mark's loyalty is to you, good man.
Thank you, Miss Merry. I really was pleasant. Everyone seemed in a good mood.
Boud, it was really nice to have an animated conversation and laughter. Mark interacts with his family, I did not ask him not to. I simply said I was done and would not. And I have not for a very long time. Toxic religion messes people up. Their loss!
Families, eh? You'd think that religion wouldn't be so exclusive these days.
My brother said it once so well. He doesn't do family drama. I can appreciate his thinking.
Toxic people are crossed off my list for many reasons.
Sounds like you had a great visit! That is really nice. My son has a cat that will not appear if a stranger is in the house, so I get that.
Good for you! Sounds like a good visit with good food, nice that they brought flowers!
I can tell from your words that is is was a lovely visit. Your words whisper " a happy time had by all." Cats not so much except Gatto, was he well received?
Take Care,
My oldest is a Matt, too.
I am snickering at the standoffish cat. I used to think they were ALL like that, but I've learned that they can be affectionate creatures and if it weren't for the fact that we like to be able to leave for days and not have pets to worry over, I might consider getting one. But no.
The flowers are beautiful. It's really spring... right?? Say it's spring!!
Val, we really did have a good time, everyone so relaxed. Unusual in this family!
Not being involved in any way with Mark's family made life all around better for both of us. I had no intention of separating him from them, but I was not a part of any of it. Your brother is very wise.
Far Side, it was to celebrate my January birthday, so they brought flowers and food! Lots of fun.
Ami, everyone outside of his small family call him Matt. I never did.
Many cats are fearful of strangers. I think Frieda would be no matter what, but it doesn't help that they don't see outsiders. Gatto wants to be in the middle of it all!
Kaye, you read my words correctly! A happy time was had by all, including Gatto. He behaved for longer than I would have expected, but he had to be attention grabbing eventually. They are cat people, so it was all good.
AC, blogger likes to put you in spam! When people behave that way about religion it's really about control. My first MIL was a devout Catholic and you could not have asked for a better person. She lived her beliefs. I wish I could have kept her.
Glad to read that you enjoyed a good visit, Sandra, and the food sounded good as well. Family dynamics can be difficult as I well know from experience. Shame on Mark's family for their narrow mindedness.
Dorothy, it was a really good day. Religion was simply a weapon of control. Plus, she just didn't like me! It doesn't matter to me anymore.
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