Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, August 19, 2024

Perfect Sunday

I got up late this morning with my whole body aching. I think I had stress even though I didn't feel it. It's strange what the body does. And the mind. I am a person who does well in solitude, but I don't think too much of it is good for anyone and I've had several years of too much.  We had a wonderful time with Kristina, she is a hoot! She spent over four hours here, talking and making us laugh. Mark is smitten! She does not look any older than she did twelve years ago. I had met her mother and grandmother during the time Kristina was riding here. She has fantastic genes. I forgot how tall she is! Still single and quite happy that way. 

She spent some time with Zing, the one she worked with the most. These treats, which she brought with her, have she and Ari on the package. The photographer sold the photo to Purina years ago and it's been on this treat bag about fourteen years. She has a great time showing people her stardom with the fabulous WF Airs Above Ground, aka, Ari. Ari was sired by Conversano II Aloha II, a Lippizan owned by a former trainer who worked with my talented Shaka. He was out of one of my Arabian mares, Sunspot Baby. He was a star. His light went out too early, the dreaded colic, in 2014 at seventeen. Anyway.....we had a wonderful time, lunched on salad and quiche, accompanied by focaccia and zero alcohol prosecco. On the clean screened porch. A perfect day.


Pixie said...

I'm glad you had a good visit. I've always wondered why horses get colic so easily and why it's so dangerous, so I looked it up. Makes sense.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Good! You had a great visit and you probably fussed too much, relax!

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m glad you had a great visit. ❤️

Boud said...

I'm glad it went so well! Imagine her image still around, years later.

Sandra said...

Nature was unkind to them, Pixie.

Sandra said...

I didn't really fuss much, Far Side. I think it was mostly interacting with another human, other than Mark! I made myself let things be, not go into hyperdrive, as much hyperdrive as I can get to! I'm out of practice.

Sandra said...

Thanks! We really did.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Boud. It's sort of amazing to think small breeder me has a homebred horse on a major brand package and Kristina gets to be there, as well! Strange turns in life.

nick said...

Always good to have a perfect Sunday!

Sandra said...

Yes, nick!!

Rita said...

Your famous horse still on the packages! I am so glad you had such a nice visit. After a day or two of rest your body should calm down--lol! At least that is how mine operates these days. Even when I don't think I have overdone anything...just visiting with people I can wake up all sore and stiff and tired. Oh well. It is always worth it! Every minute of it. ;)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Lots of laughs and good memories to share.
Take Care,

e said...

Sounds like a happy day!

Anvilcloud said...

That is a neat connection and reconnection.

Val Ewing said...

Sounds like it was an excellent day. I firmly believe that horse friends stay friends for a very long time as there is a bond that happens!
I love that photo on the on the apple nugets!

Sandra said...

Rita, your so right, just the act of interacting causes inner tension. Monday is laundry day, so I did that and that was all I did! Better today.

Sandra said...

She can talk and talk and talk, Kaye. Mark and I had so much fun!

Sandra said...

It really was.

Sandra said...

12 years in between. I last spoke to her on the phone in 2020. I won't let that happen again.

Sandra said...

Val, mine have drifted or died. So much of it was boarders, clients, trainers and show people. None of thay exists in my life anymore.

Lori Skoog said...

Love the photo on the apple treat bag! So glad that you and Kristina were finally able to get together. Do you think Zing knew her? Such a nice reunion for you and the horses. Do you have photos of her on your horses that you would like to share?

Sandra said...

Lori, I do have photos, some I took and some the pro took. It's hard to tell with Zing, he is a very emotive horse, but I would think so. She worked with him for nearly 6 years and he loved her.

Marlane said...

LOL we are still in the midst of boarders, trainers and the like and will be until the last horse dies.

Sandra said...

It's not a bad place to be, marlane. Always something going on!

Marlane said...

That is so true

The Happy Whisk said...

Sorry the light went out too soon.