Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program

Back to cats.....

and food.

Yes, we have pasta in one form or another at least twice a week. There is always dinner if my pasta cupboard is full. I actually do have a pasta cupboard, no joke. I often made my own, but as with so many things, I have not for a long time. Why is it when we have more time, we don't use it? Or perhaps we use it differently. I spend too much time listening to books. Priorities change. The pasta I buy is good, why make things more complicated? Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Mark is meeting a brother for lunch at a local BBQ establishment that has made a name for itself. I'm going to use some of the smoked pork roast on a ciabatta role with maybe some havarti for my lunch. Sounds good to me.

Kristina is coming to visit this Sunday. No one here was in a socializing mood after putting Dani down, so we rescheduled. I think I will make brownies. I have a recipe I really like and don't use. I don't make baked goods, almost never. I can bake, but then we eat it and neither of us needs to do that. This recipe makes a more cake-like brownie. Oh, how I miss the days when my body didn't know how to gain weight. Alas, it learned. Well.

It's a beautiful day, I think I will finish the last bit of lawn I didn't get to and enjoy the pleasant weather. 


Far Side of Fifty said...

Priorities change as we age. We have pasta maybe once a month when we make Lasagna. Meat, potatoes, fruit and veg is what we eat. I rarely bake anything like you said we don't need the calories:)

Boud said...

I bake fairly often, and most of it goes to other people. I can eat just one piece a day without jonesing for more, so there's that.
I haven't eaten red meat in decades!

Sandra said...

Pasta is my potatoes. Potatoes and rice really raise blood sugar and I actually prefer pasta anyway! We have some form os meat a few times a week, but the portions have been cut way back. Mark especially ate too much. I make lasagna maybe 2-3 times ayear! You are ambitious.

Sandra said...

We eat mostly fish, poultry and pork. Beef once in a while. Leftover protein usually ends up in pasta. This one had half a chicken breast. A good way to use small amounts. I don't have anyone to give baked goods to, so we eat it. I don't crave sweets but if it's there, I will eat it.

Rajani Rehana said...
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Rajani Rehana said...
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Rita said...

I think it is priorities changing, for sure. ;)
I can absolutely see why you wanted to postpone. I'm sure she understood, as she sounds like a horse/critter lover, too. *hugs*

peppylady (Dora) said...

The pasta does look good.

Anvilcloud said...

I like both pasta and cats.

Sandra said...

Yes, Rita, she understood. She is a horse person.

Sandra said...

It was fresh and light.

Sandra said...

You have great taste, AC!

Val Ewing said...

My hubby is a meat and tators guy. Though he does like my lasagna and will eat chicken or pork once in a while. I prefer light easy meals like yours and he doesn't.
I could just fill up on veggies if it were my choice.

Good that you are back to your regularly scheduled program!

Sandra said...

So was Mark, Val. I introduced him to variety and some cultural differences. He was willing to take that little journey. Who would have thought the farm boy would really like eggplant!

nick said...

Jenny and I love pasta. I think most people do, but my mother for some reason disliked it. And that was despite her affection for Italy.