Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, August 23, 2024

Past Bumps Into Present

Just a coupla guys.

A dreary morning. We had rain yesterday and some this morning. No mowing in today's future. Life has been trotting along, which means time is flying by. Speaking of time flying, or flown by, my long ago friend I messaged awhile ago contacted me by messenger last evening. She was happy to hear from me and wants me to call her. So I will. I guess taking the chance was the right thing to do. It's been since about 1983. I guess that qualifies as a long time.


Pixie said...

I think 1983 was just the other day sometimes. It can't be that long ago. Hope you have a lovely day.

Val Ewing said...

I had that from a childhood friend and we met up after 40+ years of not talking since grade school. It was like we never left off.
Of course we both grew up and had families, but we still enjoy talking or texting to each other. Have a great day!

"Tommy" said...

Putting forth a lil effort in maintaining friendships is worth the effort. I see some many people isolating thier selves these days, not making an effort to stay connected. It gives me concern . I am encouraged by your blog which i have made one of my "reads"

Thanks for posting ... take care, Thompson

"Tommy" said...

Putting forth a lil effort in maintaining friendships is worth the effort. I see some many people isolating thier selves these days, not making an effort to stay connected. It gives me concern . I am encouraged by your blog which i have made one of my "reads"

Thanks for posting ... take care, Thompson

Far Side of Fifty said...

Good for you!! You reached out and she answered!

Boud said...

I had an in person meeting with an old Brit friend who visited the US after 35 years apart. She kept saying you're just the same!! You haven't changed!! I wondered if she was hoping I'd improved..

The Happy Whisk said...

Glad she got back to you. It's good to take those kinds of shots. Costs nothing to reach out.

Sandra said...

I know, Pixie! 41 years. Yikes.

Sandra said...

It was the same, like we just picked up where we left off. I said we need to FaceTime once a week and try to visit occasionally. She agreed.

Sandra said...

Thank you for being here, Thomson. I am trying to become involved with people again. I'm ok in my own company but we are social creatures to one degree or another.

Sandra said...

She did, I was shocked! I was like a little kid squeeling Terri responded. 😄

Sandra said...

You always can make me laugh, Boud!!

Sandra said...

You are right, Ivy. What is there to lose? Nothing.

peppylady (Dora) said...

What a beautiful rug.

e said...

I hope it is a great reunion!

Anvilcloud said...

It will probably go well.

Sandra said...

We had so much to talk about, e.

Sandra said...

It did. So much has happened over those years.

Sandra said...

Thank you, Dora.

Rita said...

Oh, how exciting! I am so glad she contacted you!!! Nothing to lose, for sure. Might be something good to gain. :)

Sandra said...

I really enjoyed talking to her. Hopefully she also enjoyed talking to chatty me!

The Happy Whisk said...


Lori Skoog said...

Now that! should be an interesting conversation!

Sandra said...

Lori, it was fun. I am a talker and so is she, so there was talking mayhem!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m glad you reconnected. ❤️