Yes, Rita. Male cat. He was a stray older kitten when he moved in. Mark said he wanted to name him so I waited, calling him cat in the mean time. I finally, after a couple of weeks asked if he was ever going to come up with a name and he said no. Since I'd been calling him cat, I decided that would be his name in another language. Chat is French for male cat, which looks like chat in english, so I went for Italian, Gatto. I once was conversational in French, use it or lose it actually is true! I understand some Italian, mostly not nice words 😄 but don't speak it.
I remember when he showed up at your door. He was just a wisp of a boy, now not so much. He looks husky, content and ever so happy. I would say he is a a delightful fellow. Kaye
Now I want to stroke him!
Oh, he would let you and love it! He's all guy.
Is that Italian for cat? He looks so relaxed! :)
I would like being a cat:)
Yes, Rita. Male cat. He was a stray older kitten when he moved in. Mark said he wanted to name him so I waited, calling him cat in the mean time. I finally, after a couple of weeks asked if he was ever going to come up with a name and he said no. Since I'd been calling him cat, I decided that would be his name in another language. Chat is French for male cat, which looks like chat in english, so I went for Italian, Gatto. I once was conversational in French, use it or lose it actually is true! I understand some Italian, mostly not nice words 😄 but don't speak it.
A house cat life would be quite the life of luxury!
There is something about a sleeping cat. It’s a good thing because they don’t do much else. 😎
I remember when he showed up at your door. He was just a wisp of a boy, now not so much. He looks husky, content and ever so happy. I would say he is a a delightful fellow.
I remember when he came to your door. He was just a wisp of a boy. Now he looks husky, content and very happy. A delightful fellow, I am sure.
Love his name. He sure looks like a happy boy!
Oh, he is so happy...
He was a wisp. Now he's a pudge, Kaye!
His feelings exactly!
He is that, e.
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