Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Happy Days

Even the cats are having a party.

We have been having wonderful weather. It's currently 61F/16 C with a high forecast of 68F/20C. Since it's been cooler I decided to tackle the long neglected screened porch, commonly referred to as the Cat House. With a stretch of mild weather ahead I think the cats should share that space with us. It took all afternoon. I was overwhelmed by how bad it was. At the surface it was evident the space had been ignored but once into it I was really glad no one saw what I saw. The cats did not approve. Not one little bit. We used the porch all the time until the large, old tree shading it had to come down and the summers also became more humid. The combination made it feel like an oven. So, the inevitable happened. I ignored it. I paid for that yesterday.

I have no idea what I will make for lunch when Kristina visits. I've come to dread lunch. At least making it. It feels like a drudge. I have some shrimp, maybe I will have a revelation and come up with something using that, something easy as well as good. It's cool enough I can make focaccia. Ah, well. Trials and tribulations.


Rita said...

So excited for Kristina to come for a visit. Don't worry, she probably won't care a bit about what you're eating.
What an accomplishment to clean out the porch! Yes, you could obviously see why you would have ignored it with the way the weather has been. When we only get a week or two in the spring and fall to spend time outdoors--ROFL! This sudden cooler weather has been just heavenly. When it is cool enough you don't mind the humidity so much.
Enjoy the weather and your visit! :)

Val Ewing said...

BTW...Did you know it is International Cat Day! Hurray! Time to celebrate!

Sandra said...

She's kinda a foodie, Rita! I need to wash the floor one more time, otherwise I got it done. Can we say Cat Hair!!!! The weather is wonderful.

Sandra said...

Cats everywhere are scoffing. Everyday is international cat day!

The Happy Whisk said...

Sometimes I feel that way about making or even eating supper. Shrimp sounds fun.

Boud said...

Shrimp is often the answer. You did great work on the porch which the cats now assume is theirs, and I think you'll enjoy the visit.

Pixie said...

We've only been in this house for eight years but I keep finding corners I have neglected for eight years.

Sandra said...

Some days it's just a chore, Ivy.

Sandra said...

I was being supervised throughout my time cleaning it up. Frieda did not seem happy! I'll probably make some sort of shrimp salad.

Sandra said...

Pixie, this makes me laugh because I finally unpacked some things from our move about a dozen years ago. We've lived here 30! No point in being rash. 😉

Anvilcloud said...

That’s one very cool cat. Enjoy the visit.

Anvilcloud said...

/AC (dang commenting)

Val Ewing said...

Hah Hah!!!! Of course it is every day!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I know what you choose to serve for lunch will look great and be delicious.
I, too, was hopeful after hearing and seeing Harris/Waltz together. Another thing that brought me "comfort" was when I noticed how normal the people were standing behind them. No, crazy red bedazzled outfits and they were not holding nasty means signs. What strange times we are living through.
Wishing cool days and nights,

e said...

Good for you for doing the porch, now everyone can enjoy it. Make something easy for lunch so you can focus on your friend and have a good time1

Sandra said...

Sort of reminds me of my young self, AC!

Sandra said...


Sandra said...

The total lack of just basic manners is dumbfounding, Kaye. They don't even know how awful they are. Strange times indeed.

Sandra said...

e, now it's been too cool! The weather stands against us. I will make something easy.

Lori Skoog said...

We should start getting your cooler weather on Saturday, but today, the humidity is at 93% and we could get some bad weather...lots of heavy rain. All of your food looks spectacular....you will think of something! Kudos for tackling the porch!

Sandra said...

Lori, after seeing photos of Gary scraping and priming your house I feel like wuss! I showed these to Mark, who now says Gary's super human. Then I show him Gary's gardens and Mark knows he is right! We are having great weather right now. Hopefully you won't get anything more than rain popping up.

nick said...

The cats may have disapproved but cats tend to disapprove of most things except what enhances their own comfortable existence.