Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, August 29, 2024

No Title

Remember writing checks? 

The DMV doesn't take debit, credit or cash. Checks only. Mark was getting ready to buy new tabs for the car. He looks serious. I write a check for hay and for stall bedding. I think that's it. Oh, also for Bill's services. Very few checks in a years' time. Another thing slipping away into history.

See, I do belong in the Dull Minnesota Women group!


Rita said...

I just heard that Target no longer accepts checks at their stores. I was one of the hold outs until just a few years ago--lol! I only have one check a month to write anymore. They are definitely going by the wayside--like landline phones, typewriters, and all the rest. :)

Sandra said...

They are. I haven't had a landline for about 14 years and I cut the cable cord at least that long ago. Lots of changes in a short period of time.

Pixie said...

I so rarely use checks anymore, mostly if I want to send money to a charity, although even they are moving online. Do you guys use etransfers? I use that instead of checks now if someone doesn't have a interac terminal.

Anonymous said...

I still write checks for utility services, house payment. I had my house painted (exterior) they required payment with a check to avoid the credit card/banking card transaction fee. Plus, I write checks for charitable contributions for the same reason, added fees. Writing checks, for some reason, makes me feel like I am in control and not the people/companies charging me for services rendered. I use a debit card everywhere else.
Take Care,

The Happy Whisk said...

I still write them, though not many.

nick said...

People keep saying cash is on the way out, but there's plenty of it still around. Cash is still the most convenient way of paying for a lot of things. But cheques are definitely a rarity in the UK.

Sandra said...

I don't know. If that is the same as Zelle or Venmo, then yes. I haven't used them.

Boud said...

All our local tradesmen are cash or check, nothing else. So I keep checks around. Local charities too. I expect they're avoiding the costs associated with credit cards.

Sandra said...

I make payments online. I use a debit card, but if it's shopping someplace I'm not familiar with I use a credit card. Much easier to dispute a charge with that than my bank.

Sandra said...

Same with me, Ivy.

Sandra said...

I don't think most businesses take checks anymore for purchases. Mark often uses cash. Me, not so much.

Sandra said...

Yes, they would be. It makes good sense. Anyone I've had do repairs on the house have been check.

Val Ewing said...

The bike shop in town gives a discount for checks or cash as long as the check is local.
My hay guy takes cash only, it was a deal we made years ago.
But most everything else is credit or debit card. Small stores prefer checks I think not to get the 3% credit card charge?
My utilities are auto pay.

You are right, not much takes checks any more. OH...my property taxes do!
$$$ Cha-ching!

Lori Skoog said...

I pay house bills on line and occasionally use checks. All depends on the circumstances. Times have definately changed.

Sandra said...

Of course, property taxes! I haven't written a check in a store forever.

Sandra said...

I also pay bills online. Yes, in a relatively short time a lot changed.

CheerfulMonk said...

Same here. Very few checks.

Sandra said...

I just wrote one today for hay.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

A book of checks lasts forever now, but I do write a number of them for annual donations which are never done by credit card or cash.

Thanks, Sandra, for your comment on my post today about the singing robin and the nightingale. You are quite right in your saying that nightingales are not found in the U.S., which I have duly noted in a post update, so thanks for bringing that oversight to my attention. I do appreciate blogger's input!

Sandra said...

At least a year per book, Dorothy. I wasn't trying to correct you, just that I hadn't ever seen or heard one and wasn't sure about them. Robins, lots of Robins. They have been staying longer than usual in the Fall because it is staying warm longer.

Anvilcloud said...

I wrote one recently. It was quite an event.

"Tommy" said...

I once took the first Saturday of each month to write all my checks out, now the bills are paid thru ACHs ... but (and there is always a but) I still get to write a check out for my locally owned hardware store where I have had an account for the last 35 years, plus when u deliver the check in person, there is a lil lagniappe is given. Its an old Louisiana tradition. Mark looks very determined, like the eyeglass frames

Sandra said...


Sandra said...

I like that tradition! I think a Minnesota tradition would have something to do with lutefisk!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Like you said the DMV and I wrote a check for our Propane for the next winter...nice to have that all paid in advance:)

Sandra said...

Right now I'm writing checks for hay. Doggone hay burners!

"Tommy" said...

That Bread you baked looks mighty good... I make jambalaya, graides and grits, shrimp etouffee, and lots of grilled veggies in the Big Green Egg. I sure would love to learn how to get back at my age tho

"Tommy" said...

sorry for the spell check iwant to learn how to bake

Sandra said...

Baking bread is simpler than people think. Try one of the many no knead recipes. There are a lot of them. You can cook, I sure you can bake bread.