Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, August 9, 2024


I smoked a pork loin roast on the grill yesterday with applewood. It turned out well. There's a lot of it so we will be having smoked pork for awhile. It's Philly Friday at the deli so no lunch making drudgery for me today. Yippee!

I took yesterday off to recover from The Great Porch Cleanup trauma of the day before. Now back to the finishing bits of putting long ignored items where they belong. The cats are staying out of my way. There is no chance of mowing the lawn as the dew is as heavy as it would be with an inch of rain. Once again, it's a jungle out there.


Boud said...

Very wise to take a day's rest after that massive task. Are the cats worried you might vacuum them?

Sandra said...

They saw what I did to all their efforts over 3 years in the porch. They think I may be crazy, Boud!

e said...

A little crazy is not a bad thing. Mercy did not bite me. The bite was in 2015. Enjoy your visit tomorrow.

Sandra said...

I misunderstood. The cats think I'm a lot crazy, e, but I think they are crazier. We are at a standoff!!

CheerfulMonk said...

That smoked pork looks great!

Rita said...

I have to take at least one day to recover from projects.
Funny how cats don't like change that much...even if they are curious about new things brought in to their space--lol! :)

Anonymous said...

The humidity where I live is 17% today, dry, wind and hot.
I mowed my back lawn yesterday. It makes me really happy when I get it done.
When it cools down your porch will be a lovely place to end the day, I imagine even with the big tree gone, at least no bugs. I hope so.
Take Care,

Far Side of Fifty said...

Yummy looking plate of food. We had two days of rain so today I mowed for a couple of hours and the grass was still wet!

Val Ewing said...

Yummy looking food!
We were supposed to mow yesterday but it kept drizzling so we put it off. Maybe on Sunday.
Off I go today,...and adventure and mini road trip.

Anvilcloud said...

We got several inches of rain yesterday.

Sandra said...

It was, very tender.

Sandra said...

Rita, Frieda is the suspicious one of the bunch. She knew I was up to no good.

Sandra said...

It's been nice here, Kaye. The porch faces south so that tree was appreciated. A cedar is growing fast in the same area, so shade will be happening. Getting the lawn mowed is a satisfying job.

Sandra said...

It's been awhile since I made pork on the grill. I have a smoker but it's simple just to use a smoker box on the gas grill. It's been so wet.

Sandra said...

I'd say have fun but I know you will!!

Sandra said...

No walks for you , then.

Lori Skoog said...

I need some of that grilled pork!

The Happy Whisk said...

Nothing beats an easy yummy meal. That's what we did tonight once we got home. Kept it quick an simple. Delightful.

Bohemian said...

That Food Porn looks delicious!!! My activity level is stalled due to the AC Fiasco and it being so record breaking HOT.

Sandra said...

There's a lot left, Lori!

Sandra said...

My motto exactly, Ami!

Sandra said...

I couldn't live with that kind of heat, Dawn.