Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


It looks like we are losing our governor. I am sorry about that, he has been a steadying force. I know the right in Minnesota don't like him, surprise surprise, but he will be missed by most of us. 

Yesterday was stormy with a lot of rain. We are soaked. I managed to stay mostly productive, the usual laundry with some mess management added in for good measure. It's sunshine, 61F/16C and lower humidity. Finally. It's way too wet to even think of doing outside work. Which is fine, I've plenty to occupy myself.


Ami said...

It looks like a winning ticket to me, especially because DumOld will continue to melt down and fall apart in real time, and thanks to technology, we can all be there for it.
I've heard that he's done an amazing job as governor.

Boud said...

Thank you for Walz. He's a good man in many ways. You now have the first native American woman as acting gov when he's out of state campaigning. Go you!

Sandra said...

Ami, my new favorite...DumOld 😄 He has been a steady figure, a reasoned person. I haven't always agreed, but then I never do!

Sandra said...

He is a good choice, he is calm at the helm and can take criticism with consideration. Yes, a large step in the right direction for women and native people.

Anvilcloud said...

Your food always looks yummy and interesting.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Waltz doesn't have Veterans on his side after the way he lied about his time/rank in the Army Guard and avoided a deployment. I wonder if that will come out in the news...probably not. :( All of Politics is sad....they have forgotten about everyday people.

Pixie said...

I'm glad she picked a good one.

Miss Merry said...

He sounds like a great guy and a great candidate. I honestly never heard of him, but I like what I am hearing.

nick said...

Way too wet for any gardening here too. Summer has been a total washout so far. I look forward to learning a bit more about Tim Walz.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I don't know much about Minnesota politics. I know I don't want (won't mention his name) in the oval office.

e said...

Your food always makes me hungry! I feel so fortunate to be dry and safe. Thanks for your good wishes.

Lori Skoog said...

Yay! Walz was my first choice and I love his style. He cares, has such great experience in so many ways, and is positive compared to their opponents. Sorry he will not be able to be the governor if they win..sounds like he has been very good for your state. We had rain and cooler temperatures today. Yesterday there was a tornado in Buffalo (50 miles from us). Yum. I know I would love your dinner.

Sandra said...

Thanks, AC. It's almost always something quickly tossed together.

Sandra said...

It did years ago when he ran for Congress and again for governor, Far Side. Both times it was debunked. Regardless, there are two choices; Harris/Walz or Trump/Vance. One of these had bone spurs.

Sandra said...

See if you can find his intro in Philly yesterday on YouTube, Pixie.

Sandra said...

You will like him, Miss Merry.

Sandra said...

Yours and my summer both, nick. I think you will be hearing more!

Sandra said...

Minnesota is populated by large northern European groups. They brought with them a strong sense of fairness. That culture has mostly been maintained in Minnesota. We have been considered liberal, but what I believe it has actually been is fair. The Twin Cities Metro area has most of the population and is mostly more Democratic. The smaller towns and rural areas tend toward Republican, especially western Minnesota. We tend to vote Democratic in national elections, but not always. Statewide, it bounces back and forth.

Sandra said...

The goal is to make Mark full, e! I also am happy you came out of that storm dry and safe.

Sandra said...

Lori, he is what the campaign needed. The two of them are magnetic! There was a tornado near us, too. It was really stormy.

Rita said...

I was hoping she would pick Walz. He's also a happy warrior and they make a good match for bettle with DumOld. (I hadn't heard that version for OrangeMan and also like it!)

Sandra said...

We owe a thanks to Ami for that one. It is my go-to! I agree, he and Harris are a fantastic match.