Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, August 16, 2024


This is the image that JD Vance and company hold in their small brains of "post menopausal women".

 Well, not exactly. Where are the grandchildren?


Boud said...

The cane! Always with the cane! All crooked over. Nah. I know women in their forties with grandchildren!

Sandra said...

Then there are those like you and I without any! I have the cats, though.

Boud said...

I have an honorary granddaughter. But she's beyond needing my care, senior admin at a university! She could take care of me. If she weren't two time zones away.

Anonymous said...

I think according to VD Vance women are here on earth just to do the bidding of men. I say no.

Sandra said...

I have a grand dog!

Sandra said...

We all need to say no loud and clear in the voting booth, Kaye. Can you even believe this is where we are?

Rita said...

Reminds me of some middle-eastern men I have met in my lifetime. Woman are not equal to men in any way. Basically only good for reproduction/sex, housekeeping, meals, and sometimes not even child rearing. Project 2025 plans want to have a system like that. For real! They can hardly wait. Vote! Vote! Vote!

Sandra said...

Amen to that, sister!

Anvilcloud said...

Apparently, this is more popular among male voters but not this male. Too bad I can't vote.

Sandra said...

AC, many other men are appalled by this, but if women unite, we will win. All this “policy” has been written by men.

The Happy Whisk said...

I'd make her dancing and listening to tunes and just enjoying it.

Sandra said...

And get rid of the stereotype granny look!

Marlane said...

I just started reading his biography on my ipad and it is awesome What a life !!

Miss Merry said...

I guess Mr. Vancie poo doesn't realize that "post menopausal" women are the ones who are being promoted in their jobs and working harder and longer now that they aren't paying for braces and college and childcare and are finally able to catch up on pensions and IRAS. Or is he coming up for a financial arrangement where the government is going to support us?

CheerfulMonk said...

Fingers crossed they don’t win.

Val Ewing said...

Ahhhhh. My step-daughter's husband feels just like JD. He feels women belong in the home and they are they to serve the man of the house.
I am a grandma but I sure don't fit his definition of one.
I'd say we grandma's are more like others have commented.
We dance, we ride bikes, hike, go on adventures, work hard and play hard. We are not the Grandparents of the past.

Val Ewing said...

PS...love this conversation!

Sandra said...


Sandra said...

Exactly Miss Merry. Is the salary of men going to be doubled, tripled to pay the living expenses of the man's property? The unmarried women can be the Handmaidens I guess.

Sandra said...

Everything I have is crossed. Women need to vote!

Sandra said...

OMG, Val. Does your step-daughter agree with this? I have no problem with stay-at-home-moms. Or dads. It simply needs to be a choice. Not a mandate. I'm not a grandmother, what will be done with me? Is not being a grandfather ok! Inquiring minds want to know.

Sandra said...

It's necessary, that's for sure.

Marlane said...

Sorry I need to opt out here .

Sandra said...

I'm sorry, Marlane. We all have our opinions and philosophies. I don't normally do politics on here, but it feels important enough to me to say something. I'm sorry your are offended. You do know these things are being said, I assume. Perhaps you agree with these attitudes. It is your right.

Marlane said...

Sorry My family and I are Trump and Vance supporters and personally can not believe that anyone voted for Biden.... Its ok no need to apologize I mean about me being offended. I was not offended just felt out of place . I will still read your blog, I had a great first ride on my daughter in laws Morgan horse today so happy and to help her with him. You take care.

Sandra said...

It sounds like a good time. Morgans are really good horses.

Bohemian said...

In answer to your Question at the end, she ditched those Grandkids that her asshat SIL keeps dumping the responsibility of off on her. *Winks*

Anonymous said...

I am very glad you speak up and stand up for your beliefs. These are disturbing and scary times. It is my belief that diminishing the rights of others is never right.
Take Care,

Sandra said...

😄 you know something about raising grandchildren, Dawn!

Sandra said...

I agree 100% with that belief, Kaye. Minding your own business is a simple concept.

Lori Skoog said...

Ahh yes. To each his own. I wonder about people's values and why, out of all the people on earth, they think that the current R candidates are the best the party has to offer. Why would you want a convicted felon and rapist to be your leader? And that is just the tip of the iceberg. The people who support T will also have their rights taken away. I don't get it.

Lori Skoog said...

Me too.

Val Ewing said...

She says that she will do what he wishes because she wants to make him 'happy'. I call it 29 years of mental abuse myself as she has wanted to do other things...
He hates me b/c I speak my mind and do what I want to do. My husband admires that in me.

Sandra said...

They don't get it, either, Lori. The use of god to justify the devotion to the person you just described is the ultimate disgrace upon them. The young must vote.

Sandra said...

That's sad, Val.

Anonymous said...

Remember these lyrics from a song in the 70's..."Do it in the name of heaven and you can justify it in the end.." ? That is all I can remember. It fits to today..Scary days.
Take Care, Kaye

Sandra said...

If there is a god, this god would not be pleased, Kaye.

Marlane said...

Sorry to carry this on But I feel strongly about it . In talking to my husband to clarify the Trump is a rapist issue. The charges were never proven and it was a situation where it was her word against his. She also asked for I think an 80million pay out. Thisalso happened quite a few years ago as in the Vance issue it is not current . So who do you believe ? And I am sure it is the same with the other issues. I would get my fact s straight before I made a comment on it.

Marlane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marlane said...

please read the comment below about Trump and the "rape" and if anyone can PROOVE this to be wrong it would be of interest. The same with the other supposed FACTS (sorry to this blog )end of rant.

Sandra said...

What I will ask is, do you listen to what Trump and Vance are saying?

Marlane said...

Hello Sandra I really did not want to continue with this subject. But out of respect for you I will. I do not really know how to answer this " do you listen to what Trump and Vance are saying" because I know that whatever I say , whatever logic I use will not be believed. Please let us end this Ok.

Sandra said...

Fair enough.