Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Waning August Days
Monday, August 28, 2023
Grandpa Joseph and Grandma Marie.
Wedding photo.

Saturday, August 26, 2023
A Cooler Day
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Pickle Keeper
It's still quite humid. I wish strongly that quite would become quit. I have processed one gallon bag of tomatoes this morning. This is as interesting as it's going to get, I'm afraid. Life had folded itself up for now, too damned hot (humid) to do much of anything. The horses are holding up well, maybe because their ancestry is from the desert. Mark is doing the outside labor and has held up well, too. He does take two showers a day. I forgot to mention that along with the pickling cukes Bill gave me a huge box of tomatoes and a lot of slicing cucumbers. I am under siege!
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
I have very little to say, is HOT. We had a feels like temperature of 111F yesterday, an 80 degree dew point. Right now at 8:30 AM it's 82F with a dew point of 77 degrees. I live in Minnesota, not Florida. We are not used to this and I don't want to get used to it. I'd say it's the 'new normal' but I don't think there is a normal anymore.
I got that off my sagging chest. The mini fridge is working well. I'm really pleased with it. The freezer works! It's now filled with pestos and herbs. So, even while living in hades there are some good things.
Bill brought me a large box of wild plums. Thirty years I've lived here and I did not know wild plums are all around me. There were 14 cups of plums in the box, all are in the freezer. I don't make jam or jelly, I don't use it, but I will make a galette or two with them.

Sunday, August 20, 2023
Happy Days
Saturday, August 19, 2023
Pretty Kitty
Friday, August 18, 2023
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Gone to the Cats
Monday, August 14, 2023
Another Way-Back
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Past Interest Revisited
Friday, August 11, 2023
Gobble Gobble
"If you don't follow the trends, you can never go out of style. "
From a book I was listening to. I had no idea I am so hip!
Seriously, it makes a lot of sense, in so many ways. I know there are some trends which are fun and you know won't last, but it doesn't matter. Because you like it. Mostly, though, I go my own way. My son repeated back to me a few years ago something I used to say and it stuck with him. Buy well, buy once. This was about furnishings. But it can apply to many things in our life choices. That's it for philosophy today.
Onto the day....I have chicken stock simmering and cherry tomatoes roasting. Mark made an appointment with his NP next week and is going to ask her if she would be willing to take me on as a patient. I'm ready to jump into the deep end once more.
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Isn't She Lovely
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
Pickles. Fritters. And a Cat
Mark is meeting with clients so I have the place to myself. Well...there's cats. Here's the nearly daily dose of a cat in a box. He was helping me sort through my office clutter. Very helpful, indeed.
More food talk: I haven't made zucchini fritters in years. Don't ask me why. I also shred carrot to mix with the zucchini, making it doubly good. I have a lot of zucchini so I'll be shredding some for fritters and some for freezing.This is a favorite time of year for me. I feel close to my grandma as I preserve. She was the 'Queen of Preserving Food'. No one went hungry during the Depression in her house. I also wear bib aprons, like she did.
I guess it's all about food today. We talk about what interests us, what we are doing at the time and at this time, as at most, it's food for me! I took my last bag of yellow plum tomatoes out of the freezer and plan to make a sauce. It's not the prettiest sauce but it is delicious. It's a bit cooler today so sauce on the stovetop is doable. I wish now that I had planted yellow plum tomatoes this year. Ah, well.
OK, I guess that's it. My quiet life on the farm