Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, August 4, 2024


Weather Report
Overnight rain. It's cooler but very humid, 93% humidity. A cooler week ahead.

I had mentioned a few weeks ago that I was going to contact my last horse trainer, Kristina. I last spoke to her in 2020 and last saw her in December 2012. She started working with Zing in early 2007, recommended by a trainer who wasn't traveling to farms anymore. She was quiet, serious, a philosophy major. When she let herself open up we used to joke about being a couple of barn philosophers. She once told me I was a retro hipster. Let's just say we were made to meet. Never mind she is younger than my son. I realized I didn't reach out to her, it was always she to me. I sent her a text a couple of weeks ago. I didn't get a response so I didn't know if she got it or what. A few days ago she responded. We had a long texting conversation, then yesterday she asked if she could visit. She's coming for lunch next Sunday. I am slowly working to open myself up. I have been disengaged for years, even before I became housebound. 

She and the first horse, Ari, a Lipizzaner/Arabian cross, were on a Purina Horse grain bag for quite awhile. The photographer owns the photos she takes and sold that one to Purina.

I am not the force she once knew and she is not the young twenty-something I knew. But I am I and she is she and we will have lunch, we will talk, laugh and reacquaint. One foot in front of the other.


Rita said...

Oh, that is wonderful!!! I am so glad you two will connect again. You made my day! :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope you have a wonderful visit!!

Anonymous said...

This visit is going to be a fun time. Her photos radiate a fun person.
Take Care,

Sandra said...

Rita, me too! She worked with the horses for almost 6 years. Which means she was with me as well. It made my day, as well.

Sandra said...

Far Side, I am sure it will be fun.

Sandra said...

Kaye, she was a lot of pleasure to have here. We went to many clinics and lessons. it was always an experience.

Boud said...

This is a great plan. Keep us posted. Tell her she's famous on your blog!

Sandra said...

Boud, she’s used to being famous after having her image on a Purina product. Ari had no idea he was a star. I am comfortable posting her photos because after signing an agreement with the photographer her image was all over the internet! I managed to miss the limelight, only my horses had that. 😄 I will be so happy to see her again. We did a lot and we had fun.

Lori Skoog said...

So glad you reached out! She and your horses are so gorgeous. You sure are making some progress in the socializing department. I would not mind being called a retro hipster....sounds good! I hope you will take some photos of both of you with the horses!

Sandra said...

Lori, small steps! I don’t think there will be photos with the horses. They will be out to pasture and that is quite a walk for me. If she doesn’t mind I’ll get a photo of her. She probably won’t, she got used to being my model for advertising! Tall, thin, pretty and legs that go on forever. Perfect.

nick said...

I hope the reunion goes well.

Anvilcloud said...

That first photo …

Anvilcloud said...

I meant too add the chefs kiss but couldn’t find the emoji. 🤓

Also … have.a nice visit.

Sandra said...

nick, I'm sure it will.

Sandra said...

AC, now we know we need that emoji!

Pixie said...

That's wonderful. It's not easy to risk rejection, I know.

Sandra said...

Pixie, she is a wonderful person. I am the one who dropped the ball. If she hadn't responded I would not have blamed her. I'm so happy she didn't!

e said...

How Lovely! Good for you!

Val Ewing said...

That sounds amazing! I can't wait to hear about it!

I still keep in contact with some of my 4H students from 30 years ago!

I still think they are 'kids'. LOL, even though they are all grown up and have grown children of their own!

Sandra said...

It will be good to see her, e.

Sandra said...

I know what you mean, Val. We will both be a bit surprised by the changes in each of us!